Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 933: Hailing King Wanyan Green

Although the whole process is a long story, in fact, all of this happened between sparks and fires. In Wanyan Liang’s eyes, he watched Gongsunzhi rushing past confidently at the last moment, and then he found his head hanging upside down in the next moment. Above the neck.

Ouyang Feng and Qiu Qianren even changed their colors. Although Gongsunzhi's character is not good, martial arts is really good. The two asked themselves to kill him. It was not an easy task. The result was so simple and clean. In Tang Kuobian's hands, the whole process seemed to have only used one trick?

"How is it possible!" Wan Yanliang blurted out, her expression suddenly changed, "Who are you anyway?"

Song Qingshu spread his hands together: "Don't the prince even recognize me? I'm Tang Kuobian."

&≤≤≤Bar, ≯.v.←p; "Of course you are not Tang Kuobian." Wan Yanliang's voice was cold, Tang Kuobian's martial arts he knew clearly, if he really had such a high martial arts, at the beginning In Kaifeng, he wouldn't be easily injured by Huang Rong's dog stick. At that time, he had specially sent a doctor to treat him and confirmed that his spine was seriously injured before he decided to send a dead soldier to take the opportunity to kill him.

Song Qing smiled: "Since I was seen through by the prince, I don't have any interest in pretending to be anymore." Then he took off the mask on his face, revealing his original appearance.

"Song Qingshu!" Wan Yanliang took a step back subconsciously. In the inn, he witnessed Song Qingshu alone beat the Mongolian masters to the ground. The scene at that time gave him too much shock, so that he is now Seeing the other party was actually a little scared subconsciously.

Empress Pei Man's complexion is also extremely wonderful, she has been waiting for Song Qingshu to appear to rescue her, but she never expected that the other party's other identity was Tang Kuobian! Suddenly she remembered that Tang Kuobian was Gebi's husband, and her heart jumped. As a result, didn't her sister-in-law and sister-in-law slept with the same man?

Daiqisi recognized him as the man who was in Wanyan’s dormitory that night, thinking that he was the only man besides her husband who let herself undress in front of him, Daiqisi felt a fever in her cheeks. . Although strictly speaking, she and Song Qingshu are enemies and not friends, but they are also enemies, and it seems a little more acceptable to fall into Wan Yanliang's hands than to fall into his hands.

However, she is not very optimistic about whether Song Qingshu can defeat Wanyanliang's side. Wanyanliang has the famous Western poison Ouyang Feng and Tiezhang on the water, Qiu Qianren, who has always been arrogant and arrogant. She was very impressed by the fact that she was killed for a long time without support in their hands.

Moreover, the guards around Wan Yanliang are also extremely powerful. They seem to have a wonderful combination of attacks. You must know that she is also a first-rate master in the rivers and lakes. If the Exterminator Tai was not relying on the Heavenly Sword, it might not be necessary. Can beat her, and as a result, the opponent's two guards joined forces and captured her within a few moves!

The minds of the two women are complicated at the moment, and the attitudes of Ouyang Feng and Qiu Qianren are also quite interesting.

For Ouyang Feng, there is no hatred between him and Song Qingshu. On the contrary, the friendship between the two can be said to be quite deep. Shenlong Island needs the help of each other to wake up from madness. He clearly remembers this kindness. . Coupled with a series of things that happened later, although the two are not friends in the traditional sense, their friendship is deeper than many friends. But today, the two sides belong to different camps. Depending on the situation, he and Wan Yanliang may not be dead. What should I do later?

Asking Ouyang Feng to work for Wan Yan Liang and fight Song Qingshu. He certainly wouldn’t do it, but Wan Yan Liang treats him not badly during this period of time. If he abandons him at this time and spreads it out, people who don’t know will only When he is afraid of a junior, it will inevitably damage his reputation as Xidu.

Ouyang Feng is known as Xidu, and is regarded by countless people as the outside of evil spirits. Of course, he sneered at these notions of loyalty, but he valued things such as face extremely, so he was caught in a dilemma.

As for Qiu Qianren, his face was much ugly at this time. He also witnessed Song Qingshu's battle against the Mongolian masters in the inn, and his heart was very shocked. Later, he was not afraid to fight with Song Qingshu because of the crowds. , But several times down, not only didn't take advantage of it, but in the end he was seriously injured by the opponent in Kaifeng. It took a few months to recover from the injury. Now he has just come back and encountered this catastrophe again.

After these few fights, although Qiu Qianren didn't want to admit it, he also understood that the gap between him and Song Qingshu was getting bigger and bigger. If he was asked to choose the most unwilling opponent in the world, Song Qingshu would definitely bear the brunt.

Wan Yanliang finally recovered from the shock. Suddenly, he thought of something, and his face became even more ugly: "That night in the mansion house...was you?"

Song Qingshu knew what he was talking about that night, and couldn't help but smiled slightly: "Yes, I didn't expect the prince to be so affectionate to me that he actually let the princess come to accompany me personally, speaking of the princess's body is really soft and soft..."

"Shut up!" Wan Yanliang's face turned green and hurriedly said, "Isn't Gobi played that night by my king over and over again..."

Song Qingshu looked at him with pity: "You now know that Tang Kuobian is a fake, do you still naively think that the one who accompanied you that night was the real Gebi? It's just the one I found from Bada Hutong. It's just a prostitute."

"Puff!" Wan Yanliang's chest rose and fell sharply, and finally couldn't hold back a spit of old blood.

Although everyone in the field didn't know what happened that night, from the conversation between the two of them, they could roughly guess eight or nine, and they looked at Wan Yan Liang with a pitiful look.

Empress Pei Man has been in the court for many years, and such things are not uncommon among the nobles, but they usually exchange Ji concubine with each other. It is the first time I have heard of someone like Wan Yanliang who exchanged his own wives. Thinking of being forced to desperate by Wan Yanliang before, she felt very happy at this moment.

Daiqisi was ashamed and angry, thinking that Song Qingshu and Wan Yanliang were not good things, she actually did such a shameless thing, but compared with the two, Wan Yanliang made his wife humiliated. Not even more of a thing.

Ouyang Feng was twitching, thinking that this kid is indeed a wonderful person. He has never been the only one who has taken advantage of others after knowing him for so long, and he has never heard of him at a loss. Alas, if he was born a few years earlier and asked Kerr to worship him as a teacher and learn a trick and a half, Kerr would not end up like that. Hey, he sees etiquette as nothing, isn't it just the best person to avenge Guo Jing and Huang Rong's couple?

Perceiving the pity of his subordinates, Wan Yanliang couldn't stand it anymore, and pointed at Song Qingshu and shouted, "Everyone, let's kill him for this king!"

The second more basic

As of twelve o'clock today, the total number of monthly tickets here is 2078 chapters, which corresponds to an additional 30 chapters. Now I have added 11 chapters, which is still 19 chapters. I will make up as soon as possible.

Finally, thank you all for your support and enthusiasm during the double monthly pass. To be honest, the number of monthly passes during this period was beyond my expectation. Thank you again!

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