Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 935: Deed

Qiu Qianren’s feelings at this time are really hard to express in words. He could not help cursing Ouyang Feng for being too unscrupulous, but he just dared to think about these words. Song Qing alone would not be able to beat him, let alone one more who was always cruel. West poison.

He also saw the opportunity quickly, knowing that Wan Yan Liang's defeat was set, and what he pursued with Wan Yan Liang was nothing but glory and wealth. How could he be so stupid that he would sell his life to the opponent?

Hearing Song Qing's inquiry, he smiled quizzically, coughed, and said solemnly: "Brother Ouyang and I have been friends for many years. We have always moved forward and retreated together, and this time is no exception."

Ouyang Feng glanced at him with a weird face, thinking about when our friendship was so good. On shamelessness, few people can compare to him, but Ouyang Feng just slandered him. At this time, it was ○○○, ∞. .□⊥.¢How can you speak out the other side?

Seeing that the master master who had paid a lot of money to come back said that he would turn his face when he turned his face, Wan Yanliang was so angry that he hurriedly grabbed Dai Qisi and Queen Pei Man beside him and stood in front of him: "The surname is Song, today this king admits I'm planted, but if you want them to survive, just let the king go."

Song Qing showed a surprised expression: "Master, did you make a mistake? These two women and I are not relatives, why should I let you off for them?"

Although Empress Pei Man knew that he had said this deliberately, she was still a little uneasy in her heart, worried that Song Qing would really cross the river to tear down the bridge, but after all, she was a figure who had experienced strong winds and waves. Knowing this time let Wan Yanliang know her intimate relationship with Song Qing , It did more harm than good, so he resisted the impulse and closed his mouth tightly.

Compared with her, Dai Qisi was much calmer, because in the end, whether she fell into the hands of Wan Yan Liang or Song Qing, it was not a good thing for her.

"Everyone knows nothing in the eyes. After Wanyanquan is dead, what role will be played by holding Queen Peiman in his hands, you and I know very well," Wanyanliang said quickly, "As for this The purple-shirted dragon king is even more overwhelming. Which man would not be tempted to see her? This king uses them in exchange for a safe departure. If you don't agree, it will be a big deal for this king and her both!"

Wan Yanliang has already decided. Today’s defeat is set. It’s boring to stay in the capital. When he leaves the capital and gather some confidant generals, he should be able to gather a reliable army. When the emperor has just died, the imperial court When the dragons have no leader, they will return to the capital, and there may not be no chance of a comeback.

Song Qing nodded: "I have to admit that what you said is very attractive, so if you let them go, I let you go."

Wan Yanliang smirked: "Are you a three-year-old kid? Without the hostages, how can the king leave alive? After the king reaches a safe place, he will naturally let them go."

Song Qing didn't comment, but instead said to Ouyang Feng and Qiu Qianren: "Can you bother you two to clean up all these messy people?"

Ouyang Feng glanced at the moraleless soldiers under Wan Yanliang, a cruel smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "No problem." His figure flashed, and various screams rang out.

Qiu Qianren was also simply, thinking that since he had already taken refuge in him, he would try his best to make a good impression on the new owner, so he rushed to the soldiers unwillingly.

Although the soldiers brought by Wan Yanliang were carefully selected, they saw all sorts of drastic changes, and knew that this defeat was set, there was no morale, they fled after seeing this, and the two master-level masters seemed to have entered the flock. In the blink of an eye, more than a hundred soldiers were slaughtered clean.

Seeing everything in front of her, Wan Yanliang was shocked and angry: "What do you mean by Song?"

Song Qing replied indifferently: "I promised to let you go, but I didn't promise to let your men go. Is there a problem?"

"Okay, hello!" Wanyan Liang was so angry that his teeth murmured, but there was nothing to do, "Then I can go now?"

"Wait a minute," Song Qing didn't know where he took out a pair of pen and paper and threw it in front of him. "Presumably the prince is planning to leave the capital later. It would be inconvenient to bring the princess by his side. Gui, I’m afraid I won’t be able to suffer so much. It’s better to leave her in the capital and I will take good care of the prince. Of course, in order to avoid misunderstanding the princess, I also ask the prince to set up a written statement so that I can take care of her just as well."

"Song, don’t deceive people too much!" Wan Yanliang was shocked and angry. Over the years, he used his power to change the way to "take care" the wives of many people. How could he not know the other side's "care" "what's going on?

Song Qing smiled faintly: "The prince has to think about it, is it really going to be for a woman, not even his life?"

Wan Yanliang's face was cloudy and uncertain, and the sorrowful meaning in the other party's words was beyond words. He knew that the other party would definitely want to find a way to kill him, so how could he dare to try it?

Thinking of waiting for a while, he must escape from the capital in the shortest possible time. Wan Yanliang knew that he might not be able to take his wife with him. Even if he did not agree, the outcome of his wife would not change in any way.

Thinking about this, he felt much better in his heart, and then gritted his teeth and agreed: "Okay, this king writes." At the same time, he secretly made an oath in his heart that when he brings his troops back to Beijing, he must be sentenced to the Song Qing nine clan and then he All of the women insulted countless times in order to relieve the hatred in the heart.

The rest of the people in the field witnessed all this, and their faces were weird.

Ouyang Feng thought that Song Qing, this kid sometimes is not as good as a gentleman, and sometimes shamelessly, that clever means can't even compare to people like Wan Yanliang. It seems that looking for Guo Jing and Huang Rong for revenge is really going to fall on this kid.

Qiu Qianren twitched his face, but he was more happy in his heart. In this troubled world, blindly being a good person is useless, and only the better-minded person can have the last laugh. He doesn't want to experience something like this again today. Although he has never been a loyal person, who is willing to do more things like changing the door?

Empress Pei Man was worried. Wan Yanliang also knew a little about the mischievous things in these years. Now that she deserves this retribution, she is mainly shocked by Song Qing's series of harsh methods. In her heart, Song Qing is just a perfect lover and a cultivator. After she is pregnant, the value of the other party can only be considered as better than nothing. She originally wanted to be a queen dowager who is in charge of politics, but now it seems that , I'm afraid this plan is destined to end without disease.

Daiqisi was suspicious of her previous judgment. Is it really better to fall into the hands of this man than to fall into the hands of Wan Yanliang?

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