Fog Survival

Chapter 1316: Settling the Two Great Civilizations

This really made Qi Yuan unable to understand their brain circuits, and it was actually a bit... too stupid.

So if some guys are thrown into the Sinnoh continent, they shouldn't be able to make any waves.

There is another very important reason. The Tianyuan civilization has been completely destroyed. There are only 20 kings left in the entire civilization, and it has been difficult to reproduce future generations.

Among the more than 20 people, there are only three female kings. Even if they want to reproduce, it is actually a very difficult thing.

Because they are all kings, it is very, very difficult, even almost impossible, to give birth to a child with a very small chance.

Even in the entire mother planet, the only one who can give birth to a child at the king level is the Void Whale Kun!

This is still affected by many factors. First of all, the strength of the void whale Kun on the home planet has not reached the king level.

Secondly, the reproduction process also brings about the special power of the Void Whale Kun family, which consumes a lot of vitality, so that they can successfully reproduce and produce offspring.

But for the strong men of Tianyuan Civilization, there is no difference between them and extinction.

Unless they work hard day and night, there is a chance of one in ten million.

I just don’t know if they can handle it...

As for merging with humans from the Sinnoh civilization, this is actually a very difficult thing, because the body shape is too different, and the bloodline is also different.

Sinnoh civilization is generally 3m녨녿. The Tianyuan civilization is even slightly smaller than the humans of the home star civilization, only 1m7.

Under such circumstances, it would be very difficult for them to reproduce even if they wanted to.

But this is indeed a good thing for Qi Yuan, because it means that they can't reproduce, so there won't be too many threats, and they can be responsible for the work of Sinnoh Continent with peace of mind.

As for the Sinnoh civilization, they have actually predicted their consequences. It is probably not allowed to retain the Sinnoh civilization. As for the reproduction of future generations, it should not be allowed.

Therefore, the most regrettable thing is that like their compatriots, they live a life similar to mining.

The situation is the same today. Although it is not really mining, it is still Qi Yuan's subordinate who shines for the development of the home star civilization.

After arrangements were made and Qi Yuan was about to find a place to rest, the leaders of the five top forces of the Sinnoh civilization all found him at the same time.

Just when he was confused, several people said something that shocked him extremely.

A few minutes later, Qi Yuan looked at them calmly and asked, "Why did you tell me such important news?"

The eyes of several people flickered, and they hesitated for a long time before speaking: "We have one thing to ask Dazai, please let our descendants live, let them find a place to continue the inheritance, and avoid letting our inheritance disappear. ”

Qi Yuan nodded slightly, finally understanding what they were thinking, and wanted to find a way out for his descendants who were currently mining.

Regarding this matter, Qi Yuan decided to treat it leniently after thinking about it.

"Okay, you each select 100 core members, and I will arrange another area for you so that you can develop the civilization of your home star alone. However, I also have a few requirements that you must meet."

After the five people looked at each other, they nodded and said: "덿zai, please tell me, we will definitely complete it."

"The request is actually very simple, that is, develop in a fixed area, and strictly prohibit intermarriage with humans from the home star civilization. Otherwise, once I find out, both your tribe and the people from the home star civilization will be executed. , do you understand?”

"I understand... I understand." Although several people agreed, they were still a little confused and didn't seem to understand why 놚 arranged it like this.

After hesitating for a long time, the leader of the Shenjia clan just expressed his doubts: "덿zai, do you think so little of our bloodline? Why did you make such a harsh arrangement?"

Qi Yuan was stunned after hearing this and smiled, but he still misunderstood what he meant.

After some consideration, he said: "It's not that I look down on your bloodline. How can a bloodline that can become a king be ordinary? The reason why I arranged it this way is just to prevent some bad things from happening."

"Although it seems that we are all of the human race, is the difference between us only limited to body size? No, it is the difference in genes and bloodline levels. If we are combined and reproduced at will, bad situations may occur."

Qi Yuan's scruples were actually not without reason. He even made the decision after checking each other's genes.

Even on one planet, there will be different types of human beings, let alone an entire universe?

Completely different living environments, completely different development histories, and quite different genetic sequences... This all means that the humans of the home planet civilization and the Sinnoh civilization are not completely similar races.

If they are combined at will, it will not only have a bad impact on the home star civilization, but also have a bad impact on the Sinnoh civilization.

After saying this, the five people showed expressions of sudden realization.

"It turns out that's the case, but we are short-sighted."

Qi Yuan looked at them with some surprise and asked: "After you conquered other civilizations in the past, could it be that you just reproduced at will without any restrictions?"

As soon as these words came out, the five people scratched their heads in embarrassment. They really didn't pay attention to these things, and even deliberately arranged intermarriage in order to speed up the integration between two civilized people.

Now that I think about it, such behavior did cause some bad things, such as extremely high deformity rates and the emergence of some strange creatures under the mixing of genes.

These things happen all the time, but they didn't pay much attention to them before, and they didn't care about ordinary people at all.

As for their own race, in order to ensure the purity of their bloodline, they almost all intermarried, so there were no such problems.

Now, Qi Yuan pointed these things out, and they understood.

After making arrangements, Qi Yuan began to look for a suitable living place for their tribe.

Qi Yuan actually had some ideas about their arrangements. He planned to let them imitate the former Seven Tribes and find a hidden area to develop independently in their own world.

Today's Seven Tribes have never intermarried with humans, but have found an area to develop independently.

This is actually their smart way, because the blood of the humans in the Seven Tribes is also slightly different from the civilization of the mother planet, but it is relatively less.

In the current galaxy era, the seven tribes have officially entered the universe, but they have always adhered to their original traditions and went directly to the southwest of the mother planet, found an extremely secret corner, and settled there.

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