After eating the rainbow fruit, Xia Ming’s gourmet cells were activated, and the injuries on his body recovered at an extremely fast speed, and it didn’t take long for him to fully recover, including his right hand.

At this moment, Xia Ming could clearly feel a terrifying force coming from his body, and every cell activation was a qualitative leap.

“Xia Mingjun, are you all right?”

Seeing Xia Ming’s change, the three of them couldn’t help but ask, although it didn’t seem to be a bad thing.

“It’s okay, because after eating the rainbow fruit, my gourmet cells have become active, and you have evolved once and become stronger!”

Xia Ming said, incidentally, he also tested his current physical level with a tester.

“Level 31, the level has been directly increased by 8 levels, which is worthy of cell activation, which is really amazing!”

Feeling the terrifying power in his body, Xia Ming sighed incomparably, the harvest of this wave was indeed quite large, plus the previous reward, in one breath, he improved by a full level of 13 in a short period of time.

You know, the further you go, the more layers between the levels become.

“With my current strength, I guess I can fight with the guy in the eighth ecological zone, but that guy can’t be positioned as a normal creature, which is not easy to say!”

Xia Ming couldn’t help frowning at the thought of the weird guy in the Eighth Ecological Zone, although the level tested was level 45, but that guy was too weird.

Larger than the body of ordinary Troking Kong, Nitro’s head, this thing should not be Nitro in Xia Ming’s opinion.

After all, whether it is red Nitro or blue Nitro, they are not large.

Moreover, compared to Nitro, this guy is too low-level.

As Blue Nitro said, although the red Nitro family is inferior to their Blue Nitro, the starting point is not low.

Even if Red Nitro has just woken up from dry sleep, as long as there is enough nutrients, it can quickly recover its strength.

Although the level of the eighth ecoregion is not high, this nitro creature should have been there for an unknown number of years, in this case, this guy’s strength could not be only level 45.

So this big guy can’t be a Nitero family, but it is certainly inseparable from the Nitero family.

Xia Ming didn’t know how this big guy was born, but since he was related to Nitero, he naturally couldn’t be positioned by a conventional level.

So although it has become stronger now, Xia Ming did not think of going directly to this guy hard steel, a little wait, anyway, the ingredients of the eighth ecological region are actually of no help to him now.

Even if the level of those Mr. Wei characters is not low, he has already reached level 31, and if you want to rely on quantity to support the level, it is not low at all.

The number of rainbow fruits is also enough, so wait until you are sure enough to deal with that guy.

“Level 31, what is this concept?”

The three of them all started brain supplements in their minds at this moment, and they all knew that the strength of the level improvement would become stronger and stronger, but what a concept level 31 was, they could not understand.

“I don’t know how to describe it, you treat me like a humanoid missile!”

Xia Ming thought about it and said, he is indeed no different from humanoid missiles now.

“Missiles………… What is it? ”

Compared to the surprise of Tada’s and Alice’s face, Butterfly Kanae’s face was confused, and she really did not have this thing in her time.

Seeing the confused look of the butterfly Kanae, Alice quickly explained the concept of the missile to the butterfly Kanae.

To put it simply, give Xia Ming a little time, and he can easily turn a city into ruins.

Thinking of such a picture, Butterfly Kanae couldn’t help but snort.

“By the way, what is the reward you got for Chana?”

Xia Ming suddenly remembered that he had not yet asked Butterfly Kanae about the reward he had received.

“My reward?” My reward is a level increase of 1! ”

Butterfly Kanae spoke.

“How can it be so little?”

Tian Sohui couldn’t help but exclaim.

“yes, it feels like our first guaranteed reward!”

Alice also nodded, she couldn’t understand why the butterfly Kanae had so few rewards this time, and compared to them, their rewards were obviously better than butterfly Kanae.

“I should be able to answer this question, don’t forget that the reward is calculated according to the contribution to completing the task.”

“According to previous experiments, you, as a logistician, are responsible for cooking and other chores, which are counted as mission completion contributions.”

“But Kanae is different, she is not involved in much logistics, so she does not contribute as much as you!”

After thinking about it, Xia Ming felt that it should be correct.

This contribution is calculated from the beginning to the end of the mission, logistics, auxiliary and so on can be contributed.

But in the last mission, Butterfly Kanae didn’t really contribute.

Strictly speaking, Butterfly Kanae is positioned as a combat and medical personnel.

But last time in the Secret Realm, the weakest creature was also stronger than Butterfly Kanae, so she didn’t participate in the battle.

The second is medical treatment, although this piece is also counted, but basically no one was injured during the last mission, and in the end, Xia Ming was injured and immediately left the secret realm.

So comprehensively calculated, her contribution is indeed very small.

As for the rewards, in fact, they can’t be calculated according to Alice, you know, the guaranteed reward for their first entry into the secret realm is a level increase of 1 level.

The same is true of the current butterfly Kanae, but the two cannot be generalized.

Their previous level improvement was from ordinary people to level 1, but what about Butterfly Kanae? She is from level 3 to level 4.

The improvement from level 3 to level 4 is equivalent to raising the strength of Butterfly Kanae from the most ordinary column to the level of opening markings.

This improvement is much higher than the guarantee reward they received before.

As for the level of the ghosts of the butterfly Kanae’s world, to be honest, it is difficult to define, because of the difference in blood ghost techniques and the terrifying recovery ability, the level is not easy to define.

But simply on the destructive power, in fact, the destructive power of the ghost is not strong, the main thing is difficult, just like the crumb boss, at night, want to kill him, it is too difficult, but in terms of combat effectiveness, the strength of the crumb boss is really good in Xia Ming’s opinion.

After listening to Xia Ming’s words, everyone was also amazed.

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