“Level 45, no wonder a punch hit me like this, and it should be sleeping, so this punch is reflexively hit, just a subconscious attack, otherwise such a level, full force punch down I guess it will be gone!”

“But this tester is really hard, I’ve been beaten like this, this tester is actually intact!”

Seeing the numbers on the tester, Xia Ming was also a little helpless, the previous idea was still conservative, he originally guessed that the other party should only exceed level 30, not too much, but now this has reached level 45.

“What’s all right, it’s all turned out to be like this, right, get a doctor!”

Alice picked up the phone on the table in a hurry.

“Don’t fight, my kind of body will have big problems when I enter the hospital, and with my current recovery ability, I will recover in a day or two, and I have also captured rainbow fruits, with rainbow fruits, my recovery speed will become faster!”

Xia Ming immediately stopped Alice, which would not be good if she really entered the hospital.

“Really………… Are you sure? ”

Tian Sohui asked with some incredulity, Xia Ming with this look was about to become a bloody man, and it was impossible to recover from this kind of injury in a short period of time.

“I’m a person with gourmet cells, I only need to eat a lot of food, and I recover quickly!”

Xia Ming said that the gourmet cell does have such a function, but at this level, although the recovery ability is strong, it will not be too strong, and he relies on absolute adaptability to this ability.

“Then we’ll go make you food!”

The two said and were about to go to the kitchen, but they were directly stopped by Xia Ming.

“Let’s take stock of the goods first, if there is anything useful, maybe the body will recover soon!”

Xia Ming said, don’t look at him now miserable, but his body is constantly healing every second.

In the end, the two could not defeat Xia Ming and could only accept their own rewards, as did Xia Ming.

The reward that Xia Ming opened up was the same level increase as before, and it was still level 5, which directly increased Xia Ming’s level to level 23.

In addition, there is a Melk Flow basic knife casting method and a five-sense boost.

The reward this time is not bad, but what makes Xia Ming a little helpless is how this reward feels like pushing him in the direction of omnipotence.

The previous time you got the point hole foundation, this time you got the casting knife foundation, will there be a regeneration master or the like next time?

Among these rewards, the five senses improvement is the most useful for the current Xia Ming, originally Xia Ming’s current five senses have surpassed ordinary people a lot, and if you improve it again, it will be even more terrifying.

After the improvement of the five senses, Xia Ming’s detection ability and other aspects will continue to improve, which is quite a useful reward.

Due to the increase in level, some small wounds on his body have quickly disappeared.

“What did you two get?”

After counting his things, Xia Ming looked at the other two.

“My reward is a level increase of 2 levels, and there is a very strange reward, a one-week course, this reward will be transmitted to a special space for a week of study after use, and there is a learning efficiency bonus, of course, the outside world time is unchanged!” 」

Alice’s expression was a little strange, and the reward this time was undoubtedly much better than the previous guaranteed reward.

You know, as the level continues to increase, the gap between the levels is also getting bigger.

Just like playing a game to level up, the experience of level 1 to level 2 and level 2 to level 3 experience can be completely different.

And what she got was not only an improvement in strength, but also a week-long course, which Xia Ming said he was quite curious.

“Mine too!”

Tashoe also spoke, and the rewards of the two were exactly the same.

“That’s just right, you guys just use the reward!”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and said, he was curious about what exactly this course that the two of them had gotten was.

In fact, not only Xia Ming is curious, but the two girls are also curious.

So they didn’t think much and used the reward directly.

“Phew, finally back, this week’s classes are really hard!”

In Xia Ming’s eyes, the mental outlook of both of them has changed.

Xia Ming did not feel doubtful, after all, the reward had already said that the outside time was stopped, so the two should have completed a week of study by now.

“What exactly is this reward?”

Xia Ming asked with some curiosity.

“After using the rewards, I was teleported to a kitchen, after which I studied for a week under the tutelage of a very strong chef, and by the way, her name is Chiyo!”

Alice told Xia Ming about her lessons.

“I’m the same, the chef I met is also very good, the name is Violet, is a kind old woman!”

Tian Sohui also told Xia Ming about the chef he had met.

“Slender Chiyo mother-in-law, Chef Pansy, the head of the dining room of Nakamei Cuisine Academy, are all very suitable chefs for you!”

Xia Ming also remembered after hearing these two names, they are both very powerful chefs, and the most important thing is that they are suitable for the two.

Chiyo’s mother-in-law is a slender stream, Alice Sakekiri was good at molecular cooking before and is delicate and rigorous, and Chef Pansy is a person from the Cuisine Academy and has a very gentle personality, which is very suitable for Megumi Wada.

Although the two only studied for a week and couldn’t learn much in a week, they mastered the most basic things under the bonus of learning efficiency, and then slowly groped on this road.

This is equivalent to pointing out a path for the two, but it does not mean that it must be developed according to this road.

But now they are given more choices, and they can slowly explore the most suitable for themselves from this road.

Rewarding this kind of thing is really quite personal.

The reward that the two of them received was really a very precious treasure for them.

With the improvement of physical fitness, coupled with such teaching now, the cooking skills of the two will explode in a short period of time, and it is no accident that the two can easily surpass Erina.

Don’t look at Erina, who is only the tenth seat, but her cooking skills are not weak, but the level of the seats between the ten masters actually has no effect.

Her true culinary skills are more than just the tenth seat.

The two were able to grow faster than Kaoru Eirina, which is already very good.

To put it bluntly, it is because of lack of time, otherwise with what they have learned before, the two will be able to grow at a very fast speed and stomp those graduates under their feet.

The culinary skills of the captive world of food are contrasted with the world of food, which is completely a dimensionality reduction blow.

Although the two did not learn much, but it is enough, the most important thing is that this reward is estimated to be less in the future.

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