Following a Whisper

20 What Else am I Gonna do?


Breathing heavily and rapidly from panic, I try to put on a normal smile in a desperate attempt for the guard to assume everything was fine and leave.Which he did, after a 10-30 minute lecture that probably had something do with how I wasn't allowed to hum.

Not that I could tell though.I mean, even if my hearing was functioning, I probably wouldn't listen.So I just sat there, like I was listening in total devotion until he finally left.

When I was alone, I just sat on the floor waiting for the situation to sink in.

Once it did, I once again descended into boredom.Seriously though, if there was anyone out there that studied boredom, I would definitely be the perfect candidate for experimentation.Literally, all I do the whole day is sit here in this desolate room.

You'd think being kidnapped and caged with no memories would be more entertaining.But no, to add on to it all, I also can't hear and can only see out one eye.

If you think that's not bad enough, I also have to deal with mysterious dreams and whip lashes.

...But really, I wonder if I'll ever be able to hear again.

Letting out yet another sigh, I sit up and attempt to clean my wound once again.It takes a while, but eventually I make some progress.After I'm finished I lay back down and let my thoughts wander.

I wonder where that unknown creature went.I'm aware that I've never actually seen that creature, nor do I have any way to prove it exists.But I can kinda just tell that it's there.And even if I'm only deluding myself into thinking that, at least that thought will keep me entertained for a little bit.I mean, what else am I gonna do?

But my hopeless thoughts were interrupted when my arm was grabbed rudely and a unpleasant face entered my line of sight.

And once again, I was reminded of the advantages that come along with hearing.@@

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