Fog Survival

Chapter 1357 New Civilization

Qi Yuan chose the direction, which was still the same as the previous design, aura revival, doomsday, and game invasion.

Now it seems that aura revival needs to pay special attention to the control of aura, as well as the balance between humans and beasts, otherwise once this balance is destroyed, it will lead to the end of the world.

Therefore, aura revival and doomsday can communicate with each other. If everything is balanced, it is aura revival, and if everything is out of control, it is the end of the world.

And now, it is considered to have obtained the first batch of initial energy using the doomsday method.

Next, Qi Yuan was still a little reluctant and planned to use the aura revival method again for experiments.

Because through the first experiment, he found that it was an extremely long process from aura revival to the end of the world, and then to the reconstruction of civilization, and he really didn't want to wait.

Therefore, he still hopes to find a faster way.

He continued to search in the surrounding universe, and after walking about three light years, he found another planet with life.

However, this planet is special. It is also very safe in the environment of the universe, but its environment in the galaxy is not very perfect, and it is located on the fifth planet.

This has led to the entire planet being covered with ice and snow, with only a small area of ​​human beings, and the development process of civilization is still in the primitive civilization, and there is still a long way to go before it can be truly developed.

In this regard, Qi Yuan has been thinking hard for a long time, but he has not figured out how to help this civilization develop!

Because the restrictions are too great!

On the one hand, the development process of this civilization is very slow, so their intellectual development is far less than that of ordinary humans.

Even if Qi Yuan could use various means to provide them with resources and authority, or let them enter a development system similar to the Misty Continent, they would still not be able to adapt and develop civilization in a short period of time.

As for teaching from scratch and handing over civilization to them? Qi Yuan really had no interest in this, because it would take too long, and it would probably take at least thousands of years for them to move from the primitive tribal era to the civilized era.

They even had to go through the process of building a dynasty, which seemed too troublesome.

After thinking for a while, Qi Yuan gave up on them directly.

After that, he wandered around in this universe again, and as a result, he met a civilization with a very high level of civilization development, an extremely pure technological civilization.

This civilization is highly developed. Qi Yuan conservatively estimates that it will be about 50 years more developed than the Earth in 2024, and it is even possible that it will not be developed yet.

This is an extremely mechanized city with super-tall buildings over 1,000 meters, and it has fully realized the development of satellites, which means that the moon landing technology is very advanced and can establish a base on the surface.

And it has begun to explore other planets.

And the biggest feature is that it has extremely advanced technology in artificial intelligence and supercomputer research and development.

Moreover, it fully utilizes spiritual energy and high-quality resources. With only the most common elements, it can take mechanization to the extreme. It is indeed a very terrifying civilization.

In Qi Yuan's opinion, a civilization without any chance, reaching the extreme situation, is just like this.

However, Qi Yuan simply checked the history of this civilization and found that they have not made any progress for thousands of years.

That is to say, after they achieved the unification of the entire planet thousands of years ago, they quickly developed to this point, and then all technology stagnated.

Because the core of artificial intelligence is limited by resources and quality factors, it is always stuck in a certain realm, even after hundreds of iterations, it still cannot go further.

Qi Yuan specifically checked that some artificial intelligence used for combat can barely reach the rare level when it has the most advanced core.

If you want to go further, it will be very difficult.

Don't underestimate the rare level. This level is already very powerful. When it was just good level, it had already surpassed the limit of human beings.

And the rare level artificial intelligence actually requires extremely powerful technology to achieve this step.

And the supercomputer algorithm can only maintain them to this point. They cannot use limited resources to research more powerful items because the material level determines the limit.

If they can obtain some extremely high-quality ores or special resources in the universe, their ability will be further improved, and even develop to a higher level.

However, this civilization does not think so because of its vision problem.

They think that the stagnation of technological development is due to material limitations. They only think that they are not smart enough, so they cannot research a high level.

Even in their own eyes, their civilization is an extremely weak civilization, and it is too useless to leave the galaxy where the planet is located.

Therefore, in order to achieve higher development, they chose an alternative path - transforming the body and improving wisdom.

They think that if there are many people with extremely high IQs in society who can see the deepest mysteries of the universe with mortal eyes, they can lead civilization to achieve a new leap.

That is to say, they hope to cultivate more top scientists, so that they can achieve technological innovation.

Qi Yuan can completely deny this approach.

Perhaps it is indeed that kind of beyond imagination, and then in the absence of spiritual energy and high-quality resources, it can achieve a technological leap and reach an extremely high level.

But this possibility is terrifyingly low. At least Qi Yuan, with such a master-level wisdom, should not be able to achieve this. Although he is good at wisdom, his IQ is definitely low.

But it is undeniable that perhaps there is indeed a kind of IQ that is high to a certain extent, and pure scientific research talents can achieve this step.

Qi Yuan did not directly attack this civilization, but observed them for a period of time.

He found that they had indeed reached the extreme, always exploring higher-level development, and constantly exploring new paths, and the direction they chose made Qi Yuan extremely curious.

They thought that their wisdom was enough, so they further improved their wisdom.

Transfer all the abilities and knowledge you already have into someone's mind, so that he can understand all the knowledge in a short time.

But this turned out to be useless in the end.

Because even if you have a lot of knowledge, but the processing capacity of your mind is limited and you can't integrate it, then knowledge will always be just knowledge, and it can't be transformed into practical skills, let alone further improvement and creation based on the original knowledge.

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