Fog Survival

Chapter 1370 Half-human, half-beast

So it's not just Lin Yuan, many of his strong men have also absorbed three to four kinds of beast blood.

Even if there is no ore to fuse blood, the beast blood will still slowly erode their original genes, thus replacing human genes.

This phenomenon is becoming more and more obvious, because there are many newborn children. They have completely lost their human image and look like beasts.

Not only children, but some strong men have also begun to show similar situations to Lin Yuan, neither human nor beast.

Suddenly, the whole civilization was in a panic!

At this time, Qi Yuan no longer spoke, and his heart was full of doubts!

Why did this happen? Relatively speaking, absorbing the blood of beasts should not be a particularly terrifying thing.

After all, the mother star civilization in the past actually had such a thing. Whether it was Zhang Wei or other children with beast blood, they all absorbed part of the beast at the genetic level.

But after thinking about it, Qi Yuan roughly understood the reason.

On the one hand, this is because they have absorbed the blood of many kinds of beasts, and the various bloods are mixed together, which leads to some unpredictable situations.

On the other hand, it is because their own human blood is too weak!

In the micro world, this kind of blood of ten thousand beasts that appeared can actually absorb the blood of beasts as itself, but he is ultimately based on his own blood of ten thousand beasts and can control all the bloods below.

But even so, the cultivators with the blood of ten thousand beasts dare not easily absorb the blood of a large number of beasts, fearing that they will be killed and their own blood of ten thousand beasts will be suppressed by other beast bloods.

But Lin Yuan may still have suffered a loss, and he stuffed the blood of various beasts into his body, and they are all beast bloods that are stronger than his own.

As a result, their own bloodline will not be able to control the beast bloodline absorbed, resulting in direct destruction.

Lin Yuan, who was the strongest and absorbed the most beast bloodline, became the first victim.

Qi Yuan understood at this moment that there was something wrong with this civilization. The rapid development and the unstable choices made them embark on a path of no return.

Their bloodline was completely dirty...

Even after only one year, the original human bloodline almost disappeared and was replaced by beast bloodline.

The one who changed the most was Lin Yuan. He began to show more and more beast characteristics, such as thick hair, strong physique, a voice that could make dragon roars and tiger roars, the ability to see things at night, keen hunting ability, and the mating habits of beasts...

Qi Yuan took a deep look and saw that the fusion of various bloodlines in his body caused the gene sequence to be extremely disordered.

Logically speaking, whether it is the blood of all beasts or Qi Yuan's golden blood, the moment they appear, they are extremely beautiful, as if they are treasures created by nature, extremely noble and pure.

But at this moment, the blood in Lin Yuan's body looks so dirty, even disgusting, even Lin Yuan himself fell into extreme self-doubt, and directly found a desolate ridge to hide, not daring to show up.

Because at this moment, he knew that he had brought disaster to this civilization.

The path of absorbing blood is actually not wrong, but he went astray.

The blood refining technique has never been for him to absorb more beast blood, but for him to condense his own human blood, so as to achieve a balance with the beast blood and take a correct path.

But he walked too fast, and as a result, he led all humans astray, a path that could not be turned back, a path that had already brought disaster.

In the fifth year after the beast appeared, Lin Yuan completely lost his human form and turned into a huge beast. He finally roared with regret and fear, and then ended his life.

A person who could have become a master and led a civilization to the universe ended up dying with such a tragic fate.

No one even noticed his death, because the human civilization is now in complete chaos.

A large number of high-level strong men, we all began to turn into beasts, the order of civilization began to collapse, and the originally small number of humans began to die in large numbers.

Now everyone understands that what they once faced was not a disaster at all. This disaster from genes and blood is really frightening, and there is no room for maneuver.

Only a very small number of people, because of their low social status, did not have the opportunity to absorb the blood of the beast and barely escaped this disaster.

But this kind of people are all beings with low energy and weak physical talent, so they can only survive by hiding in the underground of the city or in caves in the wild with their weak physical strength.

This situation did not last long, and these extremely large numbers of humans were eventually killed or injured for various reasons.

The rest are strange creatures whose blood vessels are already disordered, and even human rationality is gradually devoured by the beastly nature of wild beasts.

Qi Yuan sighed and whispered: "It seems that this civilization development seems to have failed."

The consciousness of Misty Land did not speak for a long time, and finally said lightly: "Don't participate in my civilization development in the future. I haven't encountered such a thing for a long time."

Qi Yuan helplessly shrugged and did not refute it. It was indeed his fault that led to such a result.

Why did it end like this?

In fact, the final investment in blood fusion ore has nothing to do with it. The main reason is Lin Yuan!

His development speed is too fast, like a car, driving at 150 kilometers per hour on a city road, it would be strange if there is no problem.

"Just destroy this civilization, so that we can start the next cultivation." Misty Lu's consciousness said quietly.

However, Qi Yuan stopped him and said, "Wait a little longer and see what it will develop into in the end. Will there be a new life after despair?"

"New life? Are you expecting human consciousness to suddenly suppress the beast's animality, so as to restore reason and establish civilization again?"

Qi Yuan thought about it and said, "Is there no such possibility?"

"Maybe, but it is so low that it is unimaginable."

However, since it was said that, Misty Lu also stopped moving his hands, and did not directly clean up the traces of this civilization, but stayed to observe slowly.

In the next two to three years, the situation did not improve at all. Everyone became half-human and half-beast, completely lost their human rationality, and became strange beasts.

However, the turning point came in the fifth year.

The first half-human, half-beast baby, Lin Yuan's first child, unexpectedly survived.

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