“Xia Mingjun, is it really okay to eat these ingredients?”

Looking at the ingredients that had been processed in front of them, at this moment, Alice and Tian Sohui were a little embarrassed.

Some of these ingredients give people a very bad feeling just by looking at the color, such as the purple meat, which is not something that can be eaten at all, it is meat taken from a strange bird.

“Don’t worry, you just need to cook the usual way.”

Xia Ming smiled and didn’t care, or in his opinion, being toxic was not a bad thing.

He can make antibodies quickly with absolute adaptation, and this accumulation is also necessary.

When Ah Yu entered the beach cave, there were more than 70 kinds of antibodies in his body, but there were more than 500 kinds of antibodies in cocoa during that period.

Ah Yu was bitten by the zombie Taipang snake before, there was no fart at all, and the poison of that snake would die if it was not hit with serum after being poisoned for several hours.

But people are directly immune if they have antibodies in their bodies, so it is necessary to make antibodies, and there is absolute adaptation, and now Xia Ming can eat some highly toxic ingredients unscrupulously.

After listening to Xia Ming’s words, the two didn’t say anything more, Xia Ming had already said so, and they naturally complied.

With the passage of time, a large number of dishes have been made by the two, and the efficiency of the chef of the gourmet fan is indeed leveraged.

The two girls don’t have gourmet cells, so they eat snake frog meat they have eaten before, and as for Xia Ming, he began to eat these ingredients that he didn’t know at all.

“This meat is too woody, the taste is not very good, this is good, the meat is tender … …”

The same kind of ingredients are under the belly, Xia Ming also has a certain judgment on these ingredients, what is delicious and what is not delicious.

As he ate, suddenly Xia Ming’s face began to turn purple, and he ate a piece of meat that tasted quite good, but this piece of meat was poisonous.

After the toxin entered the body, the color of his skin was changed.

However, at this time, the absolute adaptability began to threaten, and the body quickly completed the analysis of the toxin and created antibodies.

It lasted less than ten seconds, and the purple color on Xia Ming’s body quickly disappeared.

After Xia Ming ate this meat again, there was no sign of poisoning at all, which was the horror of making antibodies.

Originally, it was not so simple to make antibodies, even if they were Ah Yu, they needed to inject a little bit of venom and do this for a long time to make themselves antibodies.

Even Coco is because of the special nature of the food demon, so he is more resistant to toxins.

However, now Xia Ming is even more terrifying, his absolute ability to adapt to this ability is against the sky, as long as it is not too many toxins beyond his current level, he can complete the production of antibodies in a very short time, so as to be completely immune.

It’s a pity that the current absolute adaptation and development degree is not enough, and the food cell level is not enough, otherwise Xia Ming can completely use this ability to develop the same poisonous physique as Coco.

Coco’s poisonous physique is due to the peculiarities of the food demon combined with the large amount of toxins he ingests.

Xia Ming’s current absolute adaptation can’t do this, but absolute adaptation is just beginning, and there is still a lot of room for growth.

The more he developed this ability, the more surprised Xia Ming became, and the horror level of this ability has been constantly refreshed.

After eating all the food made by the two girls, Xia Ming had five more antibodies in his body.

This speed of antibody production can be said to be quite against the sky.

“It’s really amazing, completely immune to these toxins!”

Looking at Xia Ming’s series of anti-heaven operations, the two sisters didn’t know what to say.

As chefs, they know very well how terrible the toxins contained in some ingredients are, but Xia Ming has created antibodies in the blink of an eye and is completely immune to this toxin, which they can only describe as anti-heavenly.

At this moment, the two completely attributed this property to the gourmet cells, and Xia Ming naturally would not deliberately explain it.

Gourmet cells are also different depending on the characteristics of gourmet demons.

As long as you have gourmet cells, you generally have such an ability, but there is no absolute adaptability to this ability, you can only inject trace amounts of toxins, and it takes a long time to inject to make such antibodies.

The two don’t have gourmet cells now, and when they have it, Xia Ming will emphasize it again.

In this way, after eating, Xia Ming came to the small river next to him and directly dived down.

Absolute adaptation allows people to quickly adapt to the surrounding environment, which naturally includes water.

In fact, as the strength becomes stronger, the lung capacity is naturally getting stronger.

But Xia Ming is now constantly developing the ability to absolutely adapt to this.

So he dived straight into the water.

With the help of absolute adaptation, Xia Ming can stay underwater longer and longer every time.

In the next few days, Xia Ming could easily stay underwater for two hours with absolute adaptation, and his actions were getting less and less resistant in the water.

Absolute adaptation is not an evolutionary ability, which does not change Xia Ming’s body structure, but allows him to gradually adapt to the surrounding environment.

Now Xia Ming’s movements in the water are not at all slower than those on land.

When he went out hunting during the day, Xia Ming would also adapt to the swamp, and similarly, he had now adapted to the environment there.

Even if you fight there, you will not be affected by the environment.

Absolute adaptability brings him too much convenience, but unfortunately his gourmet cells are not improving fast.

The lifting of food cells is not simple.

Don’t look at Ah Yu and others who soar like a rocket after the beginning of the plot.

That’s an absolutely solid foundation and recipes prepared by a dragon, a lot of ingredients that fit their cells, and they can improve so quickly if they are constantly pushing the limits.

It was hard to rely on ordinary ingredients to get the registration up, at least it was almost seven days since they entered the Balon Islands, but Xia Ming didn’t feel much stronger.

It is always because the food is not of sufficient grade, and there is no food suitable for the cells or some special ingredients.

Now Xia Ming also plans to wait until the time of seven days to send the two away, and then he will do something to the Grana giant crocodile and the swamp snake to see if these two ingredients can improve Xia Ming’s cell level.

Of course, it is not that he has not gained anything during this time, the cell improvement is slow, and it can even be said that it is a snail climbing, but it is also improving, and he is not standing still.

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