Fog Survival

Chapter 1587 5 Years of Development

More than half of these 12 acres of land are used to grow staple food, wheat. They have also obtained rice seeds and understand how to grow rice, but the environment here is not suitable for growing rice, so wheat is grown most of the time.

Other lands are used to grow fruits and vegetables. Now most daily vegetables are grown here.

For example, leeks, lettuce, cabbage, eggplant, cucumber, tomato, pepper, shallot...

There are also a few fruits, such as watermelon.

In short, we don’t need to worry about food now. These 12 acres of land are enough to provide seven people with sufficient food.

The breeding industry is also developing continuously.

Although animals are rarely refreshed in the random goods of the survival store, this survival team has a large number of people after all, and it is also a relatively wealthy survival team. After so many years of survival, it is normal to occasionally refresh a few breeding animals.

For example, in the first year of survival, Bai Hao refreshed a sheep and spent 100 survival coins to buy it directly.

Later, in the pine forest, he used a big pit trap to capture a wild boar weighing more than 80 kilograms, tied it up, and brought it back.

So, the initial breeding industry began. It’s a pity that there is only one sheep or wild boar, so it can’t be bred, and it can only be stored as meat.

If you can’t find two, those few can only be eaten by us.

However, everyone was lucky. Huang Hai caught three wild boars in nearly a year and a half, three males and one female, which allowed the wild boar group to start breeding.

Later, a ewe was found among the random commodities, and it was bought directly at a high price.

This allowed the breeding industry to develop immediately, and it was able to breed, gradually increase the number of tribes, and develop a stable breeding industry.

So far, the entire survivor group has 7 sheep and 8 wild boars, which is considered very wealthy, and this number is still expanding.

Originally, the number should be more, but these livestock eat a lot, and it would be more troublesome to breed them. Even if the number is too large, there will be various diseases.

Therefore, the number has been controlled all the time, and it is kept below 100 as much as possible. If the number is large, an older one will be slaughtered just to change the taste for everyone.

In addition to pigs and sheep, there are also chickens around the camp, which are flying pheasants.

During an outing, Huang Hai accidentally found a hen entangled by vines, and then lured several male pheasants through this hen.

Gradually, a pheasant breeding site was formed. This is a pure wild pheasant, which looks very gorgeous and can fly for a long time. At the beginning of breeding, their legs need to be tied to prevent them from escaping.

But after a few years of reproduction, this pheasant gradually lost its ability to fly and became more cumbersome.

Moreover, because they are fed food every day, they no longer escape, and they stay peacefully and become part of the breeding industry.

Chickens reproduce quickly, so in the past few years, the number has reached more than 30. Usually, they are not kept in the chicken coop, but can be raised directly on the hillside.

They will find insects to eat by themselves, and every night, they will consciously return to the chicken coop to sleep, and you only need to count the number.

Compared with sheep and pigs, the content is actually more willing to raise chickens, because it is more convenient, does not need too much worry, and can harvest eggs every day, which is a very important food for life.

As for sheep and pigs, sheep can barely get goat milk and wool, but for wild boars, the harvest of agricultural products is relatively low, purely for meat.

But it must be said that the breeding of these three animals is a very important part of people's lives, the foundation of people's development, and one of their most precious resources.

Wool can be used to make clothes and quilts, and people don't have to be afraid of the cold even in winter.

Goat milk can be used to feed some cubs, and people can also replenish energy after drinking it. It is a very precious food.

Eggs are daily necessities, allowing people to have many modern dishes on their tables.

Even chicken feathers can be made into arrow tail feathers.

It is because of these agricultural products that people's lives are getting better and better and richer.

In addition to these three farmed animals, there is actually another animal in the camp, and the number is actually very large.

That is dogs.

As the first dog in the camp, Heifeng has bred and given birth to several puppies over the years.

However, he did not mate with other dogs purchased from the survival store, but directly mated with wolves to give birth to puppies.

Bai Hao and Huang Hai also knew this very well. One day, Heifeng went out all night and did not return. After that...

As two old fathers, they were very curious and helpless when they saw Heifeng's belly getting bigger day by day.

Finally, they felt very happy when they saw the birth of puppies, because dogs are very beneficial to the development of the camp, especially when they go out, if they can bring a few dogs, the safety will be greatly improved.

So far, Heifeng has given birth to two litters, 6 in the first litter, and 4 survived.

The first litter was 8, 7 of them survived.

So now there are 12 dogs in the camp, and almost everyone adopts one. Anyone who goes out will bring their own dog, which greatly improves safety.

In addition, Huang Hai and another middle-aged male survivor, as the hunters in the shelter, will bring 4 to 5 hunting dogs when they go out hunting, and their hunting ability is very strong.

And even if they face wolves, they can be fearless at all, and even in size and weight, they are larger than wild wolves.

After all, with good fish and meat every day, and staple food is continuous, they eat as much as they want, and every dog ​​grows fat and strong, far from being comparable to wild wolves who are hungry one meal and hungry another.

Because of this, after the survival group has set up such a large battle and occupied such a large living area, no wild wolf dares to come and harass them.

Whenever there are wild wolves around, they will be discovered by the captive dogs. If they are lucky, they will be driven away, and if they are unlucky, they will be hunted directly.

If they appear during sensitive periods, they may even leave a litter before leaving.

The comprehensive development of planting and breeding industries will completely formalize the entire camp. As long as there are no major accidents, it can continue to develop steadily.

Fish breeding is actually a part of people's lives, but the proportion will be much smaller in relative terms.

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