Chapter Sixty-Four Get Gourmet Cells!!

Taking stock of his gains, Xia Ming did not directly inquire about the situation between the two, but directly chose to enter the Balon Islands, and incidentally invited the butterfly Kanae, and the four people reappeared in the Balon Islands.

“How’s it going? What are your rewards? ”

Since the rewards obtained this time were quite rich, Xia Ming was also very curious about others

It stands to reason that it is very mysterious for others to defeat a replicant within a month.

But with Xia Ming’s help to open and hang, the three of them have defeated several replicants, so the reward must be very rich.

“What I got was the ability to develop the ability of the non-side-effect breathing system, and a gourmet cell!”

Saying that, Butterfly Kanae took out the reward she had received.

“Gourmet cells!”

Xia Ming’s eyes lit up, this is a good thing, although he already has it, but others don’t.

To tell the truth, this also made Xia Ming very distressed, the first two secret realms he was worried about the safety of others.

After all, even he would encounter danger in the secret realm, let alone others.

And with the emergence of more advanced secret realms, the security aspect will become the biggest problem after that.

But now that gourmet cells have emerged, there is a way to quickly become stronger and stronger.

“I also got gourmet cells, in addition to a super taste ability!”

Alice also took out a gourmet cell.

“I have it too, but the other bonus is super tactile!”

As Alice’s voice fell, Tassho Megumi spoke.

“Great, three gourmet cells, so that your safety can also be solved!”

Xia Ming said with a smile, he is indeed very happy, as for other rewards, in his opinion, it is average.

Super taste and super touch, these two abilities Xia Ming is estimated to be the ability of the small master world next door, compared to the butterfly Kanae, these two abilities may also exceed each other’s rewards.

After all, the butterfly Kanae defeated more replicants than the two.

However, for the two, this should be a very good ability, especially Alice Sakeki, who used to press her forever because of the tongue of God.

Although the reversal has now been achieved, it is indeed quite interesting to have obtained the same ability that is stronger than Erina.

“Let’s receive other abilities first, as for the gourmet cells, do you have any specific instructions for your gourmet cells?”

Xia Ming asked, the fusion of gourmet cells is a very dangerous thing

Xia Ming got a completely side-effect-free version before, but he had to figure out whether everyone else’s was the same.

“After my use of this gourmet cell, there will be no danger, no side effects, but instead, there will be a gourmet demon.”

Butterfly Kanae spoke.

“Mine too! ×2。 ”

Tashoe and Alice also explained in unison.

“There are no side effects, but instead there will be food demons, to be honest, although it is a little impactful, but it should be good news!” 」

Xia Ming thought about it and then said, the existence of food demons, and also knows the specific situation, there are good and evil.

Xia Ming’s gourmet demon didn’t even know what it was now, and he hadn’t seen it since the first time he saw it.

However, since the system says that he is the most perfect and not dangerous, there should be no problem with the food demon.

As for other people’s, that’s really not necessarily, so it’s a good thing that it won’t be born.

Although in this way, the combat effectiveness will be weakened less, after all, the trick characteristics of the food demon itself are also a very natural help.

Just like Xia Ming, an absolute adaptation, let him open and hang like this.

If there is no absolute adaptation, Xia Ming can now reach the standard of learning to eat, and it is estimated that the edge of food will not be touched.

This shows the importance of food demons to food cell holders.

But it’s a good thing that you don’t, after all, some food demons are still bent on helping the host.

Moreover, there are secret realms, as long as you continue to clear various secret realms, the rewards you get will not be less, and these help are enough.

“Since there are no other side effects, let’s fuse them directly!”

Xia Ming opened his mouth, and after that, the three of them also directly fused the gourmet cells.

Because the risk was eliminated by the system, there was no change after the fusion, there was no need to eat a lot, and there was the same muscle surge as Xia Ming.

Gourmet cells are a very magical thing, and women and men are completely different after fusing gourmet cells.

Men fuse gourmet cells, muscles swell, and this happens every time gourmet cells become active.

But women will not, the activation of gourmet cells will make them more beautiful, better figure, temperament and other aspects will continue to improve, I have to say that it is really powerful.

After the three of them fused the gourmet cells, Xia Ming examined them.

Prior to the level of the three, Butterfly Kanae was level 4 and Cho Alice and Tada’s was level 3.

After fusing the gourmet cells, the butterfly Kanae increased by 2 levels, and Alice and Moe Tiansuo also increased by 2 levels.

Such an increase seems to be very small, but you must know that her combat power before the emperor is not weak.

Xia Ming was promoted from an ordinary person, and his food cell was very special.

So the first fusion of the three does not seem to be strong, but the account is not calculated like this.

Taking the butterfly Kanae as an example, the accumulation of level 1 to level 4 is honestly not comparable to the improvement of level 4 to level 6.

After all, this is already beyond the watershed of level 5.

As for Tashoe and Alice, they were the same level 2 improvement, but they were weaker before the day, and level 5 was a watershed, so now they are growing on the watershed.

But this is not an important thing, because Xia Ming still has rainbow fruits in his hands.

Eating other ingredients takes a lot of time to activate gourmet cells, but a special ingredient like rainbow fruit is different.

However, their cells have fewer pathways of activation, because they do not have food demons, which respond to some of the ingredients they like.

But without the gourmet demon, cell activation can only rely on very special ingredients.

Rainbow Fruit said that it was one of the punches, of course, Xia Ming was also similar, although he had a gourmet demon, but this gourmet demon he didn’t know what ingredients he liked.

So at this point he is no better than the three of them, and now it doesn’t matter, what matters is that there are gourmet cells.

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