Fog Survival

Chapter 1499 001 Civilization Guidance Completed

[From now on, the three dynasties can consume the three mythical props in their hands and exchange them with the game official for a continent. That will be a new world for you to start again. 】

The game props Qi Yuan finally arranged for them were not only to help them establish a dynasty, but also to give them a continent in the end.

Just like the foggy continent of Dang, when the final civilization is about to leave, they are given more or less authority so that these civilizations can survive in the universe.

Qi Yuan also planned to do the same, directly using a piece of authority, that is, the most basic soil, water, spirit, life, light and heat, to create a continent for them, and then teleport all their players to this continent. 꿧Continent.

Perhaps, the three dynasties seem to be very large at present, but most of them are NPCs. After removing these NPCs, the number of remaining human players is not very large.

They may lead a group of robots to develop civilization. They need to reproduce their own offspring and expand their civilization.

However, there are some civil servants and generals who are proficient in martial arts skills. They have broken away from the category of robots and become real human beings. They are also the most powerful group of civilized people.

Qi Yuan did not deal with them, but allowed them to become part of this civilization together.

When the three dynasties are unified and transported to a new world, it means that a new round of development for them is about to begin.

They will still experience chaos and competition, which will also be a great test for the development of civilization, but it is something they must face.

On the periphery of the mother star territory, about a light distance away, the new world of Civilization 001 is floating here. It is a beautiful blue planet with mountains, rivers, seas, the sun, moon and stars, and there are many things to explore in it. of human beings.

At this time, Qi Yuan will no longer protect them. If they are strong enough, they can explore the universe and obtain more resources.

However, judging from the current situation, they should not be able to leave the planet in the short term. This civilization is far behind in terms of strength and potential compared to its former home planet.

Perhaps for a long time, they will enter a period of slow development, and try to emerge a perfect powerhouse, and then lead civilization to new heights.

For now, their martial arts skills have not yet broken through to the perfection level. They need to further improve their skills and create a new path.

Next is a very long road that this civilization needs to walk on its own.

At the same time, Qi Yuan has also made up his mind. He does not intend to throw the created civilization into the universe in vain like the foggy continent in the past.

If the 001 civilization can enter the universe on its own, Qi Yuan will send people to contact them and lead them as another older civilization to form a civilization circle around the mother star.

This can only further expand the number of civilizations around the home star, and can also improve each other's progress through mutual exchanges and cooperation.

Qi Yuan also hopes to create a gathering of civilizations that are on a level, communicate with each other, and cooperate with each other, just like the Star and Moon.

This is a very distant goal, but it is very likely to be achieved. As long as they continue to cultivate civilization and accept civilization, it is very possible to achieve it.

Moreover, now they have cultivated several civilizations, and a gathering of civilizations has taken shape.

In addition to the 001 civilization, which can of course also be called the Wuhun civilization, there is another civilization that is now becoming more mature.

It was the orc civilization that was accidentally cultivated on the misty continent.

When 뎃 because of his excessive interference, the civilization finally entered chaos or even collapsed, all humans died, and only weird creatures that were half human and half beast remained.

But they once again broke away from the chaos and re-established a new civilization.

The new orc civilization is mainly based on orcs. Their bodies contain 50% human blood and 50% beast blood. The balance between the two is just right.

This kind of orc is very powerful in itself, stronger than the beasts of the same realm, and has an extremely high physique.

In addition, they possess human intelligence and can use tools and weapons, which also gives them more powerful combat power. It is a civilization with high quality in itself.

Moreover, in addition to this most original form, they also have two more advanced existences.

One is "bloodline awakening", which is mainly manifested by the emergence of a large number of mysterious lines on the body, stimulating potential, and thus possessing some special abilities, greatly improving one's strength.

This should be an old power from the bloodline. They are summoned from the deepest part of the bloodline through the method of sacrifice.

Only a handful of orcs possess this bloodline awakening ability.

Nowadays, there are many orc races that have awakened this ability, such as the "Sphinx" of the Lion Tribe, the "Eye of Horus" of the Eagle Tribe, the "Minotaur" of the Ox Tribe, and the "Minotaur" of the Elephant Tribe. "Eremont"...

These are the elites and high-level figures within each orc race. They possess very powerful strength and are weapons of war.

In addition, the orcs have another more powerful fighting force, and that is the giant beast!

This kind of giant beast is very unique. They are all transformed from ordinary orcs. They are transformed from the sacrifice system and obtain the far-reaching power hidden in their blood, so that the orcs can return to the image of extremely huge giant beasts.

Although there are many extremely huge creatures on the Misty Continent, many of which can reach several meters in height.

However, they are still far inferior to the giant beasts of the orcs. The strength of these giant beasts can generally reach the perfect level, and the body can reach several meters in height.

And what is different from ordinary beasts is that ordinary beasts will intentionally control their body size after reaching the perfect level.

Because before the perfect level, as their own strength increases, their body size will naturally continue to grow. Generally speaking, the larger the beast, the stronger its strength.

But after reaching the perfect level, they will have the ability to control their body size and shrink their body size.

But the beasts of the orcs are not like this. The perfect 10-meter size is just the beginning. As they improve in strength in the future, their size will become even larger, and they will become truly powerful weapons of war.

Now, the most powerful elephant-man beasts have reached the middle and late stages of the perfect level, and their size has reached the 1,000-meter level. They are entrenched around the elephant-man tribe and are truly invincible.

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