Fog Survival

Chapter 233 Financial Report

"Today's gains come from three aspects, namely sales, leasing, and bribes!"

Zhong Maiyun stood up to report and summarized today's income.

Qi Yuan frowned when he heard it. This sounded normal!

"Wait a minute, I can understand the other two, but what is bribery?"

Zhong Maiyun was interrupted. Obviously, she was not happy: "Student Qi Yuan! Please listen carefully and don't interrupt me at will!"

"I... OK, OK, you say!"

Zhong Maiyun continued: "Let's talk about the bribes first. This money is a pleasant surprise, and it is not limited to spirit coins."

"In fact, the heads of several regions have been bribed more or less, and the amount is different."

"Comparatively speaking, the bribes we received should be considered relatively small, Because the requirements of our first district are not harsh, we need to go through the back door. "

"However, there are still a few people who want to build a good relationship with us, so in the end, we also received 32,500 spirit coins in bribes and a few excellent props. "

"The amount of spirit coins in this part is relatively small, so we won't talk about it anymore, and directly talk about the other two incomes. "

Qi Yuan swallowed his saliva. This is more than 10,000 spirit coins, and she was actually despised!

This woman is really arrogant!

But in order to avoid being beaten, Qi Yuan wisely chose to shut up.

"Our biggest income actually comes from selling properties!"

"Originally we set a target of selling 30% of the properties. By the end of today, we have sold almost 19.2%."

"After calculation, a total of 1,652 properties were sold, with a total area of ​​about 50,000 square meters, and a total income of more than 5 million spirit coins!"

"I have to mention here that when Qi Yuan divided the properties, he divided each property too far, resulting in a lot of waste."

"Of course, we can gain more!"

After saying that, Zhong Maiyun looked at everyone, as if seeking a response.


The cup in Qi Yuan's hand fell directly onto the table.

He didn't hear Zhong Maiyun's accusations against him at all. He only knew that in just one day, he had earned more than 5 million from selling properties.

This number is somewhat fantastic! Qi Yuan dared not believe his ears.

Not only Qi Yuan, but others could not help but take a breath when they heard this number.

What is the difference between this and robbing money? !

Yes, they robbed more than 5 million spirit coins!

This is equivalent to more than 1,600 people, with an average of more than 3,000 spirit coins per person.

For each person, it is not a lot, and it is even very affordable.

For those who successfully bought property in the first district, spending a few thousand spirit coins to get a permanent residence in the gathering place is simply too cost-effective?

This kind of welfare is only available in the first district!

They all felt that they had definitely made a profit!

On the other hand, Qi Yuan and the other five also felt that they had made a lot of money, and got 5 million spirit coins for nothing.

Moreover, this is all the income!

Zhong Maiyun suppressed her excitement and continued to report.

"The last part is the spiritual coins obtained from leasing."

"Compared to purchasing real estate, the number of people leasing real estate is relatively small, and the income is also lower."

"In total, there are 213 leased real estates, and the real estate area of ​​each leased area exceeds 500 square meters."

"The total area has reached about 130,000 square meters. The monthly charge is 2 spiritual coins per square meter."

"This month's rental income has reached 260,000 spiritual coins. Although it is much less than selling, it is a long-term income."

After the previous excitement, when facing the 260,000 spiritual coins of rental income, everyone has calmed down a lot.

After Zhong Maiyun finished speaking, he summed up and said: "This is the situation. What do you want to say?"

"What else can I say? Divide it..."

Zhao Cheng's eyes were shining, and the whole person was almost stuffed into the pile of spiritual coins.

However, the others were more rational and were not overwhelmed by the huge wealth.

Yang Zhenghe suggested: "We can divide all the money. After all, the construction of the entire District 1 also requires a lot of funds to operate."

"Really... how much should we leave?"

"I think..."

After half an hour of discussion, the six people "generously" left 280,000 spirit coins for the construction of District 1.

As for the remaining 5 million, five people directly divided it with one million each.

Because after discussion, everyone agreed that the later development of District 1 should be kept simple.

When we tricked you to come in the early stage, we only gave you a ruin.

In the later stage, the money has been in hand, and you still expect us to build a big house for you?

You want to eat shit!

However, they still decided to build some high-end shops on the 10% of the reserved land as the core of the entire District 1 and the most prosperous area.

But these subsequent operations and constructions cannot be completed overnight, and need to be dealt with slowly in the future.

After all, it is the most prosperous, but it is their own decision, and it needs to be recognized by other survivors.

But everyone believes that any shop opened in the gathering area will definitely not have no business.

Just like the "survivor store" in the past, it has been doing well until now!

Because there are few shops and a large number of survivors, there may be no business.

After putting away 1 million spirit coins, Qi Yuan was about to get up, but then he remembered something and asked: "By the way, there are more and more affairs in the first district. We should also manage it. Should we assign some employees here?"

"Do you have talents who are proficient in business?"

"This... I haven't asked, and I don't know what level they are."

At this time, seeing that everyone was embarrassed, Yang Zhenghe said directly: "Don't worry about this, I will manage the first district first. You each bring a few people here, and I will take care of them by the way."

"Okay, that's reassuring."

Although he made a lot of money this time and saw the huge profits of the first district.

However, Qi Yuan still planned to focus most of his energy on the development of the first district.

After all, the development of the shelter is the real foundation for future survival, and several people may have been blinded by 1 million spirit coins.

Back then, when the first-level shelter was upgraded to the fourth-level shelter, 1,000 spirit coins stumped most people.

Later, when the fourth-level shelter was upgraded to the fifth-level shelter, 30,000 spirit coins were already a piece of cake.

And now, if you want to upgrade to a 6-level shelter, you need 500,000 spirit coins.

At each stage, the spirit coins required for the development of the shelter are growing exponentially.

This time, they were able to earn 1 million spirit coins, and the five people were actually prepared in their hearts: the spirit coins required for the development of the shelter in the future will definitely not be a small number!

It was already late at night when all the things were discussed.

It was finally decided that Yang Zhenghe would be responsible for the affairs of the first district during this period of time.

He had already sent the three excellent-level guardian puppets back to guard the shelter, and he stayed behind.

This was also unavoidable, as he was the only one who was proficient in business management.

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