Fog Survival

Chapter 1489: Supernatural Expansion

And the cursed classroom.

The blackboard will issue various tasks from time to time, and students must complete them according to the tasks. If they fail to complete them, they will be punished by death.

In just one week, more than a dozen people have died. The classmates who were originally on good terms have become sensitive in the crisis of death, and have begun to be full of cunning, promiscuous, fearful, murderous, jealous, and greedy. They calculate and frame each other, and do whatever it takes to survive.

In just one week, everyone has changed, becoming extremely cruel, extremely greedy, extremely bloody, and even no longer caring about human death.

Qi Yuan also secretly observed this classroom and found it very special.

First of all, it has a unique feeling, which should be a supernatural field that can wrap the entire classroom, so that others can turn a blind eye to what happens in the classroom.

This is why, although many people have died in this classroom, it seems as if nothing has happened to outsiders.

The teacher does not know that the students have died, and his classmates have not noticed anything unusual. Even the doctors and police seem to be blinded by their thinking and have not found anything wrong.

Even at the moment when a classmate dies, the memory of all those who know him will gradually disappear.

Except for the classmates who are also cursed, no one remembers them.

Therefore, even if this supernatural incident has happened for a long time, it has not been discovered by the Supernatural Incident Investigation Department. The students in this class are always trapped in despair and fear, and they have to go through rounds of game tasks and try their best to escape.

This kind of supernatural is the most terrifying, because once you get caught in it, no one will find it, and it will continue.

And there is another point, Qi Yuan found that this supernatural event is also expanding, constantly invading, and expanding its scope of influence.

After a month, there are 57 people in the whole class, and only 12 people are left. These 12 students have extremely high IQs, are decisive in killing, and have extremely strong abilities.

At this time, accept the curse of a large number of deaths and despair, and directly expand the curse to another class.

It is the same method and means to guide the death incident and use the task to guide the students to kill each other.

Qi Yuan couldn't help but frown. If this kind of supernatural event continues to develop and no one in the world finds it unusual, it may eventually sweep the entire school or even the entire city, which will be a disaster.

The first cursed class still has not finished its mission, and some strange phenomena have begun to appear in their mission.

For example, the most recent mission is to select 5 classmates and go to a house in the suburbs to hide in it.

In addition, the supernatural also gave them a weapon for defense.

Perhaps from the perspective of ordinary people, these are just 5 very ordinary props, a table leg, a chalk, a notebook, a knife, and a rope.

They are just very ordinary daily necessities, but from Qi Yuan's perspective, these are weapons with supernatural energy attached, and they have extremely special energy.

It is a weapon that can deal with supernatural energy!

"What is this ghost going to do?" Qi Yuan muttered to himself in confusion.

Finally, he saw these five classmates carrying weapons, sitting in a big car all the way to the suburbs, and entering a room that also had ghosts.

Their mission was to live in it for three days and come back alive.

In this room, there was a family that died unjustly. Because the resentment at the time of death was extremely heavy, it became a ghost, and it was also a place of ghosts.

However, this ghost is not very strong, but it can be said to be very weak, because they were in the suburbs and could not obtain the power of death and despair, but simply wandered in this room.

The five students were outsiders, invading their territory, and it still stimulated their ferocity, and hunting was also their instinct, so they began to kill and sneak attack the five students.

The process was bloody and intense, and it was the first time that the students saw real ghosts.

However, after all, they had been fighting for more than a month, and each of them was an outstanding person with an iron heart. It was not an exaggeration to say that they killed people without blinking an eye.

Now facing these terrifying situations, even though they were ordinary people, they did not have any fear, but were extremely rational to complete the task.

They knew that any task could not be a dead end, and there must be a way to crack it. If they were rational enough, they would find a chance to survive.

This was indeed the case. Only two people died in three days.

Finally, the student who had the notebook weapon became the final winner. He used the notebook to directly bind all the ghosts in the house and subdue them for himself.

At this point, they finally took a step from ordinary people to a higher level and had some methods to fight against the supernatural.

However, Qi Yuan was actually a little confused. What exactly did the supernatural in the cursed classroom want to do? Why did it give part of the supernatural energy to these humans? Aren't they afraid that they will completely get rid of its control after they become stronger?

But soon, Qi Yuan knew that he was still worrying too much.

In the previous one-month mission, the remaining students had already been eroded by the supernatural energy.

At the earliest time, when the first person died, they were not actually involved in this classroom. The supernatural in the classroom could not completely control them, nor could they issue highly restrictive tasks.

In this situation, it was the easiest time for them to escape. If they were braver, they might really be able to completely get rid of the supernatural events.

However, everyone was scared at the time, and no one thought about escaping. Instead, they carefully completed their daily tasks and finally fell into despair of eternal death.

In this month, the supernatural has completely invaded them. They no longer have any possibility of escaping and are completely bound in the classroom.

If they were completely opposed to the supernatural before, the supernatural tried to kill them and they tried to escape from the supernatural, then now it is completely different.

At this time, they have completely become part of the supernatural.

Therefore, both the attitude of the spirits towards them and the tasks issued by the spirits have changed greatly.

The spirits began to give part of their own energy to these students, and no longer let them kill each other, but to fight and plunder other spirits' energy, so as to further improve their own strength.

As for the second cursed class, they are still in the first stage, that is, a group of truly capable people emerged from the killing.

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