Fog Survival

Chapter 1399 The Body of Ten Thousand Beasts

When the double blades of the photon turbine slashed over, the body of the beast resisted with all its might, forming a tortoise shell in front of it, and managed to hold on.

When it was about to attack, golden scales appeared on its body, and its face vaguely turned into a dragon face, with a majestic and powerful aura emerging. Its physical fitness improved several times, and it kicked Youxing away with one kick.

When Youxing saw that the situation was not right and tried to retreat, the body of the beast changed again, its eyes turned deep red, and strange wings appeared behind it.

This kind of wings is not wings, but the fish wing of the Void Whale Kun, which has the laws of space. Just a slight swing can directly shuttle through space at an extremely fast speed.

The red eyes were taken from a kind of demon fox in the micro world, which is also a king-level existence, proficient in spiritual energy!

Just a glare, Youxing felt his body pause, the whole world was shrouded in blood red, the sea of ​​blood came from the sky, thousands of beasts were galloping on the ground, and he was as small as an ant, as if he would be swallowed up in an instant.

However, this strange phenomenon only appeared for a moment, and Youxing relied on his own strong strength to break free, but he was also sweating and stepped back a few steps.

The strength of the man in front of him was really strong and a little scary.

The strength of the body of ten thousand beasts has increased a lot in the past few hundred years, and a large part of the reason is that there are too many beasts.

Various strong beast tribes can provide him with a lot of blood, so that he can master various abilities.

At the same time, there is also a very buggy micro world, in which there are various monsters and strange beasts. Although they are very small, their blood strength is not weak at all, so he can use them.

Regardless of whether it is the Void Whale Kun, Thunder Spirit, Black Dragon, Golden Dragon, Wandering Sky Peng Bird, Ten Thousand Eyes Ghost Fish, Deep Purple Devil Ant... all kinds of energy are in his body.

Finally, he entered the Star Sea Dream again, adjusted these energy in the dream, and planned the use of methods, so that he also had such a strong strength.

It is no exaggeration to say that he is now one of the strongest late kings.

Although Youxing's strength is not weak, facing such a strong man, he also has a sense of invincibility and a sense of impeccable attack. There is no way to completely solve him!

If there is, perhaps there is only one.

That is to use extremely powerful energy to instantly destroy this person's body and destroy him without leaving any residue.

After thinking for a while, Youxing decided to give it a try!

Suddenly, a star began to release energy in the starry sky behind him, and then a ray came from a very long distance and directly connected to Youxing!

This is the star energy supply technology. All the energy lost by Youxing was replenished at this moment, and it also has a stronger power. The iron is shrouded in light blue light, and the photon turbine double blades become more and more huge.

Finally, the star energy is refined, and then it is transformed from Youxing's hand into a terrifying ray, and it attacks the body of the Ten Thousand Beasts again.

This kind of attack is even more terrifying than the direct star ray.

Faced with this level of attack, the body of the Ten Thousand Beasts did not dare to have any intention, and directly spread the body completely, turning into a light net and running in all directions.

This scene made Youxing completely confused. She never thought that there was such a thing. She actually turned into an element and escaped.

It is also a special energy obtained from an elemental object, but the degree of mastery is very small, the cost of use is also very high, and the impact on the body is also very high.

Therefore, it can only be used as a life-saving skill and cannot be used frequently.

However, even so, this energy is enough to establish the victory of the battle.

The body of the beast rushed forward fiercely, dodged the star rays, and kicked Youxing. This is a life-saving skill of a beast. Under one kick, the world collapsed.

But in the last stage, the Black God got rid of the opponent in time and came to help. Later, Ornn made a sneak attack and directly rescued Youxing!

At this time, everyone was still in shock. This group of king-level powerhouses who had just appeared were really strong and scary. They were in the late king level, but they were almost killed by their opponents.

Moreover, this person is Youxing, who is quite strong.

No one dared to disobey, and Youxing did not talk about martial ethics directly, saying in a cold voice: "The opponent is very strong, everyone prepares to siege, don't give him a chance to counterattack."

More than a dozen kings quickly surrounded him, and the body of the Ten Thousand Beasts did not show any fear, and golden scales appeared on his body, and his physical fitness became extremely agile.

This is the blood of the golden dragon, which is a blood that purely strengthens the body and increases combat power, allowing him to have extremely strong combat power.

Between each punch and each move, it is extremely strong and powerful, and it repelled many enemies, or even killed them.

However, under the siege of many enemies, the body of the Ten Thousand Beasts also suffered a lot of injuries.

No matter how strong he is, he is just a flesh and blood body, and cannot guarantee that he is completely invincible.

What's more, among the besiegers, there was Youxing and Ornn, whose strength reached the late king level. They cooperated with each other from far and near, showing a great threat.

This is the advantage of numbers. When they encounter some difficult-to-deal-with strong men, they can besiege them in time and destroy a top strong man with their weaker strength.

But this situation did not last too long, and soon the situation changed drastically!

Suddenly, at the back of the battle, a group of strong men appeared again, and carried out an inhumane sneak attack on Lingfu Civilization, injuring many people in an instant.

More than 20 souls of different shapes and appearances quickly launched an offensive and dealt a fatal blow to the Lingfu civilization.

Among the souls, there are also late kings, especially the 12 innate souls, who are all blessed by nature and set off waves as soon as they enter the battlefield.

It turns out that the appearance of the Shenao clan has already brought great pressure, and now with the appearance of the souls, it has become the last straw that crushes the Lingfu civilization.

Everyone retreated urgently, gathered together, and looked at the enemies on both sides very nervously.

Perhaps in terms of numbers, they still have an advantage, but their strength is quite different, because there are too many late kings in the mother star civilization, and each of them is blessed by nature.

Soul Ancestor and Fengdu Ghost King were once top strongmen, and now their strength has been greatly improved. They looked at the enemy with a faint gaze and started killing directly.

The strong men of Lingfu Civilization are constantly contacting each other, trying to call for help.

However, in a short period of time, they can't send a large number of king-level people.

However, Lingfu Civilization can't give up hundreds of king-level people, so they made two arrangements at the first time.

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