Fog Survival

Chapter 696 Fleets from all parties!

So he went in and out and checked all the parts.

Soon, Zhang Zhongyue sent a message: "Qi Yuan, we are ready to set off here, are you ready?"

Qi Yuan glanced at Chen Lao, and after receiving a look of approval, he replied: "No problem, we can set off."

As the engine started, a loud roar echoed on the sea, spreading in the turbulent waves, and the snow-white waves flew up more than ten meters high, revealing a salty smell of the ocean.

The frigates surrounded them, and at the same time they were responsible for opening the way. The five sea-breaking cloud boats followed closely behind, and they were far and near from each other, forming a fleet for sailing.

Compared with the first collective sea voyage, this time it was obviously much more generous and confident.

After driving 10km and arriving at the waters near the public island, more than a dozen huge sea-breaking cloud boat fleets appeared in the distance.

All forces stopped one ship, and under the joint action, a strong momentum came.

And everyone on the public island was shocked and looked at this scene with a horrified expression.

This sea operation was not told to anyone, and it was only spread among the top leaders of the eight major forces.

No matter whether it was a super gathering, a large gathering, or the survivors on the star island chain, no one knew what these top forces were going to do?

But, when all the fleets gathered and set off, the news spread immediately.

The crowd of onlookers recorded this scene and spread it quickly.

"What are you going to do? The eight districts actually formed a fleet and went out to sea at the same time?!"

"What if it happened? Maybe they all just wanted to go fishing."

"Ask yourself if you believe it? You have a whole fleet for fishing? And the eight districts are all involved, even the first and second districts are involved, things are definitely not simple!"

Many people subconsciously think that as long as Campos and Qi Yuan also participate in the operation, it will be a large-scale operation.

But this is true.

Other forces will also have some cooperation in private, but the movement will not be big, it is a small operation.

But once Campos and Qi Yuan participate, the matter will definitely not be small.

Soon, someone with sharp eyes suddenly said loudly.

"Look at the distance, those big ships are somewhat similar?"

Following the direction pointed by the finger, many people immediately looked and saw a huge fleet of 12 ships coming from afar!

Moreover, the style of the ships was different. They were smaller than the Po Hai Yun Zhou, more solid, and had unique patterns carved on their surfaces.

"Fuck, are we going to go to war with other forces? We are going to witness history!"

"What the hell are you dreaming about! Can't you see you are getting closer? Are you going to fight in close combat?"

"Hey, pirates boarding the ship? Chopping each other with machetes?"

"Don't be ridiculous, this looks like a large gathering, Messiah Sanctuary pattern!"

"Messiah? Is that Achilles Sanctuary? Large gatherings are also involved in this operation?!"

"Oh my god, oh my god! The ships intersected, and it seemed that they were fighting, and at the same time the two large gatherings were taking joint action. "

"What are you going to do? It's worth everyone's action."

"Haha, you must go out to find treasures! And make you jealous of treasures!"

"Fuck, this group of dogs. They eat alone and leave nothing for you! They don't take any action with them, it's really fucking **"

There are also some small and medium-sized forces, who can't help but curse in a low voice.

Although, last time, hundreds of thousands of medium and large forces who tried to rebel were directly massacred, and all those who plotted to rebel were completely cleared.

But as time goes by, small and medium-sized forces have sprung up like bamboo shoots after rain, and they have emerged one after another.

After this period of development, it has become a climate again, and class contradictions always exist.

But the eight districts obviously don't care about them. They could slaughter them once before, and they can slaughter them now. They are just a group of clowns who think they are powerful.

At this time, all the fleets have gathered.

The huge fleet is like a marine beast, stretching over a dozen miles of sea, showing its domineering power.

The first time they went out to sea, even excellent beasts dared to approach and attack the ship.

But this time, a large number of perfect and rare auras surrounded the team, and no marine creature dared to approach.

Qi Yuan stood on the deck, calmly watching the fleet of his forces, and had a rough estimate in his mind.

There are not many large gathering ships, only 12.

The style is different from the Broken Sea Cloud Boat, but it should also have perfect-level props, and its strength is also very powerful.

All we know is that we made the scrolls ourselves and the old village chief gave them to us.

Around our fleet, there are also some powerful beasts.

"How strong is the large gathering? There is only one perfect water attribute combat force!"

Qi Yuan said with some disdain.

Around the large gathering team, there are more than a dozen rare-level tamed beasts and a perfect-level sea lion-like creature.

The overall strength is not strong.

But this is understandable.

The large gathering developed the ocean relatively late, and it seems that there is no star island chain. Instead, they found three islands close to each other and formed a station in the ocean.

Therefore, their combat strength in the sea is far better than that of the super gathering. It is still very easy to pull up such a fleet.

And with super gathering here, the team is even larger.

Kampus has 3, Daniel and El Chi each have 2, and the three of them have a total of 7 sea-breaking cloud boats to form a medium-sized fleet, cooperating with each other to move forward.

However, there are no perfect creatures around the fleet.

And they are guarded by Daniel's ice bears, and they can also move underwater, but it is not so convenient.

At the same time, El Chi's army of sea worms also covered the surroundings, densely covering several meters of sea area, like a black curtain, which makes people shudder.

This is El Chi's special method, which can effectively ensure the safety of the fleet.

In addition, Heather, Irene, Tim, and Zhang Zhongyue each have 2 Broken Sea Cloud Boats, plus the old village chief's boat, a total of 9 ships form a fleet, and the strength is also very strong.

But there are no perfect-level creatures around.

Only Irene cultivates various marine plants and floats around to prevent danger.

At the same time, a large number of light blue vines with mucus, like octopus storage, grow on the bottom of the ship as a means of combat to defend against marine life on the seabed.

And Heather, the dean of the Ocean College, made the same arrangement as Qi Yuan.

In addition, some weaker but more maneuverable frigates with detection capabilities were built to open the way in front.

At the same time, some research results of the Ocean College were also used in this operation.

For example, special mines that can accelerate travel, special protective layers that are waterproof, etc., many of which are brand new scientific research results.

The last fleet is a five-member alliance headed by Qi Yuan.

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