Fog Survival

Chapter 1086 1000 Worlds

However, in this newly created micro-world, Qi Yuan divided it again, dividing it into 1,000 micro-worlds of 100 acres each, which were isolated from each other.

Afterwards, the people of the original world of luck were forcibly dispersed into these 1,000 micro-worlds, allowing them to reproduce again.

And named it "Daqian World of Luck".

The role of "Daqian World of Luck" is very simple, which is to use the huge number of micro-worlds of luck to expand the total number of people to the greatest extent, thereby increasing the total amount of luck.

If the number of luck is large enough, a son of luck will be accumulated, and this son of luck must have outstanding talents and talents.

Afterwards, Qi Yuan thought for a long time, and on the basis of the original 1,000 micro-worlds of luck, he added a higher-level "Ascension Realm".

If there is a being that occupies 90% of the luck in the 1,000 micro-worlds, he will be eligible to enter the "Ascension Realm".

In this way, he can plunder the luck of the son of luck in the "Ascension Realm" and further increase his upper limit.

After this arrangement, there is an extremely long waiting time.

Although there were not many people at the beginning, with the help of the authority of time, time was like a rushing river, and soon passed a long time.

The development of these 1,000 micro-worlds is different. Some of them embarked on a dynasty civilization similar to the previous one, and an extremely powerful king was born, becoming a lucky gatherer in this world and leading a dynasty to continue to develop.

Some of them also embarked on the path of fantasy civilization, and the situation of numerous sects began to appear inside. The pride of the sky in each sect emerged, and began to plunder each other's weapons and embarked on an invincible road.

In the world of the immortals, there appeared a structure of the immortals, where families and forces competed with each other to become carriers of luck and became the strongest in the process of mutual conquest.

There were also cities and countries similar to modern times, and the genius young man stood at the top of the world in rounds of competition.

In addition to these human civilizations, what surprised Qi Yuan the most was that the humans in some micro worlds were hunted by beasts and other creatures, and eventually the beasts mastered the power of luck.

For example, in a micro world, a creature similar to apes eliminated humans in the process of development and became the owner of the luck of this world. Under the guidance of generations of sons of luck, it developed more and more prosperously and became a powerful civilization.

In another world, humans were eliminated by a group of ants called "crystal marrow ants", and this unique ant inherited the luck and formed an extremely large ant empire.

What's even more terrifying is that this is an extremely unique ant. The structure in their brain is similar to a computer crystal, and they have extremely strong thinking and computing power.

When they had the Son of Fortune, they improved their brain development, thus having stronger wisdom and computing power.

Strictly speaking, they are more like a modern mechanical civilization than humans. They use brain waves to communicate with each other, and have extremely strong cooperation, calculation, communication, and creativity.

And what's even more shocking is that they did not appear by hunting each other. The Son of Fortune, when a Son of Fortune died, they would elect the next Son of Fortune by themselves and continue the development of civilization in a peaceful way.

This further increased their development speed, with almost no stagnation period, and their comprehensive combat power was extremely strong.

Qi Yuan even found that one of the civilizations was destroyed by the mechanical puppet he created, creating a unique mechanical puppet civilization.

Although there are not many unique civilizations like this among the 1,000 "Great Thousand Fate Civilizations", they do exist after all, showing the diversity of this world.

Moreover, the huge number of worlds also makes the number of fates grow larger and larger.

Qi Yuan also has the power of fate, so he can clearly feel that groups of high-quality fates are concentrated in these worlds, exuding an attractive fragrance.

And after a short time, these worlds began to appear extraordinary existence, and the level of civilization was also raised to a new height. Although there was no existence similar to Jun, various proud sons of heaven emerged in an endless stream, reaching an unprecedented heyday.

In many civilizations, the total number of people living has reached hundreds of millions, which is almost the limit of a 100-acre micro-world. It is difficult to continue to expand.

At this time, it is the time for the Ascension Realm to appear.

During the period of their development, Qi Yuan was not idle, and the Ascension Realm was not completely useless. Instead, it used this period to continuously absorb the luck power that overflowed from various worlds.

Because, when every existence with luck died, or when the luck was plundered, a small amount of luck would overflow and dissipate into this world.

Although the luck that overflowed each time was small, it happened too many times, so this was also an extremely vast amount of luck power.

And Qi Yuan used the formation created by Jun and arranged it in the "Ascension Realm" to collect all the luck that overflowed from these 1,000 micro-worlds.

After this period of accumulation, the accumulated amount was almost equal to the total amount of luck in 1,000 worlds, which had reached an almost abnormal level.

Moreover, because it was gathered in one world, the concentration was terrifyingly strong, giving birth to rivers and mountains with the power of luck, and even some unique plants and life bred by luck.

For individuals who cultivate luck, this place is like a paradise, a paradise for them to improve their strength, and a new world.

Therefore, when the passage to the Ascension Realm is opened, the sons of luck who account for more than 90% of the luck in each micro-world will feel the extremely strong power of luck at the same time.

The strong attraction makes almost all the sons of luck start to explore and enter this resource-rich world.

Except for a few worlds that are not qualified, almost 900 sons of luck gathered in the Ascension Realm at the same time, making this originally silent world alive.

Disputes started on this land!

Since we are on the road of luck, there will always be struggle and competition. The road we have walked along must be to compete with the same sons of luck and plunder each other's luck.

Even though they are all the most powerful and accomplished people in their respective worlds, they are just one of the countless people in the Ascension Realm.

When more than 900 people with talents, talents, wisdom, and luck gather together, an epic war officially begins.

Qi Yuan calls it the first "Battle of the Fortune of the Great Thousand Worlds".

In the end, there must be a being who plunders all the fortune, including the fortune of the son of fortune in his world, and the fortune accumulated in the Ascension Realm.

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