Fog Survival

Chapter 1112 King

However, Jun's ambition is greater than he imagined!

When Qi Yuan was studying the micro world, he also created several micro worlds. As a result, after handing over this part of the power to Jun, the number of micro worlds increased rapidly.

In just one year, tens of thousands of them were added, and various kinds of training and research on various technologies were carried out. The number was so large that Qi Yuan could remember them clearly.

However, since he chose to trust Jun, Qi Yuan also gave him power and let him do whatever he wanted.

He was able to suppress Jun in many ways. Whether it was blood, luck, aura... and other aspects, Jun was out of his control.

Moreover, it must be said that with the assistance of these worlds, Jun's research scope became wider and wider, fully demonstrating his strong research ability.

In addition to the original benefits of formations, elixirs, etc., when Jun came into contact with a wider world, his vision was completely opened, and he had to start researching some new technologies.

For example, modern machinery, biological genes, blood fusion, and resurrection of the dead.

These technologies are research projects that Qi Yuan has studied and achieved certain results, and have great potential.

When Jun came into contact with these, he began to indulge in them, led a group of geniuses from the world of luck, established his own research room, and began to explore various technologies.

Compared with fighting and killing, this genius who has lived for tens of thousands of years is obviously more interested in research.

And in a very short period of time, through his strong learning ability, he has a deep understanding of these technologies and gradually put them into use.

In the subsequent production of puppets, he also integrated modern machine technology into it, making the manufacture of armor more reasonable, exerting his combat power, and the efficiency of energy have been greatly improved.

Jun also mastered the technology of genes and blood.

Some inhumane animal experiments were easy for Jun to do. Qi Yuan felt horrified when he saw them. He was afraid that he would study some strange species.

However, after studying for too long, Jun gave up this kind of human intervention and stopped the experiment of creating horrible creatures.

In his words, the creatures under this kind of human intervention have many defects in all aspects. First of all, they can meet the needs of reproduction and expansion, but fighting and survival are a problem.

And their IQ is also obviously defective.

Originally, he planned to merge the advantages to create a more perfect creature, but the advantages did not gather, as if all the disadvantages were merged together.

This was not unexpected by Qi Yuan, because he had discovered this situation when he was doing research. It was not just random genes and bloodlines that could be fused. This was a very coincidental thing.

Human hands still could not touch the realm of the Creator!

In fact, the resurrection of the dead that Jun was studying unexpectedly produced new results, and some new species were studied.

By combining spirit patterns and witchcraft, with some unique magic arrays, and various potion materials, the dead bodies can be resurrected.

From the beginning, creatures similar to zombies, skeletons, and zombies were created.

This is a new species, and it has a weak wisdom. Devouring each other can enhance its strength, and it is naturally friendly to the attributes of death.

However, the defects of this creature are also very serious.

Facing individuals who also control the attributes of death, they will be naturally restricted.

For example, Qi Yuan, Kong Jin, and Zhou Ji are all powerful individuals who control the power of death. When facing these undead creatures, they almost have natural suppression, which can make these creatures surrender voluntarily and raise no thoughts of resistance.

In addition, if they are facing creatures with holy light, light and heat attributes, they will also naturally suppress these undead creatures.

Qi Yuan actually didn't care too much about this kind of creature with low IQ and inferior genes.

However, in order to enrich the races on the planet, Qi Yuan did not destroy them. He artificially created a batch and threw them directly into the artificially created land of death.

It is also the area where the extraordinary peak corpse puppets and the giant seal of the sea of ​​stars live. It is about to be born there. Because of the power of creation, it is also a man-made wonder of death attributes, which is just suitable for the survival of these creatures.

Maybe in the future, they can also develop into a strong tribe.

However, the real purpose of the technology of resurrection of the dead may not be to create these monotonous skulls.

Jun was also interested in this group of dead creatures, so he gave up after studying it for a while.

However, after getting these experimental data and the principles of the experiment, Qi Yuan fell into deep contemplation.

This ability to truly revive dead things into a spirit is essentially a real gift from heaven and earth, and it is not an ordinary technology.

However, although Jun is amazing, he has too few abilities that he has come into contact with and seen, which leads to the neglect of some important points!

In the process of research, Jun just used the power of death purely, mixed with some life force.

And from the beginning, the purpose was to make this kind of dead creature, and the thinking was severely limited.

But in Qi Yuan's eyes, what he saw was a completely different technology.


If it is only the power of death, then it is not much different from the dead spirit pattern. Qi Yuan has already mastered it, and the degree of control is higher.

However, what if "spirit", "soul" and "fate" are added to "death"?

Go to death completely, and then regain a new life, and embark on an alternative path.

When this thought appeared in his mind, Qi Yuan entered a magical state, the blood in his body circulated consciously, and the golden spiritual patterns in his body shone brightly.

All his thoughts were completely immersed in an instant, trapped in some kind of thinking.

Although the body was completely blocked, the thoughts in his mind were like a turbulent ocean, constantly churning and flowing.

A lot of knowledge about life, death, soul, spirit, fate... and more unknown knowledge was inferred under self-awareness, and explored the mysterious part of the world.

After reaching the peak of the extraordinary level, even after the half-step king level, Qi Yuan's control was already very strong.

Let alone the disease, even if it was a problem at the genetic level, he could easily solve it.

But at this moment, he lost control of himself and fell into a deep sleep in his consciousness, completely letting the mysterious thoughts drive his body, and a wonderful change occurred in his consciousness.

This change only lasted for a day and a night.

But this day and a night made his body undergo a huge change.

At this moment, the golden blood seemed to have developed another powerful ability, becoming more shining and purer.

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