Fog Survival

Chapter 1071 Multiple Beast Souls

The last stop for everyone was to go to Qin Zhenjun's residence - [Beast Valley Plain].

Qi Yuan was still very curious about Qin Zhenjun's gains over the years, and he was very optimistic about the road of beast puppet soul.

When everyone arrived, they saw a towering mountain range on this vast grassland, surrounded by a circular valley, which looked similar to Qin Zhenjun's former shelter, but with a larger area and higher mountains.

Before getting close, you can hear the soul-stirring roar of wild beasts.

Qin Zhenjun led everyone into the cave and introduced to everyone calmly: "In fact, since I moved here, I have cleared out many useless souls, leaving only a few with the strongest potential."

Qi Yuan was stunned for a moment: "The few with the strongest potential? Isn't soul breeding about reproduction and inheritance? Does it also require the original quality?"

"It requires, and the requirements are quite strict. The stronger the blood of the beast, the stronger the energy accumulated in each generation after the soul is in the cave. It may not be seen in one or two generations, but once accumulated, the difference in the strength of the beast soul will be very large."

"I see."

After a conversation, everyone realized that the souls in Qin Zhenjun's hands were finally only ten kinds.

One of them was the black-scaled giant wolf that was hunted in the distant star spirit land of the misty world. The blood inheritance of this beast is particularly high, and the quality of its offspring is also very good. It is called the Molin clan.

The overall strength of the Molin clan is very strong, and the number of reproduction is very large, reaching more than 3,500 in total. The strength generally reaches the late rare level.

The Molin clan leader who has a beast soul has reached the peak of the perfect level, and the strength of the beast soul itself has reached half a step beyond the ordinary.

If it accumulates for a period of time, it should be able to reach the extraordinary level smoothly.

The situation of most other races is similar. The strength of the clan members is not very strong, but the clan leader generally reaches the peak of the perfect level, and the beast soul generally reaches half a step beyond the ordinary.

Although the number of perfect levels is not large, the quality of the beast soul is terribly high.

Among these ten races, three species are very strong, and they have more than one beast soul and clan leader.

First of all, it is the descendant of the former Rat King!

This is the earliest beast to start to contain spirits. The individual strength is not strong. The only advantage is that the reproduction ability is extremely strong. In just a few decades, the number has reached nearly one million.

Although they cannot be seen on the ground, the entire underground space is almost completely occupied by rats. It is an extremely powerful team under Qin Zhenjun.

For example, this race has bred a total of 5 beast souls, all of which have reached the half-step extraordinary level. They are the 5 strongest rats.

Even Qi Yuan was stunned. He didn't expect that the same race would actually breed a full five beast souls. It was simply incredible.

But soon, Qin Zhenjun explained the reason.

The process of the emergence of beast souls is actually a virtuous cycle. The first time it appears is the most difficult process because the conditions are extremely harsh.

It must be from the same litter, and twins with the same outstanding talents must appear. Because of their unequal talents, both are top talents. The beast soul cannot make a choice for a while, so it will be split into two and breed the second beast soul.

First of all, the possibility of twins is already very low, and they must be twins with the same outstanding talents, then the probability is even lower.

Fortunately, this problem is easier to solve for the rat clan, because they have five or six babies in each litter, and the first condition is very easy to meet.

At the beginning, there were two equally talented offspring in a litter of young rats. Both of them absorbed the blood energy of other brothers and sisters, and from then on they were qualified to control the beast soul at the same time.

So at this time, the second beast soul appeared in this race, and it was controlled by the brother and sister rats at the same time.

After mating, the blood of the two gifted rat kings merged, and they were both beast soul controllers, so the quality of their offspring was also very high.

There was even a perfect-level offspring at one time, which greatly improved the strength of the entire race and accelerated the accumulation of beast soul strength.

It was at this time that Qin Zhenjun discovered another possibility of the emergence of new beast souls.

That is the offspring of two beast soul owners. If a beast soul owner appears with a talent that is not inferior to that of the parents, or even surpasses that of the parents, but because the parents have never died, the original beast soul cannot be inherited. In order to preserve this bloodline, the race must have transformed into a third beast soul.

Like the rat group, the three beast souls behind all appeared in this situation, and the bloodline quality is much higher than that of their parents.

If it weren't for the short time for the beast soul to accumulate strength, their strength would probably surpass their parents and become true extraordinary strongmen.

Five beast soul owners in the family also shocked everyone.

At this time, Qin Zhenjun said another more incredible situation.

These races after the soul is infused, the existence of the beast soul owner is very special. It is the king of the entire race. It is almost indifferent and cruel to the ordinary members at the bottom, and can kill them at will, with almost no feelings.

However, if there are two beast soul owners of the same species, the relationship between the two will be very good.

For example, these five rat kings with beast souls are not divided, but live together like a small family.

For them, each other is the real family, and they have emotions that only humans have, and they will even protect and help each other.

Even the beast soul owners of different races have very good relationships with each other, communicating with each other and supporting each other.

This phenomenon actually represents many meanings.

If the various races after the soul is regarded as a whole group, then the ordinary group without beast souls is just a tool, and only the individuals who truly possess beast souls are the real members of this group.

This also made Qin Zhenjun understand that the future development direction must be from the same group, breeding more individuals with beast souls!

It is not like before, converting many races into beast puppet souls, which is not only time-consuming and laborious, but also slow to improve strength with only one beast soul.

However, if a situation like a rat group is formed, then the number of beast souls that appear in the same race will be greatly increased in the future.

It is for this reason that Qin Zhenjun cleared out most of the tribes and left these ten species that were most likely to have multiple beast souls.

In addition to the rat group, there are two other tribes that also have at least one beast soul owner.

The second one is a being that Qi Yuan is very familiar with - Mo Lin!

That is, the race formed after humans incarnated their souls. Its representative is Mo Lin, who fought on behalf of human civilization 50 years ago and is extremely powerful.

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