In fact, compared to others, Tian Sohui has a huge advantage.

This advantage is its heart.

Undoubtedly, at the beginning, Tian Suohui had an absolute gap with others in hard power.

But in the state of mind, most people were crushed by her, especially the two eldest ladies of the Xue Che family.

Needless to say, Erina, she relies on the tongue of God at most to raise herself to the advanced level of the entire culinary world, and if it weren’t for Kohei’s real appearance, Erina, Sagiri would not have been able to squeeze into the top ranks.

And this is all thanks to Sakuchi Thistle, because of what he did, which led to the cutting off of Erina’s future.

The same is true of Alice, who uses state-of-the-art equipment and learns the most advanced technology.

Therefore, her concept also believes that traditional cooking has no advantages, and the so-called spirit wheel in traditional cooking is worthless.

This is what Alice knew at the beginning.

The cognition of these two eldest ladies is to disdain these things, so although they are powerful and their talents are very good, they are at most high-level and cannot reach the top level.

Relatively speaking, Tasohe was inferior to the two in all aspects except for her state of mind at the beginning, but given her enough time, she could enter the top ranks.

Although it will take a long time, it is stable and will not be stuck.

This is where Tashoke’s greatest advantage lies.

Now that Xia Ming has intervened, Tian Sohui’s foundation has quickly followed, and even now Tian Sohui’s comprehensive cooking skills are higher than Alice’s.

This advantage is like the cultivation of the Immortal System.

The vast majority of people will get stuck in the state of mind and soul realm, because the experience is not enough, and Tian Suohui is completely the opposite, her state of mind and soul are completely beyond the current realm.

Others can only push slowly little by little, and they get stuck when they reach a certain level, but Tian Suohui has no bottlenecks, even if the progress is slow, but it is still improving.

There is no doubt that the ultimate winner is naturally Tian Sohui, which also causes the Yan art master to become more Yan Yi.

After all, he didn’t have any excuses to find, although this time he didn’t use the seat of Ten Jie to compare, and he also got special ingredients, which can be said to have earned.

But Ruishan Edatsu also cares about face very much, and now that he is crushed in all directions, he really can’t say anything.

“How did this happen, obviously it was still a crane tail before, and he was about to be expelled from school, and as a result, he could suddenly hang ten jie, and this guy wouldn’t be playing pigs and eating tigers before!”

At this moment, most of the students thought that Tian Sohui was playing a pig and eating a tiger, otherwise how could a crane tail directly defeat the ten jie? And it’s the all-round hanging type.

“These guys are really disgusting, they even said that Xiao Hui dressed up as a pig and ate a tiger!”

Yuki Yoshino said with some displeasure.

“Strictly speaking, it seems to be true, Xiaohui herself is very good at cooking, but the biggest problem is that she is easy to be nervous.”

“After overcoming this, Xiao Hui is undoubtedly also ranked high in the far month.”

“So it’s not completely unacceptable that she dressed up as a pig and a tiger!”

After Ichise-hui finished speaking, the faces of the others also became a little strange.

“It’s really… I don’t know what to say, but it’s a good thing that Megumi won, let’s celebrate tonight! ”

Ryoko Sakaki was also a little crying and laughing, but she quickly changed the subject.

“That’s of course, Xiaohui won the ten jie, although it didn’t get the seat of the ten jie, but this is not much difference, it must be celebrated!”

Daigo Aoki and Shoji Sato, the two beings at the bottom of Polestaro Liao, immediately became excited.

“Then it’s decided, let’s go to Marui’s room at night!”

Isshiki said with a smile.

“Wait, why is it my room again?”

Marui Zenji was directly gray and albino, and every time these people gathered, they liked to come to his room, on the grounds that his room was large and clean.

And every time it was after the party would help him build, but after the party, either lay on the ground or just ran away, leaving a mess for him to clean up.

No matter how Marui Zenji protested, the protests were directly rejected.

“It’s really a powerful character, with the same ingredients and dishes, I can’t let the commander-in-chief burst to teach!”

Kobayashi looked at the scene in front of her with a look of surprise, and she thought that Ruishan Edzu would also be defeated.

But I didn’t expect to lose so badly, and I was beaten in all directions.

“This is also something that can’t be helped, it is indeed amazing!”

Si Yingshi also nodded, with the same ingredients and methods, he couldn’t let Xue Qixian Zuoweimen burst to teach.

But it can’t be so compared, what they are good at is not this aspect.

It’s like if you let a person who is good at stir-frying compare soup with a soup master, you can’t do this comparison.

“It’s a pity that there are no special ingredients, special ingredients, my special ingredients!”

Soon, Kobayashi gentian began to sprinkle again, but no one took care of her at the scene, and everyone wanted special ingredients.

On the other side, Megumi Tasho, who had completed the game, also came to Xia Ming’s side, and Xia Ming and Alice were already staying together.

“Congratulations to Xiaohui, we won this game easily, so that our privileges are in hand, let’s celebrate next!”

Alice suggested.

“It’s okay to celebrate, but my friends in the dorm may celebrate me too!”

Tian Sohui said with some embarrassment that it was undoubtedly good to be able to stay with Xia Ming, but the friends of Polar Star Liao could not give up, so she was now a little entangled.

“Simple, just bring everyone together and come together, as for the location, Alice’s location is big enough, who are you going to call everyone, Alice, what do you think?”

Xia Ming smiled and said, This is not a problem.

“It’s anytime, and I’m really good for this kind of party!”

Alice nodded in agreement.

“That’s great, I’ll go find them now!”

After saying this, Tian Sohui ran out with a happy face.

“Go find someone too.”

Xia Ming said with a smile, the two of them can be described as in the limelight this time, and Xia Ming is also happy for the two.

“This kind of thing can be called a few times, I believe that the people who call will be happy to come, after all, there will be a lot of special ingredients, which everyone cannot refuse!”

Alice said with a smile that the ingredients they used for the party were not the ones that were sold.

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