Following a Whisper

4 I'sm Mute?

...All of this is too much.It's honestly so frustrating, how is it that no one here makes sense?Seriously, what am I supposed to do with these people?!

"Mute!Do I really sound mute to you?!"I'm staring at him with probably the most annoyed face that I have ever made.I came here expecting a change of scenery, but all I get is this?!There's a fine line between entertaining and frustrating!...I inwardly sigh and calm down.I fix my expression into peaceful one and face him with fake respect.

"Mr, would you please explain?"I wanted to call him Fuzz, but that didn't quite seem appropriate for the moment.He seemed to be in daze after my first comment, so after I spoke again with a new tone he snapped out of it and looked at incredulously.

"This is too shocking.Last week you were meek, docile, and wouldn't speak a word.This change is too drastic!"He says this is too shocking?!That what I want to say!I wake up with absolutely no memory, am surrounded by complete dolts, and have deal with this coconut of a doctor!The me before must have been seriously messed up to have been meek in front of these people.I feel like its thanks to them that I'm able to have such opinionated thoughts though, so I'll let them off a little.

"Yes, well, let's not talk about that.What do you need me for?"I think this might just be the most that I've been polite to someone before.It seemed to fruitless after he made next comment though.

"Hmm?Don't act dumb.Even if you're talking now, that doesn't mean that you get away from the scans.No matter what this will not change.Even if you put up a farce."Ugh.This again, first the guard tells me that I'm lying about it being cold, than this fuzz brain tells me that I'm lying about being clueless.I really want to tell them about my amnesia, but something tells me it will put me in a bad spot.

Yay!Even though I have lost my memories I can still make decisions for myself!

"Now drink this and wait for me while I get a needle."I don't appreciate him interrupting my sarcastic celebration, but I still take the suspicious drink that is filled with thick purple liquid.He must be crazy if he thinks I'm drinking this.

But I don't have a chance to do something about it because the emotionless guard takes the cup from my hand and abruptly forces the liquid into my mouth...Is it rule that all guards need to completely throw away their manners?

The doctor walks back in with large needle, and fills it with liquid.He's doing this with a extremely satisfied expression on his face.But I'm just curious, not scared like he obviously wants me to be.I haven't experienced much in this short week of awareness apart from cold, hunger, and extreme boredom.So I'm interested to see how this feels.I wonder if this counts as self harm?

"Now Via, Since this needle is large enough to take out large animals, you need to be absolutely still.If you don't you will experience excruciating pain that you might not survive.And you cannot tense or stiffen up even a little."He warns after seeing my unsatisfying expression.

After not seeing any fear in me whatsoever, he sighs in disappointment.He stomps over to me and ruthlessly injects the needle into my arm.

And as soon as the liquid enters my skin, I black out.

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