“By the way, this tester should be able to test my own level!”

Xia Ming suddenly remembered that his position for his own strength was actually not particularly clear, and now that he had a tester, then he should be able to do it.

Thinking of this, Xia Ming directly took out the level tester, and then tested it on himself.

After the tester test, Xia Ming’s current level value appeared on it.

“Level 17, I got a level increase of 5 from the mission, so my previous level was level 12?”

Xia Ming is not dissatisfied with this level, although he does not have an accurate positioning of his strength, he generally knows something.

The level of level 17 is already very good for him, and according to this calculation, Xia Ming estimates that when he first entered the Baron Islands, the level is estimated to be between level 5 and level 6.

“Almost, it’s time to go out, contact Alice by the way!”

Having completed the task and the harvest has been determined, Xia Ming naturally plans to leave.

The Baron Islands are already his back garden, and if he wants to come in in the future, it will be a matter of thought.

It’s just that the time to enter the outside world of the Baron Islands will not stop in the future, but this is not a problem for Xia Ming, and he can leave at any time anyway.

To be honest, Xia Ming is also a normal person, although the ingredients here are indeed quite delicious, but he is not a wild man.

The identity issue is no longer a problem at this stage, after all, he has a very good relationship with Alice.

With the help of the Xue Che family, whether it is money or other problems, it is no longer called a problem.

After leaving, Xia Ming reappeared in the park, but compared to him before entering, Xia Ming now even has a completely different temperament.

However, the clothes on the body are not so good, after all, the clothes will inevitably be damaged during the battle.

Even though Xia Ming had not been injured many times, he was still very embarrassed.

If it weren’t for the temperament here, it is estimated that someone would directly define Xia Ming as a tramp.

After leaving the park, Xia Ming borrowed a mobile phone from the convenience store and called Alice.

When he returned the mobile phone, Xia Ming still remembered the strange look in the other party’s eyes, after all, Xia Ming’s appearance was really weird.

Dressed like a tramp, even if you look for someone to borrow a mobile phone, you don’t even know where you are.

However, Xia Ming’s luck was good, his location was the nearest city where the far moon was located, and Xue Qie’s family happened to be in this city.

After waiting for more than half an hour, a car that looked very luxurious appeared in front of Xia Ming.

“Xia Mingjun, get in the car, I didn’t expect you to be on our side, I thought you would be on the Huaxia side!”

The person in the car is naturally Alice, and there is a full-time driver in addition to her.

“I’m here for some special reason, and I need your help next!”

Xia Ming is also helpless, the system does not give him any identity at all after throwing him into this world, and there is no currency in this world, which also makes him very helpless.

“Little meaning, let’s get in the car first!”

Alice said it wasn’t a problem.

This is not bad at all, the Xue Che family is indeed a very strong family in this world, after all, this is a food world, although it does not represent everything with chef cuisine, but the status of chefs is very high.

Such a competition plan as the halberd was passed down from the Xue Che family, and it swept the whole country.

Of course, it is limited to spreading within this country, but I have to say that the Xue family is indeed the emperor of the earth in this country.

Of course, the most crucial point is that the status of the Xue Che family in the world is actually not low, and the reason for this is naturally because Xue Qi is really good.

She’s the only Executive Officer of WGO, and except for the late-night cooks, the other chefs are basically managed by WGO.

It can only be said that the world of food is indeed unreasonable, and the status of strong chefs is really high.

To put it bluntly, similar to the small boss world, senior chefs can even use their own cuisine to control the holders of a big power.

Just like the little boss in the family Kai Yu controlled the Western Empress with the help of the Eight Arrays of Broken Demons, the gourmet fan was so unreasonable.

After getting into the car, Xia Ming noticed that Alice had changed into a dress, no longer the previous set of chef’s clothes, but a pure white dress.

In the car, the two did not chat too much, after all, the topic between them is not suitable for talking here, and there is a driver here.

The driver at the moment is actually confused.

The reason is very simple, this young lady of his own family does not know what’s going on, suddenly came out, and also came out to pick up a person, the most important thing is that this person is simply like a homeless man.

He couldn’t understand how his young lady had made contact with the other party.

Although confused, the driver also knew what his job was, so he did not say a word.

In this way, Xia Ming came to the Xue Che family’s manor.

Since the school has not yet started, it is natural not to live in the school.

The Xue Che family has to say that it is indeed a big dog in the big dog family, and if nothing else, the place where Xue Che Alice lives is also a single-family villa.

However, if you think about it carefully, it doesn’t seem to be a big exaggeration, after all, people’s dormitories in the school are also single-family villas.

“Xia Mingjun, welcome to my residence!”

Alice said with a smile.

“It’s really luxurious enough, so long story short, for some special reasons, I am penniless now, and I am a black household, so I need your help next, of course, as a reward, I will provide some special ingredients!”

Although the relationship between Xia Ming and Alice was indeed very good some time ago.

But Xia Ming is not the kind of person who grabs Entu, so he still offers his own price tag.

“No, there is no need at all, although I don’t know what situation Xia Mingjun encountered, but my life was saved by Xia Mingjun, so these are not problems.”

Alice shook her head quickly, how could she ask for Xia Ming’s things.

Their own small lives have been saved by others, and now they need a little help of their own, and of course they will do their best to help each other.

“These are two different things, and you can’t be unimpressed by these special ingredients, right?”

Xia Ming’s attitude towards Alice is not surprising.

“Well, if you want to say that you are hungry, you will definitely be hungry, after all, these are all super high-grade ingredients that are not available in this world!”

Alice nodded very honestly.

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