Chapter 60 Developing New Capabilities!!

“Kanae, you’ve been defeated!”

Seeing that the butterfly Kanae came out, Xia Ming wanted to say hello.

“Yes, it’s already the third time, but Xia Mingjun is so fast! Here it comes, is it to defeat the opponent? ”

The butterfly Kanae, who also saw Xia Ming, also said hello, in her eyes, Xia Ming is a super strong existence, and such an existence should be able to fail.

“How can the river be, I was typed out, these replicants will optimize your shortcomings, it is indeed difficult to deal with, by the way, if you judge the specific situation of the painting, don’t be busy going in, analyze it first.”

Xia Ming opened his mouth to remind that the meaning of the existence of this secret realm is to check the defects and fill the leaks, this kind of checking the defects and filling in the leaks can still be brainlessly rushed inside, but it is necessary to determine their own shortcomings, but the pain depends on the other party’s gradual learning and optimization to finally defeat the other party.

“I know, I haven’t seen what really happened now, it didn’t take long for the rise to be directly defeated, and I even know what happened.”

Butterfly Kanae has not yet found out where his problem is, and Xia Ming can’t do anything about it, after all, he doesn’t either; Know what happened yesterday.

This can only rely on the butterfly Kana Keiki to slowly investigate.

As for Xia Ming, he had already explored the specific situation, so naturally he would continue to work hard to go in and fight.

His most natural flaw is experience, and experience is something that can be played, so naturally he has to continue to go in and fight with the other party.

But after a few minutes of illness, even less than E, Xia Ming was once again brought up, and at this moment his face was still full of surprise.

The reason is simple, because the way he encounters a replicant has changed

He also thought that the other party’s fighting style would continue the previous replicant, but he did not expect to change the way of fighting.

This once again caused Xia Ming to be caught off guard, and the illness that lasted for a while was killed again

He didn’t expect that this replicant would change routines in a row.

In this way, Xia Ming has to think about it.

Because of the different ways of fighting, it is obviously not enough to simply use absolute adaptation to combat.

So Xia Ming began to think of other ways.


Xia Ming’s eyes suddenly lit up, and then he stood in place and moved, definitely adapting to this ability is very useful, and developing some special abilities is so.

Of course, this ability development is based on his own possibilities, he Xia Ming also? It is impossible to develop tricks such as manipulating flames out of thin air.

But he is now developing a new trick called simulation.

Conduct simulated battles in your mind based on memories of previous battles.

Because the routine of replicants has been changing, experienced and sophisticated, Xia Ming simply cannot adapt so easily.

Therefore, I developed an ability called simulation, simulated the previous battle routines in my mind, and tried to crack it.

In this way, Xia Ming’s improvement speed is faster, and he continues to grow from these routines, and how the routines change, but as long as Xia Ming disassembles them and grows continuously, he can cope with it.

With the help of absolute adaptation to the strong, Xia Ming also broke the simulation, in the mind belt continues to form a human figure, with the passage of time, the human shadow is still broken condensation, until perfect.

When Xia Ming opened his eyes again, he saw three worried faces.

“What’s wrong with you? What are you doing looking at me like that? ”

Xia Ming asked with some disbelief.

“Of course, it’s because Xia Mingjun has been standing here for three days!”

“We don’t dare to move you for three days, we can only wait here!”

Several sisters said with some helplessness, and Xia Ming was surprised by the face, he really did not expect to develop this ability for three days directly.

He only knew that the common sense that he had been breaking all the time condensed the figure in his mind, and then he constantly simulated the battle with the figure.

Although it is only illusory, Xia Ming, who is absolutely adapted, wants to be physical; Adapting to such a rhythm is a breeze.

But all of a sudden, three days passed that he really didn’t think about it.

In fact, it is mainly because the outside world is not disturbed by the sea, and Xia Ming’s body has enough energy to store, so he is not worried about consumption at all.

No one bothered, and the consumption also used the tube, so in this case, Xia Ming was completely immersed.

However, spending three days to develop an ability is indeed quite against the sky, of course, the main thing is to absolutely adapt to the sky, otherwise this ability can still be developed, normally a lifetime can still develop such an ability.

But now it has only taken three days, and although this ability is only initially developed and needs to be improved, it is also very remarkable.

“I develop new abilities, and I need to worry too much, after all, my body you also know, as long as it is still consumed a lot, it is actually not a problem for me to not eat or drink for a long time!”

Xia Ming looked at the three people who were worried about him and comforted, these three people are probably not less worried these days, after all, her dog has indeed regarded Xia Ming as a very important person.

“Although I know, it’s inevitable that the cat is still a little worried, we have prepared a lot of food, but because you have not woken up, so you need to reheat it!”

Worried about Xia Ming’s Xue Che Alice and Tian Sohui prepared food to return the sand, but because Xia Ming has not been awake, this is already the third batch.

“Well, thank you very much, let’s go to dinner first, by the way, how are you doing these days?”

Xia Ming asked.

“I haven’t been in much for the next two days, but the harvest is still sandy.”

“There’s really a lot to learn from replicants one by one!”

All three of them have made progress and found their own defects, they began to study on their own, and when there was a problem with their own research, they went in and compared with each other again.

This rate of progress can be said to be fast, only because of Xia Ming’s reasons or dragged on the progress of others.

But in general, there is not much impact of the sea, Xia Ming also told the three people, you need to worry too much about yourself, after all, he knows his own situation, and it is definitely impossible to kill himself.

After a meal, several people also went to do what they should do, and Xia Ming also entered the arena again.

Although sending a face to a replicant still does not hurt too much obvious progress, but now it is just beginning to accumulate

In the following time, Xia Ming has been constantly entering, being defeated, and then simulating, and then entering the familiar disease.

In just one day, Xia Ming had already fought with the replicants for a while

The gap between the two sides was gradually leveled, and Xia Ming’s was also growing rapidly, and if he was given a little more time, he could defeat this replicant four.

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