Fog Survival

Chapter 38: Distributing the Harvest

Qin Zhenjun looked around in the yard in surprise, seeing many items that amazed him.

He had always felt that he was developing very quickly.

Because with his strong strength, he could hunt wild beasts and obtain resource boxes far more than other seekers.

For Qi Yuan, the young man who saved his daughter's life, he had always wanted to help him.

This time he came to help clean up the wild beasts near the shelter out of friendship and concern.

In his opinion, how fast could Qi Yuan develop if he cut trees every day? How much food could he store?

So he spent a lot of money to buy the ally scroll just to help Qi Yuan.

One is to clean up dangerous beasts, and the other is to help Qi Yuan store food.

But after he came, he found that he seemed to be wrong.

Qi Yuan's development speed seemed to be no worse than his own, and even better than his own in some aspects.

Who would have thought that although Qi Yuan was not strong, he was lucky!

The development along the way was very smooth, and the resource box was never broken.

Seeing Qin Zhenjun's inexperienced look, Qi Yuan smiled helplessly and said, "Brother Qin, it's getting dark, let's divide the spoils quickly."

"Oh, yes, divide the spoils!" Qin Zhenjun slapped his head and remembered the business.

Originally, he planned to leave all the food to Qi Yuan if he didn't get much.

But now it seems that it is completely unnecessary.

All the harvests today were sorted out.

First, the most important food.

There are 21 pieces of ordinary steaks in total.

There are 40 pieces of good steaks in total, two of which are smaller and collected from wild wolves.

In addition to some, there are also 6 pieces of blood and flesh essence, 8 pig bones, 15 pieces of lard, 3 wolf teeth, and two small wild boars collected from two wild boars.

After the discussion, the two divided the money.

Qi Yuan received 11 ordinary-grade steaks, 20 good-grade steaks, 3 blood and flesh essences, 4 pig bones, 8 pieces of lard, two wolf teeth, and a wild boar.

Qin Zhenjun generously gave Qi Yuan one more portion of all the food in odd numbers.

The blood and flesh essence was made into healing potions on the spot, and three bottles were divided.

After the food was distributed, the rest were put into resource boxes.

14 wooden resource boxes and 2 bronze resource boxes, which could be divided in pairs.

Just as the two distributed the harvest and were immersed in joy.

The daytime ended.

Almost in an instant, the only light left in the sky was swallowed up in an instant, and the heavy clouds were like a mountain pressing down, covering the sky of the entire foggy world.

Not only here, but all the seekers fell into darkness at this moment.

Except for the faint light inside the house, it was terribly dark outside, and no light or scenery could be seen.

The air seemed to condense, and the cold breath rushed into the nose, like the skin. Even if you were wearing heavy clothes, you would feel like you were falling into an ice cave.

Qi Yuan couldn't help shivering, and his eyes looking out the window revealed a hint of uneasiness.

Qin Zhenjun also frowned and said, "I have to go back quickly. I'm worried about Xiaotong being alone at home."

Taking the harvested supplies, Qin Zhenjun's figure disappeared in the teleportation array.

At this time, Qi Yuan also began the final preparations before the cold wave.

The animals raised in the yard, the bees have already hidden in the hive, and the pheasants have also hidden in the chicken coop.

With the cover of the wall, the wind and snow in the yard are much smaller than outside.

The beehive of the bees is more resistant to cold, and should be able to barely survive in low temperatures, but it is still very difficult.

Therefore, Qi Yuan used wood to make a windproof fence for the bee colony, enclosing the entire beehive to reduce the impact of wind and snow.

The pheasant's chicken coop has insulation cotton, which has a good insulation effect. Just stuff some hay in it.

The only thing left is the little wild boar.

This untamed little pig is still quite dangerous.

Therefore, Qi Yuan placed it in the basement to prevent it from tossing other animals.

The crucian carp in the pond, because of the protection of Qingyue Algae, the water temperature is magically maintained at 0℃, just to ensure that the pond does not freeze.

The cold resistance of the guardian thorn has always been very strong, and it has its own set of cold resistance methods, so Qi Yuan does not need to worry too much.

After handling the planting and breeding industries, Qi Yuan's heart was also relieved. At this time, the wind and snow were getting stronger and stronger, and it was not convenient for him to stay in the yard for a long time, so he went back to the house.

The temperature was getting lower and lower, even indoors, the temperature dropped to -20℃, making Qi Yuan suffer.

Yu could only hide in the bedroom and light the fireplace quickly.

In order to increase the temperature, Qi Yuan deliberately added a piece of charcoal and turned the fire in the fireplace to the maximum.

The sound of burning hot wood and the whistling and dull sound of wind and snow outside the house formed a sharp contrast, as if he was in two different worlds.

The warm and narrow shelter gave him a rare sense of security.

Feeling the warmth of the fireplace, Qi Yuan's frozen body recovered, but he still felt very cold.

Yu took off his coat and got into the 12 cashmere quilt. After staying in the quilt for dozens of minutes, he didn't feel so cold.

He took out the "Mist Seeking Handbook" and began to look through the information in it to understand the situation of other seekers.

The first thing that popped up was Gao Hanzhi's information.

I sent you 23 vines, which should be today's harvest.

Gao Hanzhi: "I sent you the vines I collected today."

Gao Hanzhi: "It's getting dark here, and the temperature is getting very low. There's a lot of snow outside, and the creek is frozen. Qi Yuan, how are you doing there?"

Qi Yuan quickly replied: "It's the same here, the temperature is dropping very fast. This change should be for all the requesters."

"It's really terrible, the snow outside is bigger than a fist, and it piled up half a meter high in a few minutes!"

Gao Hanzhi opened the message with some palpitations, obviously panicking about the cold wave.

Qi Yuan was about to open a message to comfort her, but the system issued a notice.

[Mist Announcement]

"First of all, congratulations to all the surviving seekers for successfully passing the seven-day novice period!

Now we will face the first test - the cold wave.

I believe everyone is ready to face this disaster!

At the same time, the novice protection mechanism will be completely cancelled after today.

The changes are as follows.

"First, the fog protection area will disappear, and there will be no fog-free area, light fog area, and thick fog area in the future.

Wild beasts will no longer be restricted by fog.

All seekers, please be prepared to face powerful wild beasts.

Of course, there are also many powerful seekers who have already started to face and even hunt wild beasts. Please keep up the good work!

The second point is to cancel the item information prompt.

In the future, when seekers encounter various resources in the wild, the system will not prompt the name, grade, and operation.

The third point is that silver resource boxes will appear in the future.

The quality of resource props will be excellent and rare!

Please be prepared, all seekers!

At the same time, at 12 o'clock tonight, the development of all seekers will be comprehensively evaluated and rewards will be given!

The evaluation criteria include: shelter level, shelter facilities, total amount and rarity of resource acquisition, number and quality of props, amount and rarity of resource boxes, shelter strength, exploration of the foggy world, etc. ... Multiple aspects of evaluation, please be prepared. "

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