Three days flew by, and Xia Ming spent these three days at Tian Sohui’s house.

Tasoke’s family runs a restaurant that is not only a restaurant where you can eat, but also a place to stay.

In the past few days, several people have spent time at Tian Suohui’s house, and they also go out to sea from time to time to take a walk.

I have to say that the environment of Tian Suohui’s family is okay.

Although this natural atmosphere cannot be compared with the Baron Islands, it is expensive to be safe, after all, there is no self-protection in the Baron Islands, so it is not a vacation but a survival.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye, and before the new secret realm opened, the three of them had already gathered, and everything that should be prepared was prepared by Alice, and Xia Ming put everything into the space.

Now the two of them are no longer dressed as casual as before, but dressed up as the kind of attire that is very suitable for the wild.

As for Xia Ming, he is very casual, he doesn’t care about dressing up at all, how comfortable he is, after all, the strength is here.

“It’s not the first time, but I’m still a little nervous!”

At this moment, Tadashue and Alice are still a little nervous, after all, they knew the dangers of the Baron Islands before, and they have lived in the Baron Islands for so long.

But when they think of the new secret place, the new environment, they are still a little nervous.

“Don’t be nervous, this period of training is not in vain!”

Xia Ming comforted him, he naturally knew the new secret realm information, after all, he could view it, and the new secret realm was the eighth ecological region.

This place is also very familiar to him, and most importantly, it has a very special ingredient, rainbow fruit.

The capture level of the rainbow fruit is not very high, the most important thing is the surrounding Tro King Kong, those things are not low level, but also social, it is not easy to deal with.

And to be honest, Xia Ming didn’t know if the eighth ecological zone in the system would be very different from the original work.

After all, this was the case in the previous Balon Islands, and there were several giant crocodiles beyond the limit, and even the overlord was not the giant crocodile that exceeded the limit, but the huge spherical bird.

Obviously, although Xia Ming knew something about the Balon Islands, it was not always the case.

So now for the eighth ecological region, Xia Ming is also a little wary, who knows if there will be any moths inside?

His idea, like the Baron Islands, was to stay for seven days, and then decide after seven days whether to let the two come back first, or to test the difference between the reward and the guaranteed reward for paddling behind.

During the period, Xia Ming will also check the situation of the eighth ecological region to confirm whether he can bring two people with him at that time.

As before, when entering the secret realm, the surrounding environment is constantly changing, and Xia Ming’s physique will feel a little uncomfortable before, but this time he has become much stronger, and he has completely lost feeling.

It was Tasshoe and Xue Che Alice, this time Xia Ming watched the two faint directly.

Such a change is to say that it is to see people’s physical fitness, the stronger the physical quality, the more able to resist such a conversion effect, Xia Ming is, now he does not feel at all.

Although the two girls have been strengthened, they are only level 1, so it is not very surprising to faint.

After the surrounding environment was stable, Xia Ming found that it was not only Xia Ming and the two sisters next to him, but also one more person.

It was also a girl, but when he saw this girl, Xia Ming’s whole person was shocked.

For no other reason, this person is also highly recognizable, butterfly hairpin, covered with some feathers like butterfly wings, inside is a set of pure black clothes, and a knife is held in his hand.

Such recognition made Xia Ming think of the Butterfly Ninja of the Ghost Slayer Blade for the first time.

Now he was surprised that this was the World of Eaters, how could it pull in the people of the Ghost Destroying World?

“Here it is… Where? Why daytime? Could it be that he has fallen for the blood ghost technique? ”

At this moment, the other party opened his mouth, and when he first came in, although the other party was awake, his consciousness was not completely awake, and he was a little confused by that feeling.

It seems that although the physical fitness of the other party can initially resist such a transfer, it is not yet completely immune, and this state is much worse than when Xia Ming entered before.

However, the other party sobered up quickly, and he had already put on a defensive posture the moment he found out that he was in a situation, and the knife in his hand was also aimed at Xia Ming.

“Calm down first.”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and heard the Blood Ghost Technique from the other person’s mouth, and he had already determined that the other party should be a butterfly, but he couldn’t directly say the other person’s name, so he released some breath slightly.

After Xia Ming released his breath, the terrifying breath directly caused the other party’s momentum to disintegrate in an instant.

“Next listen to me, this place…”

After Xia Ming saw that the other party was shocked by himself, he quickly explained the situation here.

“So it is… I’m so sorry! ”

After listening to Xia Ming’s words, the other party put away the knife and then said apologetically.

“You believe that?”

Seeing the other party’s reaction, Xia Ming was a little surprised, according to the character of Butterfly Shinobi, how could he believe it directly.

“Although there are still some doubts, but the breath just now is not fake, and this sunshine, I don’t believe that there will be ghosts who can use blood ghost techniques to simulate such real sunlight.”

“Moreover, I am also the pillar of the ghost killing team, and I still have my own judgment ability.”

“By the way, my name is Butterfly Kanae, a member of the ghost killing team, a person who specializes in killing ghosts!”

Seeing Xia Ming’s surprised look, the other party also smiled and explained and introduced himself.

“Butterfly Kanae, so it is, no wonder it is so easy to believe other people’s words, but in this way, the hair is indeed longer, and the temperament is not quite right, sure enough, there will be some difference after the two-dimensional is transformed into reality!”

After hearing the other party’s self-introduction, Xia Ming also knew that he had recognized the wrong person, this person was Butterfly Shinobu’s sister, and the butterfly Kanae who died in the hands of Tong Mo in the original work.

It is no wonder that the other party believed her words for the first time, Butterfly Kanae herself is a very naïve person, her parents died at the hands of ghosts, and she still insists on wanting to live peacefully with ghosts.

Of course, the most important thing is that the other party is a pillar and has its own judgment ability, combined with its own judgment to believe Xia Ming’s words so easily.

Otherwise, if it were completely silly white and sweet, Butterfly Kanae would definitely not be able to mix with the level of the pillar, and would have been killed by the ghost long ago.

This is also the answer that the other party has come up with after considering many aspects.

(Writing this chapter I know that someone must complain, so I must explain that I said in the introduction, this book goes a long way, the outline is also set in this way, because I am not used to integrating all worlds into one world, it will feel very chaotic, so I used this way, but the main line is still around the captive secret realm of halberd and food, and some characters from other worlds will appear in the early stage, as for the subsequent plot, the prisoners of halberd and food will occupy seventy percent, and other worlds will occupy thirty percent, of course, There will be no too powerful worlds, such as the Box Dragon Ball and the like. )

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