Fog Survival

Chapter 1515 Restriction King Level

In just one thousand star region, there are many cities, each of which occupies a planet and represents different forces.

In addition, there are various powerful families, developed companies, various guilds and other species, many of which also occupy different planets and are distributed in various areas of the territory.

In the entire mother star territory, the area occupied by other races is only a small part, most of which are separated by space membranes, but the areas without space membranes are almost all occupied by humans and beasts, which shows how huge their number is.

In the northeast of the mother star territory, there is also a large area separated by space membranes, where elemental creatures live.

The potential of this race is unquestionable. In the previous battle with the Donglin civilization, it has already shown its terrifying fighting skills.

Therefore, Qi Yuan also trained them on a large scale to further improve their strength and expand their race.

The solar element creatures are the most powerful race and control one of the most important resources in civilization - stars!

Therefore, it represents unlimited energy, especially for the development of science and technology, they have extraordinary significance.

Moreover, they are also the big brother of the entire elemental family, who are very caring for other elements below and have a gentle personality.

Qi Yuan also sent people to find more stars for them so that they can develop better.

But in reality, the development of the solar element does not need to worry too much, because this race is already very mature and can stably cultivate king-level strongmen.

Moreover, the king-level that appears in the solar element race does not need to occupy authority, because they are themselves a collection of energy. After practicing to a certain level, the energy in the body is more than authority, and they directly become king-level existences.

In fact, the weaker elemental creatures need to be focused on and developed, and their development speed is much faster than that of the sun element.

However, their value and significance are still very high. Some pure elemental creatures, such as Feng Shui, Huo Lei, etc., can directly set off natural disasters in the universe after reaching a certain level.

In the universe, the power of human beings is still small after all, and the greatness of nature has unparalleled power!

Perhaps, as long as the wind element takes action, it will be a cosmic storm that affects a large area, no matter how many warships there are, it will be useless.

Or the thunder element, with its powerful weak thunder and lightning, is enough to destroy all communication facilities.

These elements themselves have powerful power, and then they can use the floating elements in the universe to set off a terrible disaster, and the battle is absolutely vulgar.

If each battleship can be equipped with a few elemental creatures, the fighting power they can burst out will be stronger.

However, it will take more time for the elemental creatures to fully develop.

Except for the areas occupied by these special races, all other areas are occupied by humans and beasts.

When the map of the mother planet was just determined, most areas were barren and there were no humans living at all.

However, with the development of time, the number of humans and beasts has continued to increase, which has also made more and more planets spread across the mother planet, most of which are inhabited by humans and beasts, which are the two largest races in the entire civilization.

They are also the two strongest races.

The strength of humans is unquestionable. They not only occupy the vast majority of top battles, but also cover the vast majority of middle and lower-level battles. More and more elite talents have appeared under the huge human base.

The same is true for the beast race. Many of the major beast royal families have king-level warriors and play an important role in civilization.

The beast races alone are almost 200 million in number, and the number of beast races with comprehensive strength exceeding the extraordinary level exceeds 900,000. There are about 600 beast populations with strength reaching the king level.

It can be seen how powerful this group is, especially after absorbing the authority of the Misty Continent. Now it is a period of rapid development of beasts. More and more new and powerful races are beginning to appear. Most of them have extremely high potential, which has brought a huge impact on the original beast population.

As for how many forces there are in the species, it is difficult to calculate. The number is so huge that it is hard to imagine.

After Qi Yuan roughly understood the overall situation, he also began to consider future development and issued some orders.

First of all, it is the lurking and improvement of powerful warriors.

Because of the previous wars with other major civilizations, the rhythm of the entire civilization's development is in a floating state, and the relationship between the various forces within is also unstable, and small-scale fights often break out.

In fact, this is also a normal situation, but because there are too many strong people in the war, the level of the internal war of the civilization has also been raised, and sometimes there will be fights between king-level strong people, which is a very good phenomenon.

How can such a strong person show up at will? Even fight to the death for the civil war? !

Once this happens, and the circumstances are bad, Qi Yuan may even directly deprive them of their king-level status and restrict the qualifications of their forces to break through the king-level.

Now, he has also made some comprehensive arrangements and arrangements, requiring that in the next process of civilization development, king-level strong people are prohibited from appearing at will, and all hide behind and improve their strength peacefully.

Only a few civilization-level tasks allow king-level strong people to appear!

This policy is to calm down the impetuous mother planet civilization and get the development back on track.

At the same time, he will encourage all kings to complete some more meaningful tasks together.

For example, hold king-level discussions at a fixed period to allow strong people with the same attributes or the same technology to communicate with each other and make progress together.

Or, fully open the Star Sea Secret Realm to allow more kings to enter it to gain enlightenment and look forward to their future path.

Or, let them go to the northern border and find ways to explore those powerful forbidden areas.

In short, as long as they are not involved in internal fighting, as long as they are not exposed, and only care about grabbing territory and resources.

After a period of time after the policy was issued, almost all the kings in the entire civilization disappeared overnight.

At the same time, Qi Yuan also encouraged some top kings to try to cultivate civilization and accumulate initial energy.

This may be very difficult for them, but if they want to develop to a higher level, this is a must.

Qi Yuan has discovered that without the help of the initial Qi, the probability of a breakthrough is almost zero.

For example, Jun, his talent is already strong enough, but it is still very difficult to break through to a higher level.

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