Fog Survival

Chapter 343 Spiritual Land Development Plan

Three props.

[Cave of Creatures (The Only Perfect Level)]

[Spirit Vein Construction Scroll (Perfect Level)]

[Golden Leizi Manufacturing Scroll (Perfect Level)]

Any one of them is enough to support the long-term development of a shelter and is a prop of great value.

Now that they have obtained three of them at the same time, Qi Yuan and the others wonder how they feel.

Among them, [Spirit Vein Construction Scroll] and [Jinleizi Production Scroll] can be used together within the five-person alliance.

땤The last [Cave of Creatures] was taken over by Qi Yuan alone.

Finally, when Qi Yuan was about to identify the mysterious flower, he was stopped by Qin Zhenjun: "Qi Yuan, you are in charge of this action and plan. Logically speaking, you have the greatest workload. So for this flower, you will No need to distribute it, just take it back."

"This..." Qi Yuan hesitated.

Seeing this, Yang Zhenghe comforted him and said: "This harvest is enough for everyone to share. There is only one flower, so it's hard to divide it. Let it go directly to you."

Qi Yuan actually understood their thoughts.

땣Let Tim work hard and spend so much money to cultivate the perfection and resources. Will the value 녦땣 be low?

Obviously not 녦땣.

But because of this, when the value is extremely high and the quantity is extremely large, it is easy for the contradiction of uneven distribution to arise.

Instead of all kinds of conflicts and incidents arising, it is better to nip the seeds of conflicts in the cradle in advance.

After thinking about it, Qi Yuan stuffed the flower into the dimensional ring, and then said: "Okay, if it is a resource that everyone uses, I will take it out and distribute it."

Later, Qi Yuan contacted Zhao Cheng and Zhong Maiyun and asked them to use the teleportation scroll to reach the spiritual land.

The five people gathered together to first share the situation of this exploration operation and introduce the harvest.

When they heard that so many precious resources had been obtained from a rare spiritual land, they were shocked beyond words.

Zhao Cheng's saliva flowed directly to the table, and he quickly took a sip and said: "Three perfect props. As long as we explore a few more spiritual places, wouldn't it..."

Although he didn't finish speaking, everyone understood what he meant.

Qi Yuan spread his hands and said: "You really think that the spiritual land is a bad street! We have searched so many, but we haven't found any spiritual land."

Yang Zhenghe nodded in recognition: "That's true. Tim found two spiritual places. I don't know how long he spent exploring them."

Zhao Cheng only sighed helplessly.

Qin Zhenjun comforted him and said, "It's okay. After we occupied this spiritual land, we have established a firm foothold in the unknown area. As long as we continue to explore, we will definitely discover other spiritual lands."

The others nodded expectantly.

But Qi Yuan found that only Zhong Maiyun was stunned, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Mai Yun, why are you in a daze all the time? What's on your mind?" Qi Yuan asked worriedly, touching her forehead by the way.

Zhong Maiyun smoothed her hair, exhaled and said, "Is it someone from District 5 who teased me? I made a note of it, and I'm going to kill him."

Yang Zhenghe: "..."

Qin Zhenjun: "..."

Zhao Cheng: "..."

Qi Yuan: "Sister, this was a topic 30 minutes ago... We all talked about perfect props."

"What perfect item? Say it again? I didn't pay attention just now!"

Qi Yuan: "...get out of here!"

Due to Zhong Maiyun's power, Qi Yuan only introduced three perfect props to her again.

Belated shock appeared on her face.

Qi Yuan sighed, continued the process, and said: "Now there is only the last problem left, which is to build a rare-level small spiritual vein in this spiritual land."

Yang Zhenghe then added: "It's 5 million spiritual coins, 1 million for each of us. What do you think?"

Zhong Maiyun shook her head, confused: "I only have more than 800,000 yuan, and I have spent a lot of money on developing business in the District recently."

Qi Yuan waved his hand and said nonchalantly: "It's okay. It's only 200,000 땤껥. I'll help you make up for it."

Upon hearing this, Zhao Cheng's eyes lit up: "Gegege, I don't have any money, you can help me make up for it."

Qi Yuan glanced at him and waved his hand again: "Okay, no problem! Come to my room after cleaning up at night!"

Zhao Cheng was still grinning during the first half of the sentence, but after listening to the second half, his smile completely froze.

"Forget it, I'll give you some money, so I don't need Brother Qi's help."

After discussing the issue of spiritual veins, the five people discussed the subsequent development of the spiritual land.

This spiritual land has a large area and abundant spiritual energy. It is a survival area that all survivors dream of. If it is not developed and utilized better, it will be a waste.

After everyone discussed it, we made a simple decision.

First of all, it is the core area with rare-level spiritual energy concentration.

The canyon in the center divides the core area into two parts. On the left is the original living area of ​​the white rhinoceros, but now a rare-level spiritual vein has been built.

Therefore, the concentration of spiritual energy here will inevitably be stronger, making it more suitable for life.

The five Qi Yuan people discussed and planned to build several villas next to the spiritual veins for daily living of the five people.

After all, if you live in a rare-level spiritual energy environment, who would want to go back to a shelter and live in a good-level spiritual energy environment?

Moreover, with the continuous development of the construction industry, it is completely possible to turn this place into a paradise.

And Qi Yuan vaguely guessed that future development would still focus on exploring unknown areas! The resources here are too rich, and the surprises they bring are too great.

Especially the spiritual land, which is simply the gospel of the entire human civilization.

On the right side of the canyon, the area where the Baizhang Blood Whispering Willow originally lived has been occupied by the guardian giant tree. The amount of plants here is extremely rich, and it can be used to grow various crops and create a high-quality fertile land.

On the periphery, the area of ​​excellent spiritual energy concentration.

Because there are still a large number of wild beasts living in this area, and their levels are not low, many of them have reached the excellent level.

Originally, under the constraints of "Regret White Rhino" and "Baizhang Blood Whispering Willow", these wild beasts barely coexisted peacefully.

But now, riots have gradually occurred.

Qi Yuan and the other five naturally would not allow wild beasts to make trouble in their own territory.

So after discussion, they decided to send out the team below to explore and clean up this area.

If they are wild beasts that can be raised, they will be given land to grow and raised for a long time.

If they are wild beasts that cannot be raised but are relatively obedient. They can also be left behind as guards in the outer area.

As for those that are neither raised nor obedient, there are only two outcomes.

The first is to be made into beast puppets by Qin Zhenjun and continue to serve as guards.

The second is to kill them directly!

The blood is made into blood essence using the "Blood Collection Spiritual Pattern".

The bones are made into spirit arrows.

If the body parts are good, try to put them into the "Cave of Living Beings".

It is a perfect use!

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