Following a Whisper

31 Most Basic of Etiquette

It turns out regaining my strength is harder that I though it would be.Seeing as I'm in a damp, windowless, and furniture lacking room with no signs of medicine, it's quite a miracle that I haven't come down with some deadly disease yet.

I'm pretty sure my wounds have gotten worse and I think I may gave gained some bruises.Not sure how seeing as I haven't moved a inch in a week.

Also, I think the quality of the gray colored and dust smelling mush they've giving me has decreased.It's evolved from being tasteless, to tasting like maggot droppings.

Don't ask me how I know what maggot droppings taste like.

Regardless, I think gotten very off topic.I'm supposed to be striving for my freedom and planning my escape, but at this rate I'll soon leave an wither away in a pile of dust.

Speaking of dust, the guard is here to deliver my food.

A very stout and short guard comes in and drops the bowl of mush on the ground, not caring that half of it spilled over the edge with his carelessness.

I reluctantly crawl over to my lunch, wondering which insect feces it would taste like today.Once I had actually picked up the bowl and was preparing to eat, I noticed that the guard was still standing before me and staring intently as I was preparing to torture my taste buds.

"...Are you going to watch?"

My misgivings were plainly shown in my eyes, but the guard just answers with a plain and rude,

"Yes", He doesn't seem to care enough to explain why he's choosing to abstain from using the most basic of human etiquette that even the most rude guards would implement.

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After a moment I manage to choke out, "Could you...Not?"

The guard's face that doesn't seem to fit his body shows a surprised expression, as if he didn't expect for me to ask that question.

"Why not?"

But before I could answer, the guard just shakes his head and says with decisiveness,

"Never mind, just eat your food.Quickly."

He then resumes staring at me.

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