Fog Survival

Chapter 1546 The beginning of survival

The young man frowned and sat on the bed beside the stream, using clean water to clean the stains on his arm and the blood.

Although the blood was still oozing out, the wound was not very deep. After a simple hemostasis, he took out a bandage and medicine from the mini medicine box and wrapped the wound to prevent the injury from worsening.

The young man sighed. This was a mixed start. The good thing was that there was no need to worry too much about the water source and shelter. The bad thing was that he got injured at the beginning, which made many plans impossible to implement.

As for the sprain on his foot, there was no way to treat it. There was no medicine to treat the sprain in the mini medicine box.

The young man sprained his foot and measured it beside the stream. The environment here was very good. The cliff where he fell at the end was almost as high as it was.

But after coming down from the cliff, he saw a very flat land with only a few small trees, which could be easily cleaned up with an axe.

And looking around, except for the area where he was, the dense trees and rugged rocks around him almost surrounded this flat area, forming a shelter area of ​​​​more than 30 square meters.

This is simply a natural shelter!

There was a smile on the face of the young man. In such a terrain, at least he could guarantee that he would not be eliminated in a short time, which was definitely a good thing!

It is worth mentioning that for all the people who participated in this game, this is not just a game, and they cannot face it with a playful mentality.

Before entering the game, the top leaders of various countries have told all of them that this is not just a game, but it will have a great impact on everyone's future.

First of all, this game itself is 100% experience, so you will feel 100% pain if you get hurt during the game.

Secondly, the game can affect reality! In reality, the nutrient solution of the deep dormant warehouse is not unlimited. The top leaders of the country will only supply it for 5 years, and they need to buy the nutrient solution after that.

As for how to buy it? This involves their performance in the game. The better they survive in the game, the more food and resources they get, and they can exchange nutrient solution for themselves, so that they can survive longer.

In a sense, under the protection of nutrient solution, a person can live for about 400 to 500 years, but the body will be relatively weak.

However, if you don’t mix well in the game, you will linger on the edge of life and death for a long time, and you will starve to death if you are not careful. He will not have extra resources to exchange nutrient solution for himself, and he will gradually die after five years.

At that time, you will die directly in the game!

Unlike other games, this wilderness survival game does not have the concept of resurrection, but will directly stop supplying nutrient solution, and finally die in sleep.

This is the news that the high-level told them before they boarded the spaceship, so they must face this survival game rigorously enough.

Because they do not have a first life, death in the game is equivalent to complete death!

Of course, if you are good enough in the game, you can get countless resources and extend the lives of your relatives and friends.

Even when the spaceship reaches the end and the game ends, a new round of resource and wealth distribution will be carried out according to the performance in the game.

So how you mix in the game, to a certain extent, also represents what kind of status you will have in the future when you arrive at the new planet!

Therefore, the young man cares so much and tries his best to survive in this game, because this is his chance to change his life.

At the creek, although the young man was injured, he had no time to rest and immediately began to clean up the surroundings.

Because he knew that he had to race against time to survive in such a harsh outdoor environment.

First, he used an axe to clear all the plants on the flat area, and even cleared all the mess in the soil, turned the soil over, and cleared an area suitable for building a shelter.

Maybe he couldn't build a long-term shelter in a short time, but he had to build a temporary shelter first to ensure living for the next night.

Because the temperature in the mountains and forests here is still very low. Once it's night, it will be close to zero degrees. If you sleep at this temperature for a night, you will almost certainly catch a cold.

And he is only wearing a short-sleeved shirt and long pants, which can't resist the cold at all.

Therefore, before the night fell, the young man immediately started to move, found a few relatively straight trees around, and cut them down.

Then he leaned the trees directly against the cliff to form a triangular area, and then covered it with waterproof cloth, barely forming a very simple shelter.

Although the two ends were ventilated, because it was under the cliff, it blocked most of the cold wind, and it was barely comfortable.

Then, he used his hands to make a circle at the ventilated end of the shelter, and then collected dry firewood in it to form a pile of firewood.

At this time, it was almost dusk, about four or five o'clock in the afternoon, but because it was in the deep mountains, it got darker faster. It was completely dark, and the whole forest was silent, as if it was about to be completely swallowed by the night.

The young man was also a little scared, so he stopped moving, and hid in the simple shelter formed by the waterproof cloth, hugging his legs and leaning against the pile.

Only the flickering flame can give him the last bit of comfort, which is also the only remaining civilization in the dark and cold natural environment.

This night is destined to be a sleepless night!

For most humans, the first night in this strange place will be a sleepless night.

Therefore, a scene is very common at night, where the survivors lean on their simple shelters, with a small pile of people beside them, and then quietly stare at the night in a daze.

This is to relieve the fear in their hearts and to prevent danger in the dark.

There are joys and sorrows. Every person who comes to this game will face different situations.

For example, Qi Yuan saw some extremely unlucky people, and the things he encountered made him speechless.

For example, a middle-aged man was born in an ice field and fell into a snowdrift. The snow was more than 1 meter thick, but he was only wearing a short-sleeved shirt.

So he chose a cotton jacket first, and then a waterproof cloth and compressed biscuits.

Because for his environment, no matter the axe, bow and arrow, or mini medical kit, it doesn't make much sense. Let's eat first.

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