Flower Stealing Master

Chapter 941: Beauty scheming

Song Qingshu had a headache. Pucha Alihu's requirements were obviously different. It was necessary for Wanyanliang to witness the effect of revenge. This is too much...

As if seeing the other party’s rejection, Pucha Alihu bit his lip and threw a bargaining chip that Song Qingshu could hardly refuse: “As long as the benefactor helps the concubine this time, from now on, even if the concubine is a mother and daughter Being a cow and a horse will also repay your benefactor’s great kindness. ︾︾︾︾,"

Song Qingshu's heart was upset when he heard it. He looked at Pucha Alihu's charming and mature face, and then at the young and beautiful Wanyan who stood aside, his heartbeat speeded up uncontrollably.

Pucha Alihu continued: "If the concubine body is not wrong, if the benefactor wants to completely control the power of the court next, he must win over the Pucha family and the kings of the Taizong line. This concubine body and the rejuvenation can be used for the benefactor. Solve problems."

Song Qingshu realized that he wanted to make a difference when he heard this, and secretly despised himself, but this Daxing mansion didn't know how many men secretly thought about the pair of stunning widows and widows. It seemed normal to want to make a difference.

"I need to think about this matter." Although Pucha Alihu's suggestion was tempting, Song Qingshu did not agree to it. After all, this matter was too unbelievable, and he had to adopt a procrastination technique.

Because Gebi and Wan Yanping had already gone to find Yan Liang to settle their accounts, Pucha Alihu and Zhongjie could not go to the dressing house for the time being, and had to stay in the palace for a while, so they took the opportunity to visit the palace. Some concubines, the Pucha family and the royal family were married, and Wanyan Chongjie was a descendant of Taizong, and was closely related to many people in the palace. Because of the loss of power, they rarely entered the palace and moved around. Now, there is the Song Qingshu. The big patron can finally visit friends in the palace on their own.

After visiting several people in a row, Pucha Alihu took his daughter while no one was paying attention, and said, "Mother is going to find a chance to marry you to him."

Wanyan Chongjie was stunned immediately: "Who will you marry?"

Pucha Alihu gave his daughter an angry look: "Who are you marrying?"

Wanyan Chongjie finally reacted, his face flushed suddenly: "Why should I marry him? Do I have to use this method to repay my gratitude?"

Pucha Alihu fondly stroked his daughter's head, and sighed quietly, "Do you think my mother did this to repay her kindness?"

"Isn't it?" Wan Yan Chongjie couldn't help but curl her lips. She was curious about Tang Kuobian's mystery before, and later was overwhelmed by the power of Song Qingshu. At the same time, she avenged him for helping her mother and daughter. Very grateful, but these good feelings are not enough to make her have the urge to marry each other.

"Of course not," Pucha Alihu shook his head. "We are orphans and widows. After all, we can't afford a family. You are going to marry. Now the power of the court has fallen into his hands. With him, we can ensure the glory of our family for several generations, and it may even exceed the grand occasion of your grandfather and father."

"Moreover, we have a very good relationship with him now, but it is obvious that he does not trust us, and no one knows what will happen in the future. Only through marriage can he be completely relieved, and at the same time It ensures our safety. Also, you don't want the Three Corpse Brain Pill in your body to attack in the future." It is Pucha Ali who is used to the storm, but when he thinks of the horrible medicine, his expression is still a little pale.

Wanyan Zhongjie's face was also a little ugly, and he couldn't help but snorted: "I don't believe that he will be so cruel that he will not give us the antidote."

Pucha Alihu recalled Song Qingshu’s beautiful and handsome face, as well as the clear eyes. In fact, she agreed with her daughter’s judgment, but after all, she was not a teenage girl. She often made decisions more cautiously and rationally. Everything is on top of some vague feelings.

"Actually, what my mother told you just now is not the real reason. The reason why I am so anxious to let you marry him..." Pucha Ali paused, without explaining directly, instead, the conversation changed, "Although he is now The emperor of the Kingdom of Jin, but he is destined to be the emperor only as Wanyanquan. In the future, the throne will always be passed on to the descendants of the Wanyan clan, but since he is the emperor, how can he pass on the throne to others? He has nothing to do with him? So the greatest possibility, in the end he will pass on the throne to his son"

"But Gebi and Wanyanping sisters also know that he is impersonating the emperor. Although they love Song Qingshu and will not reveal his identity, they are never willing to be the sinners of the Wanyan clan and let the throne fall into other bloodlines. Hands."

"If the mother is not bad, in the end, under the game, the two sides will definitely choose the best of both worlds, and that is to pass the throne to a son of Song Qingshu and the prince of the Wanyan family."

Wanyan Chongjie was dizzy, and subconsciously replied: "Mother, you can think far-reaching, but what does this have to do with your daughter?"

Pucha Alihu wanted to give his daughter a violent shudder and knocked her on the head. Her own daughter was smart, but she was all used in martial arts and quirky spirits. She was born in a royal family, but she knew nothing about politics, nor did she know anything about politics. Know whether to cry or laugh.

"Of course there is a relationship!" Pucha Alihu hurriedly explained, "From the current situation, Gebi and Wanyanping have the closest relationship with Song Qingshu. Not surprisingly, they will eventually choose to inherit the throne with one of Song Qingshu's sons. , But the nominal husband of Gebi is Tang Kuobian, and it is difficult to hide it from the sky in practice, so the most likely one is the son of Wan Yanping and Song Qingshu."

"But there is no absolute thing in the world. Wanyanping is of royal blood. Are you not the same? As the granddaughter of Emperor Taizong, if you give birth to a son with Song Qingshu, you will inherit the throne regardless of blood or jurisprudence. No one’s priority will be lower than Wan Yanping’s son.”

"So you can choose whoever is the emperor in the end, so what affects the final result is Song Qingshu's preference and preferences. Reverse, you have inherited the beauty of your mother, and you have a blue posture. In this respect, it is better than Wan Yanping. With innate advantages, if you try to win Song Qingshu's favor at that time, how can Wan Yanping beat you?"

Wanyan Chongjie was stunned. She couldn’t figure it out before, not because she was stupid, but because she didn’t think about it. Now that her mother got it through, she instantly understood the stakes, and then she had to admire her. Foresight.

"But mother, you have a thousand calculations, you have calculated one thing wrong." Wan Yan Zhongjie was keenly aware of the biggest loophole in the mother's plan.

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