“Big man? I know! ”

Dojima Silver nodded, he was also a person in a high position, naturally he could hear the meaning of Sakuchi Senzoemon’s words.

The meaning of the people is very clear, this is a big man proposed, so I can’t help it, as for who it is, I can’t tell you, it’s as simple as that.

“What the hell is this guy Alice thinking?”

Watching the game officially begin, Erina, Sagiri, frowned.

“Lord Elena, what’s wrong with you?” Any questions? ”

The new household on the side looked at Satoshi Erina with some doubt, not knowing why Satoshi Erina would suddenly say such a sentence.

“What Alice is best at is molecular cooking, and using molecular cooking requires a lot of utensils, but this time, she just brought simple kitchen utensils!”

Sakura explains it simply, which also lets Shinto know what is going on.

“Good at molecular cooking, but without the utensils needed for molecular cooking, which means Miss Alice doesn’t plan to use her full strength?”

Xinhu Qishazi was shocked by his own ideas, this is a ten masters, and he does not use the best means.

“That’s why I wonder what she’s thinking, this eclipse she certainly can’t mess around, what’s wrong?”

Erina, Sakekiri, said she really couldn’t understand it.

Let’s say that she is not serious about releasing water, but how can she not be serious about launching such a halberd competition? Let’s say she is serious, but the most skilled molecular cuisine is not even going to take it out, so now Erina.

Her doubts are actually the doubts of Xue Che Xian Zuoweimen, and the others don’t know much about the situation of Xue Che Alice, but he knows it all.

But now it is obviously useless to say this, he plans to read it, no matter what is going on, just read it and know.

There is no clear theme for this halberd competition, as long as both sides come up with their best dishes.

There is no doubt that Teruki Kume has started making mapo tofu here, after all, this is what he is best at.

But on the other side, Alice directly took out a large fish with a body length of more than one meter.

“Alice, this guy, actually used a striped salmon, no wonder she is so confident!”

After seeing the ingredients that Alice had brought out, she was stunned.

“Striated salmon? I remember it was a special ingredient! ”

As Elena’s little secretary, he has also tasted special ingredients, so now Shinto Ayashi is also shocked.

Take this ingredient to test, the gap in ingredients is placed here, itself is a plus.

However, the ingredients are all prepared by everyone, and it can’t be said that Alice bullies people or anything.

This is the case with the Eclipse Competition, just like when Kohei Somasa and Mito Yumei competed in the original book, one took out A5 grade beef, and the other took out chicken at a supermarket special.

But no one cares about this, which is normal, the ingredients used in the competition are self-prepared, you can’t ask others to use the same ingredients as you, that’s impossible.

Now the striated salmon that Alice has taken out is also found in the waters around the Baron Islands, and there are huge quantities.

After all, the striated salmon itself is less than level 1.

As Alice cut open the belly of the fish with a knife, the result made everyone stunned.

Because a trace of golden light flashed in the belly of the fish.

“Wouldn’t you, so lucky?”

Even Alice herself was stunned.

“The golden salmon roe has been opened!”

Megumi Tada, who also knew what the ingredients were, couldn’t help but exclaim slightly.

“Golden salmon roe? So what is it? ”

After hearing Tian Sohui’s words, everyone in the Polar Star Liao looked at Tian Sohui.

“It is a kind of special ingredient, and the ingredient Alice’s ingredient is called striped salmon, which is not precious among special ingredients, but the golden salmon roe is different, which is a precious roe that can only appear once in hundreds of striped salmon.”

Taso explained briefly that the catch level of the striped salmon is less than 1 level, but the catch level of the golden salmon roe has reached level 2, and the gap is obvious.

The catch grade of golden salmon roe comes from cherishing, after all, it is possible to open one out of hundreds of fish.

And it all depends on luck, good luck, just like Alice, it will be opened directly, but if you are unlucky, you may not see a copy of thousands of pieces.

“It turned out to be a special ingredient!”

Yi Sehui is also speechless, the special ingredients originally used are not precious, and as a result, this anti-heavenly luck has come up with a more cherished ingredient, which is simply bullying.

Zuoemon, who also knew about the golden salmon roe, was also stunned, after all, the horizontal salmon was one of the ingredients provided by Xia Ming.

Xia Ming will not provide Gralla crocodile and swamp snake meat on a large scale, most of the ingredients are non-flowing or Grade 1 and Grade 2 ingredients.

This golden salmon roe is also a relatively small amount of ingredients, after all, whether it can be seen or not depends entirely on luck.

Each time the striated salmon cut fairy left guard was supplied before being offered to the outside world, it was slaughtered.

The purpose was for this golden salmon roe, but until now, he had not received many points.

I didn’t expect that now Alice had actually opened a copy, and this luck was really no one.

“Hey, hey, you won’t be using special ingredients!”

Seeing this scene for a long time, I also twitched the corners of my mouth, is it necessary? Even the special ingredients were taken out.

“Yeah, is there a problem?”

Alice asked with a smile.

“No… No problem! ”

Jiu I Teruki is also helpless, whether the ingredients are precious or not is people’s own business, he has no right to interfere, but now he really feels a little aggrieved.

The other ten masters, except for Erina, also almost didn’t come up in one breath.

“It’s really worthy of the Xue Che family, really a big dog household, and he directly competes with special ingredients!”

Xiaolin gentian said a little depressed, after they got these ingredients and tasted the taste, they also carefully treasured them, they couldn’t eat enough, how could they use them for competition?

You must know that this is made for the judges to eat.

“Ruishan, it looks like you’re going to be unlucky, she can come up with special ingredients, and no accident can come up with such ingredients, to tell the truth, such ingredients are quite restrained to you!”

Kobayashi Genie suddenly thought of Eiyama Edzu and said with some schadenfreude.

Ezuya Ruiyama’s cooking skills are good, but he likes to do tricks, and now that people are crushing the ingredients, those little tricks are completely useless.

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