At the same time that Xia Ming burst out of a terrifying aura, the three people who were swept away by the qi wave seemed to feel that an incomparably huge demon appeared in front of them, and the silver-white aura appeared on Xia Ming, and under this terrifying aura, the three of them could not resist at all.

Even trembling all over couldn’t stand up.

But in the next second, the terrifying aura on Xia Ming’s body completely converged back, as if everything was an illusion.

“Sorry, just now because of the crisis sense directly let the body into a state of imminent battle, it seems that this ecological zone is more troublesome than I thought, stay away from here for the time being!”

Xia Ming helped the three people up and said a little apologetically, the scene just now was not done on purpose.

As he approached the giant wall, Xia Ming’s crisis sensing sensed an unprecedented crisis, and the intensity of this crisis made Xia Ming’s body automatically enter a state of war.

This was the first time that Xia Ming had sensed such a terrifying aura, as if death had enveloped him.

Now Xia Ming really couldn’t figure out what was inside, if it was just a simple Trojanta, it wouldn’t make him sense the threat at all.

After all, the capture level of Tro King Kong is only level 9, and even the leader Silver Back is only level 10.

At such a level, how could Xia Ming be threatened by such a degree.

You know, although Xia Ming’s rank is placed here, his own combat strength is slightly higher than the level.

The inside of the eighth ecological zone did not know what was happening, but Xia Ming could be sure that from the crisis sensing just now, if he had a direct confrontation with this unknown creature, there would be only one possibility, and he would be killed.

“Xia Mingjun, what happened just now?” Why did you suddenly erupt with such a terrifying aura? ”

This time the three can be said to have eaten Xia Ming’s momentum and coercion head-on, that kind of momentum, among the three, the butterfly Kanae is fine, after all, they have been fighting with ghosts all the time, and their will has long been tempered and hard.

Of course, Xia Ming’s horror level is completely beyond the upper limit of the Ghost Extermination World, so she is still a little soft now.

As for the other two, although it was the first time that they had eaten Xia Ming’s momentum under the full burst of force, when they were exercising in the Baron Islands before, Xia Ming often released his breath to deter them, so that they gradually adapted to such deterrence.

You know, not only humans can release such an aura to deter other creatures, but some powerful creatures can also release aura, so the two gradually adapted to Xia Ming’s aura.

Moreover, the bodies of both of them are strengthened, much stronger than normal people, so the reaction is not like Komatsu.

After all, when Komatsu faced Ayu’s terrifying aura for the first time, he was directly frightened.

“Just now, when I was close to the ecological zone, I suddenly sensed a terrifying threat, which was so strong that the body reacted by itself and entered a state of imminent battle!”

Xia Ming explained it simply, which made the three people unconscious.

However, the most surprising of the three was Butterfly Kanae.

After all, Tian Sohui and Ai Li had followed Xia Ming for a while.

However, Butterfly Kanae only joined this time, and Butterfly Kanae’s current strength was only gained after a long period of hard cultivation and fighting.

Just now, at the moment when Xia Ming released her breath, she found herself in front of the other party, like a rabbit in front of the tiger, and the difference in strength was really too big.

If she encounters any danger in her usual way, she will definitely draw the knife at the first time.

But this time, in the face of Xia Ming’s breath suppression, she didn’t even have the idea of drawing the sword, and she completely lost her fighting spirit.

The gap between the two sides is too big to resist, and the only idea is to escape.

“Knock knock knock…………”

Just when the three of them were far away from the giant wall, suddenly a sound like thunder sounded, and the air seemed to be shaken by this loud noise.

“Again……………… What a situation again! ”

Alice, who was frightened again, is about to explode, and if she doesn’t play like this, how can it be endless!

“It’s the source of the crisis I just sensed, and that guy probably sensed the breath I just released, which is a deterrent, telling me that this is its territory!”

Xia Ming felt a strong sense of deterrence from this sound.

Undoubtedly, Xia Ming was not the opponent of the other side, but in the face of powerful creatures approaching his territory, after noticing it, the owner of the territory would definitely carry out deterrent expulsion.

If this powerful creature continues to approach without its own deterrence, then it will naturally take out this creature that invaded its territory with its own hands.

So now it’s just pure deterrence.

And such deterrence can be regarded as sending Xia Ming an intelligence.

“The voice of deterrence? How did this come about? ”

Butterfly Kanae asked with some doubt.

“It’s the sound of an orangutan hitting his chest, but the guy who makes the sound is so powerful that the sound of hitting his chest is like thunder!”

This is the information that Xia Ming obtained, and the trick of tapping on the chest is an orangutan trick, and similarly, Troking Kong uses this trick.

Only now Xia Ming wondered what had happened to this Tro King Kong that had become so powerful.

Moreover, Xia Ming sensed only one threat, Tro King Kong was gregarious, but now Xia Ming only sensed one.

He could be sure that there were no other creatures, and the entire interior of the ecological region was like a dead field in his perception.

Only this is the only one huge and incomparable aura entrenched in it.

Now the information obtained, the guy inside and Trotun are definitely inseparable, but it can also be determined that it is not Trogonar, Trojan is not so terrible.

Xia Ming’s current level was here, allowing him to sense the breath of the threat of death, at least level 30 guarantee.

“The sound of a knock on the chest? How terrifying are the creatures here! ”

The faces of the three girls who heard this changed drastically, which was really terrifying, especially Alice and Tian Soe.

Having lived in the Balon Islands for a while, they felt that they had initially adapted to the secret environment, but now it seems that they are completely thinking too much.

This secret realm is too dangerous, and no one knows what powerful creatures they will encounter.

The creatures encountered this time, even Xia Ming said that they could not solve it, and their three views were refreshed again.

“No matter how terrifying it is, it has nothing to do with us now, let’s stay away from here first!”

Xia Ming shook his head and said.

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