This familiar figure was none other than the new household.

“Don’t even think about it, I’ve asked Crimson Sand to help clean up the ingredients, after all, this is a very precious ingredient!”

Sakai Erina opened her mouth and said that although as the eldest lady of the Xue family, she got a lot of ingredients.

But she didn’t get much of the golden salmon roe.

She knew very well that Alice wouldn’t care about the leftover ingredients, so she let Cherry Sand clean up in advance, which should have been bought from Alice.

To be honest, she envied Alice because Alice and Xia Ming had a good relationship, and those special ingredients could be used casually.

You know, most of the ingredients provided by Xia Ming belong to the non-flow, and there are very few grades.

As for meat such as the Glara crocodile, it was even rarer, but she had seen Alice use this rare ingredient casually more than once.

As a chef, she doesn’t envy it, but no way, her character can’t kneel and lick others because of the ingredients.

So she can only use the quota given to herself by the Xue Che family, but the amount of those ingredients is limited, so she naturally does it before everyone else now.

“Erina-san, you are too much, obviously you have so many special ingredients in your hand, and now you don’t even let us drink some soup!”

Xiaolin gentian was anxious, and finally caught an opportunity, but now this opportunity is gone.

“After all, this is a matter of our Xue Che family, what do you mix with an outsider? Besides, if you really want to, ask Alice if she has any idea for a sale! ”

No matter how many things she has, in front of the special ingredients, who cares about her, if you want, then buy it yourself!

As soon as these words came out, Kobayashi Gentian directly shut up.

Although it is true that her face is thicker than the city walls, it is not impossible for her to go directly to Alice to buy ingredients.

But the problem is that she has a thick skin and has nothing to do with others, people and she do not have any friendship, how can they give her such a precious thing as special ingredients? Therefore, Kobayashi Gentian is also quite helpless.

“Gentian, what about the next one, maybe the next one will also use special ingredients?”

Si Yingshi was also hungry for special ingredients, but he was embarrassed to compete, and Kobayashi gentian couldn’t fight, so he was even more hopeless, so he simply didn’t mix it in.

Everyone else thinks the same, since you can’t fight for it, then don’t waste your efforts.

Of course, there is also a person who is more active at the moment, this person is Ji Zhiguo Ningning, the next person Tian Suohui, she knows that this is Isshiki Hui’s friend, if the other party can also come up with special ingredients, then can she get a little ingredient from Isshiki Hui?

Thinking of this, Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning was a little excited, but she still suppressed such thoughts, and did not talk to anyone, and waited until the end of the game to explore Isshiki Hui’s tone.

“No matter, let’s watch the next one!”

Kobayashi gentian didn’t care so much, and soon, the second game began.

When Tasoe appeared on the scene, the atmosphere became a little strange.

After all, Tian Sohui is a solid crane tail, although not many people know her, but there is a person present who knows her, naturally will talk about her.

Soon, the crane Oda’s affair became known to everyone.

“Why does a crane tail who is about to be withdrawn from school appear here, and also fight against Shijie, this is incredible!”

People who have been in contact with Tansue know exactly what kind of person Tana is, of course, it is just a side of what he sees in class.

The person who really understands Tian Suohui will always be a person from Jixingliao.

Although I was puzzled, the competition still began, and to everyone’s surprise, Tian Sohui did not use special ingredients, and the ingredients used were average.

And the other side’s knife work soon saw the magical knife work before.

This kind of knife work of fusion breathing method is constantly researched and developed by two people together, so one person will, and the other person will naturally do it.

“It’s this kind of peculiar knife work again, this won’t be the so-called cloud hidden current, but the ingredients she uses should only be ordinary ingredients!”

Looking at Tian Suohui’s operation, the three people on the stage couldn’t help but think of Yun Yinliu, although Tian Suohui did not use special ingredients, but they were also looking forward to it.

The reason why Tian Soe does not use special ingredients is because she is determined to win, and she herself knows that using special ingredients can cause some trouble.

Even if she could throw things at the Xue family, she didn’t want to do it.

So in the end, Tasohe chose ordinary ingredients.

“You don’t use special ingredients, are you looking down on me?”

At this moment, Ruishan Edzu also saw this scene with a sudden change of face.

He is a famous master of Yan Yi in Yuanyue, and as soon as he stepped on the stage at this moment, he began to perform his own Yan Yi.

However, this is normal, after all, if Tian Sohui uses special ingredients, then he can also attribute the failure to special ingredients, which are useless to others.

There is no special ingredient, that is to say, it is completely based on strength to compete with him.

It is good that he won, but once he loses, the face lost can be much bigger than the long time I have taken, so at this moment his face is naturally good and he can’t see where to go.

This cargo is now emitting low air pressure, and it almost directly emits black gas.

However, these are all things that Tian Sohui is too lazy to manage, and at this moment, Tian Sohui is completely immersed in his own cuisine.

As for what the people around her say about her, how they look at her, and what does it have to do with her?

“Xiaohui’s changes are really obvious, completely unaffected by others, it’s really hard to imagine how Xiaohui exercised like this this holiday!”

Seeing Tian Suohui’s almost earth-shaking change, everyone in Polar Star Liao was shocked.

Tian Suohui’s cooking skills are undoubtedly at the forefront of Yuanyue, but because she is easily nervous, she has become the tail of the crane.

Now that people have overcome this, and the progress in all aspects is terrifying, this is a rebirth.

“Well, this little girl is finally on the right track, if it weren’t for being afraid of me, it wouldn’t have taken so long to live in Polar Star Liao!”

Daigodo Wenxu also sighed a little emotionally, Chu Tian Suohui’s cooking skills were not weak.

However, because he was afraid of her during the accommodation assessment, he made frequent mistakes, and it was not until he got acquainted with her that Tian Suohui showed his real cooking skills and lived in Polestariao.

Daimido Wenxu is also very troubled by her personality, and now that this has been overcome, Daimido Fumiyu is also very happy.

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