I sighed heavily and looked at the school courtyard. Tiny wizards and wizardress practicing their magic. But what caught my eye was interesting. Nearby by almost each wizard, there seemed to be a servant of some sorts. Then it clicked. The school implemented a system where one can get a servant as long their ranking in the magic ranking is higher than them.

Being number 2, my choices were endless, except for Raymond that is. The number of servants anyone can take limitless, though it's usually seen as a sign of arrogance to have many servants. The number can be depicted by the number of light blue lines across the cape, though some can don't wish to show their capes.

I hated this system. It made me sick to think about people being turned to servants. Just because they're lower ranked doesn't mean they can't show what they got. Anything can be improved as long they worked hard enough. My heels clicked against the floor as I turned around. My white cape flowing in the wind along with my locks of hair.

As I walked through the school halls, everyone's attention was on me. It was like the most rare thing, the Queen not having a servant. The comments were mixed.

"I want to be her servant~" "Are you nuts? You haven't heard of her being scary?" "I wouldn't want to get close to her one bit..."

I let out another sigh and scanned through the hallway. Maybe it is time for me to get one. However, I should make of a list on what I desire in a servant. Mostly a person to talk to I guess. Slowly opening the door was becoming an easier task. Though it goes against my instincts. I sighed and took a nap till school is over.

- Time skip till after school -

The school bell rung throughout the whole school. Students running around excitedly wanting to go home or go out. I walked around again in search for a friend. I passed by the courtyard once again to see a tiny human standing there. I leaned over the open window and concentrated onto the human.

It was a guy, roughly 175cm in height. His black hair still shining in the afternoon sunlight. It looked like he was practising a spell and from the small murmurs, it looked like a lightning spell. Beads of sweat were glistening like small jewels moving down his face.

I took my broom and activated it. I flew down as fast as I could before he could try it again.

"Your hand is too shaky. Take deep breaths and cast it. Do not hesitate as the wand will sense your hesitation." He looked at me for a while. His sky blue eyes piercing my whole body. He shook his head and focused on it.

His hand much more steadier, his stance of a calm wizard. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes before saying the spell. A ball of lightning appeared at the tip of the wand, blinding anyone who stares directly into it. He opened his eyes once more, determination filling those very eyes. He lifted the wand a tad bit and the lightning ball shot off, leaving a burnt patch of ground.

He turned around and looked at me again. His sky blue eyes embedded with small jewels shined as he thanked me.

"No problem, but from my perspective, you could have blown up the whole field if I didn't interfere. You were too nervous." He gave out a nervous laugh and rubbed his head. I took this time to look at his features.

His black hair his little curls while some of the strands were straight. Almost near-white perfect teeth with a bedazzling smile. It really does make me wonder how is he not taken.

"What's your rank?"

"A-ah... I'm ranked 578th Milady." He takes a bow as I tried to take in the information. 578th was quite low, no wonder he was practicing.

"Then would you like to come under my wing? I can tutor you how to cast spells." He looked surprised as if something miraculous happened. The King nor Queen never asks for anything. So to him, it was a miracle.

He took her hand and kissed the top of it. His normal but deep voice seeping through.

"If Milady accepts this lowly servant, I will stay by your side and forevermore." I quickly retrieved my hand and blushed. I never received such intimate contact with a human. However, the thing wasn't official because the servant needed to have the mark of the Alphonse on him.

With the sun setting, the sky was painted with orange and a bit of yellow, making it a beautiful sight. We both said our goodbyes and left separately to our houses.

Though... The next day was pretty noisy. The news apparently spread so fast I couldn't keep up. The next thing I knew, the guy transferred into my class.

"Nice to meet you all. My name Walton Delbert. I'm transferred here because I'm now a servant." He takes a 90° bow and scanned the area before seeing me. The teacher had made arrangements beforehand so the seat next to me would be empty. He happily sat next to me and smile.

"Thank you Milady for giving me this opportunity. I hope to serve you well in the near future." Throughout the day we made small talks towards one another which made me forget the pain I was going through.

"Walton Delbert. You have passed the test I have set for you. What I was looking for someone to talk to instead of a servant. Just for now, I'll let go of my pride and say thank you." His eyes widened as I spoke and held my hands gently.

"I thank you Milady, for taking me in. I'm willing to spend my lifetime with you." I nodded and prepared myself for the servant ceremony.

I distanced myself from him and summoned a magic circle.The white magic circle appeared as Walton stood in the middle of it. Small white fireballs with black swirls came to surround Walton as I chanted the spell.

"Walton Delbert, you have passed the test I have set. Now I command thee, become my servant for the rest of your lifetime!" One of the fireballs made an imprint on Walton's hand. When the fireball lifted, it showed a symbol.

The symbol was a small fireball with black intricate designs surrounding it. The servant ceremony has ended and the circle disappeared. I took a deep breath before my legs gave out. Before I could hit the ground, Walton caught me and lifted me up.

"Thank you Walton."

"I'll serve by your side from now on." At this moment, I felt warmth from the inside and smiled a tiny bit.

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