Fog Survival

Chapter 1506 Supernatural Level

The emergence of this phenomenon immediately attracted the attention of many experts and professors, and they began to study it.

According to the original ghost-raising plan, it is possible to artificially raise spirits that are not very strong, and use some means to improve their strength, so that humans can also possess the power of spirits.

However, it is actually very difficult to achieve this level!

After conducting in-depth research on this method circulated among the people, professors found that this method is even more undesirable and even has serious disadvantages.

First, the symbiosis of spirits and humans will seriously affect people's lifespans, and they may die within a few months!

Secondly, any human who coexists with spirits will have a very high degree of mental pollution, and most of them will be maintained at more than 60%. If it is increased to more than 80%, then they will almost certainly become spirits after death.

Once more people use this method to master spirits, more spirits will be born in the future, which is almost a vicious cycle.

After research, Professor Wang found that if a human's mental pollution reaches more than 95%, then after his death, if there is no human intervention, it is very likely to form an extremely terrifying supernatural being, even not weaker than the most terrifying supernatural beings today.

Therefore, the official immediately banned the civilian supernatural controllers and sent powerful members of the Supernatural Power Investigation Bureau to encircle and deal with them.

However, this method of symbiosis with the supernatural is not completely useless, and even brings a new idea to the professors.

If people can maintain a balance with the supernatural and exist in an equal posture, so that people will not be affected by the supernatural, but can control the supernatural, then this method will be perfect.

To achieve this level, the professors spent a long time researching and found some methods.

The first one is to find a breakthrough in the supernatural.

The supernatural is not all weird and scary. There are also some unconscious or pure souls, just like human souls.

Humans have actually discovered this kind of soul. For example, in some martyrs' cemeteries, or after the death of some upright investigators, some souls that have not been eroded by supernatural powers will be born.

This kind of soul is actually a kind of supernatural, with good soul power, and even learning thinking and memories before death.

If humans can merge with this relatively pure soul, they can cooperate with each other, have the power to fight against the supernatural, and will not be eroded. This is definitely killing two birds with one stone.

However, the number of such pure and uncontaminated souls is very rare, and there may not be many in the entire human society, so it is not the best choice.

Therefore, the second method is to raise ghosts!

The ghost raising plan has been implemented for a long time, and some initial results have been achieved.

You can find some spirits that have not yet fully grown up, are relatively weak, and have relatively vague consciousness, feed and cultivate them artificially, and maintain a good relationship with them.

Although this kind of spirit that has been cultivated since childhood will cause some harm to the human body, it is far less harmful than other natural spirits.

If you can absorb this spirit into your body, you can master the power of the spirit and even summon the spirit to fight.

But soon they found that relying solely on this method could not allow humans to truly master the power of evil spirits. After all, to master a powerful weapon, the master himself also needs powerful strength.

Therefore, the professors had to think of another way to improve the physical strength and soul strength of humans to a certain extent.

The best way is to refine a pure spiritual power, a spiritual power that has not been polluted, and let humans absorb it, so as to improve their resistance to the spirits to a certain extent and master some means against the spirits.

This method works very well, and it shows excellent results as soon as it is used.

If the human soul power is strong enough, it can effectively suppress some weaker spirits and make them surrender, so that they can no longer devour people.

In the future, as long as the power of the spirits is gradually improved, the power of the spirits will also be fed back to humans, and to a certain extent, it will continue to enhance the strength of human souls.

In this way, humans and spirits can coexist peacefully and continue to have stronger strength.

Since then, the ghost raising technology has gradually matured and began to spread throughout the supernatural power investigation department. More and more captains have improved their strength by this method.

And in order to better spread these methods and let more people participate in the fight against the supernatural, the country established the first supernatural university.

However, the nature of the supernatural university and the death college is completely different. The death college is pure terror repression, a perverted method, and squeezes people's potential.

However, the Spiritual University is a real university, where a large number of professors and teachers will live and teach students how to raise ghosts. Students with talent can enter and study there.

After the method of raising ghosts gradually became complete, the country finally banned the inhumane method of the Death College and released all its students, leaving this past sealed in history.

However, in the past few years, several students from the Death College have graduated. They have completed their cruel studies and kept their thinking pollution at a low level, making them qualified products for many students.

Including the young man who suddenly showed 99% pollution, now he is like an ordinary child, stepping into the gate of the School of Supernatural.

Ghost-raising technology has become a powerful weapon in the hands of humans, allowing humans to truly have the confidence to face the supernatural.

And with the establishment of the University of Supernatural, humans have a deeper understanding of the supernatural, and gradually divide the levels of the supernatural.

They are E~S level, and the harm of different levels is also different. The weakest E-level supernatural has weak strength. It is just a newly formed supernatural power. Some humans with stronger soul energy can form it, and it will not cause too much harm to human society.

The two levels of DC mean that it is a real supernatural, which has complete supernatural characteristics, strange abilities, and weak law power. However, they will not actively improve their own strength and are still in a relatively chaotic state.

When reaching level B or above, the power of the supernatural beings is completely different. Their rules are more powerful, and they can move within a certain range, constantly preying on humans like wild beasts, and can even massacre a school or a village. Ordinary people are completely unable to resist.

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