Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 937: King over the world

It’s really strange to say that even in the face of Xidu Ouyang Feng, Qiu Qianren is not so afraid. Although the opponent's martial arts is better than him, the gap between the two sides will not be too big, and he can run if he can't beat it. Ouyang Feng Can't catch up with him. [[{

But if it was Song Qingshu, Qiu Qianren didn't even have the confidence to escape, so he could only say that he was jealous of Ouyang Feng, but he had a kind of inner fear for Song Qingshu.

Song Qingshu roughly guessed what he was thinking. After being funny, he hurriedly comforted him a few words, let him and Ouyang Feng rest at ease, he took Empress Pei Man and Dai Qisi into the emperor's palace.

"The son is really good calculation." After Song Qingshu unlocked the acupuncture points of Queen Pei Man, she couldn't help but said quietly.

"Niang Nianghe said this." Song Qingshu asked with a smile.

"My palace notified the son early in the morning, but the son didn't show up. After watching Yan Liang kill the emperor, then get rid of Wanyan Zongxian and Zongmin, and then you come out to take advantage of the fishermen, so that the kingdom of Jin will have great power in the future. It's all in the hands of the prince. Isn't this a good calculation?"

Empress Pei Man's face was a bit ugly. She had long noticed from her intelligence network that the situation today was a bit weird, so on the one hand, she secretly strengthened her guard, and on the other hand, she notified Song Qingshu through secret channels.

As a result, she did not expect Wan Yanliang to have such a big handwriting, and she was somewhat unprepared. After several big fires in the palace, her power in the palace might have been wiped out; the prime minister left and Yan Zongmin died. She lost her biggest ally in the court, and her control over the court has dropped to a freezing point. More importantly, her greatest political capital is the identity of the queen, but now the emperor Wanyan is dead, she What kind of queen?

Song Qingshu was silent, all this was indeed in his plan, and he swept away the senior level of Jin Guo with Yan Liang's knife, and then came out to pick peaches. He had no regrets about this.

If, according to Queen Pei Man’s plan, she is just a breeder, she will become pregnant and have legal inheritance to the throne. After that, he will be of little value. From the perspective of getting along with these days, Queen Pei Man is a control over power. For those who are extremely lustful, she will be able to tolerate both of her own words at that time.

Seeing him acquiesce, Queen Pei Man felt even more uncomfortable, and said coldly: "It's just that you count everything, but you haven't counted one thing."

"What's the matter?" Song Qingshu asked strangely.

"Although you have swept away the entire power center, but now the emperor has died, according to the system the throne will be succeeded by Xu Wangwanyan, and in the end you will only make wedding dresses for others." Empress Pei Man showed a trace of her face. The strange flushing color, apparently seeing Song Qingshu miscalculate, she was also very happy.

"Who said that the emperor died?" Song Qingshu smiled strangely, took out the mask that had been prepared from his arms and put it on his face, Huo Ran was standing there.

"You..." Empress Pei Man pointed at him, and she was a little bit speechless. Then she remembered that the other party was pretending to be Tang Kuobian during this period of time, and no one in the entire capital recognized it. "It turns out. You've done everything well."

Song Qingshu reached out and hooked her chin, a playful smile appeared at the corner of her mouth: "We cooperate with each other. From now on, I will be the emperor. You will continue to be your queen and jointly hold the power of the Kingdom of Jin. I don't know what you want? "

"Can I still refuse." Empress Pei Man gave a wry smile. She has been in the palace for so long, and she is no longer a naive girl. The other party said nicely, what two people are in power together, but this time she took the opportunity to cut her own palace. With two arms outside the palace, she will be alone and widowed. Apart from the name of a queen, she has any power to speak of.

However, she still did not refuse. After all, this was the best result. In case she annoyed the other party, she was not sure whether she could save her life. After all, one emperor and several princes and ministers were already dead tonight, and one more queen died. It doesn't seem to be a big deal either.

Daiqisi was sitting aside and witnessing all this, and a huge wave was already surging in her heart. She knew that since the other party had let her know this shameless secret, she might be destined to die.

Empress Pei Man also noticed her at the same time, and she did not know where to drew a dagger and walked towards her: "Today's matter is of great importance. I will kill this **** first." Because of her identity as Mrs. Peach Blossom, Empress Pei Man has been there for many years. She didn't take less jealousy, and she had long waited to get rid of it soon.

Dai Qisi's face was pale, and now she was not afraid of anything, she closed her eyes directly.

However, the imaginary pain did not come, instead, Song Qingshu's voice rang in his ears: "I keep her only useful."

Queen Pei Man said angrily: "What is it, do you also crave the beauty of this slut?" She and Mrs. Peach Blossom have been fighting for more than ten years, but she doesn't want to change men and continue to fight.

"I don't seem to have to explain too much to you. If you want to think like this, you can do it." Song Qingshu said coldly.

Empress Pei Man was shocked and worried that she was really annoying him, so she had to withdraw her dagger, sulking in anger, Song Qingshu stopped talking, and sat on the dragon chair where only Wanyan Quan was qualified to sit on weekdays and closed her eyes. Seems to be waiting for some news.

Not long after, news from the palace 6 continued. Pucha Ahudi’s soldiers heard that Wanyan Liang had failed and no longer had the fighting spirit. They put down their weapons and surrendered. Pucha Ahudi soon surrendered to the palace. He seized control, and then hurriedly ran to the Hall of Ren Zheng to greet the emperor.

Song Qingshu dealt with him a few words at will, and let him go down to stabilize the security of the palace. During the whole process, Pucha Ahute did not see any flaws, and did not know that the emperor had changed a person.

News also came from Wanyanping that she led the army of Chengbei Camp and defeated Wanyanliang's direct line of troops, and is now sweeping away some Hailing Remaining Party in the capital.

There were so many incidents that night. The streets and alleys in the capital were full of troops. Man Chaowu didn’t even know that there was a major incident. But the situation was unknown in the middle of the night. In addition to the fact that the army was everywhere outside, everyone was worried about burning their bodies, so they agreed. The land adopted the strategy of keeping the gate of the palace tightly closed and protecting oneself wisely, but everyone was speculating about what happened, and even began to doubt whether the morning dynasty would be held normally tomorrow.


When the sky was faintly bright, there was a bell calling for a group of ministers in the palace, answering the doubts of a group of people, whispering in twos and threes along the way, guessing what happened last night, and finally when they were in the hall, The top positions were all vacated, and I was even more shocked.

After the crowds arrived, Song Qingshu came out with a complete face, looking at the scene where His Highness knelt down and screamed Long Live. For the most part, he had experience in the early Qing Dynasty, and couldn't help but feel excited— —

The foundation is first

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