"Milady... Milady please wake up.. School's ending." I let out a yawn before stretching. Whilst stretching, I tilted too much on one side and fell. I quickly cast a levitation spell before my back hits the ground. I gently lowered myself in the soft grass. I pat myself to get rid of the things on me. I stood up and looked at them.

"Do you guys want to come by a cafe? My treat since you guys served me well." They nodded and we all headed back to class to ger our bags. We made small chat along the route to the cafe and finally reached it. It was pretty simple, a big window with potted plants along with a warm and cozy atmosphere. The bell chimed as we went in.

"Julie, I'm coming around. You two get your seats first. I'll join you guys soon. They nodded and headed for their own seats. I headed for the staff room to meet Julie there. Once I put down my bag by the side, she tackled me to the ground. There comes her signature playful smile.

"You brought friends? So have you found your love?" I pushed her off weakly, remaining the stoic face.

"No such thing Julie." I stood up and went to the locker with my uniform in it. I put it on and did some adjustments to my hair. I tied my hair into a tight bun and left the room. Taking the menu in hand, I went up to the two.

"May I take your order?" The two were shocked as they saw me.

"Milady? Is that you? You look so different." I let out a chuckle.

"Yes but you shall call me Ray whenever I'm in this." I opened the menu to show them our items.

"I recommend our signature strawberry cake and hot chocolate. If you're willing to try out something new, we do provide things like the matcha waffles along with the blue beach." They nodded as they listened onto my recommendation for them and decided to go with the strawberry shortcake for Lara and the Blue Beach for Walton. I bowed down before taking my leave. When I reached the counter, Niles was there smirking.

"You know, don't you ever wish you were born as a boy? You attract our customers so well." I gently smacked his head with the menu and sighed.

"You would attract them too if you stopped slacking and did something. Anyways, I will go take in the other customers." I went towards the door and greeted the ladies there.

"Welcome to Flowers. A table of 3 I presume?" They nodded, some even blushing too. I led them to their table and took their order.

"Thank you for stopping by here. What makes you come here?"

"Of course you Ray~ Who wouldn't want to see a hard-working boy at work? Also Ray is fairly handsome too." One of the ladies said with a gentle smile.

"Thank you for your praise, I will go send your orders to the kitchen now. Please do excuse me." I bowed down and sent the order to the kitchen.

"Yo, here's the cake and beach. I'll send the other one so you get to spend some time. I included a flower in there for you." He places a pink coloured drink on the tray and passes the tray to me. I took the tray to where Walton and Lara were sitting and sat down with them. The beautifully decorated items were set on the table before I sent the tray back to the kitchen.

"The blue beach is a refreshing drink where you can taste the breeze of the beach. Our signature strawberry is a sponge cake layered with strawberries from the Asian regions. Have a good taste~" I sat down and saw their reactions as they tasted it.

Their faces exploded with facial expressions. I chuckled as they wolfed down their meal.

"Calm down, it isn't going to go anywhere." They nodded and calmed down. Though once they did, both of them started singing endless praises about how good it tastes. I took a sip of mine, memories coming back in a flood. I shook my head, not waiting to cry in front of them and to enjoy this time spent. I paid the bills for them even though they insisted that they paid for their own items.

"I said I would treat you guys didn't I? Don't take this for granted." Walton and Lara both nodded as they watched me pay for it.

"Milady! Today I had fun today, thank you for treating me and Walton a meal! I hope to come back soon!" With her bubbly appearance now, the shy and timid girl was gone. She was like a sunflower, shining and standing brightly like the sun.

"I'm glad you like it, don't tell the others in school though. They don't need to know about this." They nodded snd both headed off in their own directions. I went inside to meet with Julie and Niles. Julie once tackled me to the ground and laughed.

"You did great today Ray. You can have the day off tomorrow to rest." I thanked her as I pushed her off and changed back into my school uniform.

"You should try wearing the female uniform sometime Ray. You would look stunning in it."

"Not interested. The male uniform is so much easier to move in and more functional than the female one. And Ray was built on a male character. I can't suddenly change my character Julie." Julie came over and gave me a pat. She hugged me and my tears flowed. It was tough holding up a front, not wanting to cry in front of people.

"Thank you Julie. I will take my leave now." She nodded and gave me the signal to teleport back home.

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