Chapter 77: Kojiro Shinomiya who can’t see anyone playing an umbrella!!

“You can dispel the idea of inviting seeds this morning, there is no shortage of chefs in this kitchen.”

Dojima Silver shook his head, he naturally knew the idea of Hinata Gan, he had thought about this method before, but people didn’t need other people’s hands, so Dojima Silver didn’t rut.

“How do you know Elder Dojima?”

Qianri Xiangzi looked at Dojima Silver with some doubt, and he had just asked the question Dojima Silver and gave an answer.

“Because I thought the same as you before, but it turned out to be rejected, that’s it!” It’s that simple! ”

“Don’t think about this matter, honestly go back and learn it!”

Dojima Silver did not feel any shame, he was hungry for special ingredients, but it was a pity that people did not give him a chance.

In the end, a group of graduates left with a look of surprise, and the feelings of Dojima Silver had already been tested by themselves, which caused the image of Dojima Silver in their minds to collapse slightly.

But on second thought, this river is a special ingredient, and many famous chefs in the world are looking for ingredients, so there is no problem with the operation of Dojima Silver.

“The special ingredients are really attractive, these little guys used to be arrogant!”

Watching the graduates leave on vacation, Shapel couldn’t help but say that the graduates of the distant month year are just that, and sometimes only single-digit students graduate

This has also led to the fact that these graduates are all arrogant and proud.

But now one by one, they can’t wait to go to the kitchen for special ingredients.

“After all, it is a special ingredient, and as a chef, it is normal to pursue such ingredients.”

Dojima Silver smiled and shook his head, and after that, the two stopped talking about this topic and continued to talk about work.

Just send samples, one night passed, but many people lost sleep at night, for the simple reason that it was all caused by the cooking made by Alice and Megumi Tan.

The aroma of the dishes made from those ingredients spreads and takes a long time to fade.

Under the erosion of this fragrance, there are few people who can sleep.

The next morning, many people had faint dark circles on their faces.

“It should be Xiao Hui’s lesson meeting Kojiro Shinomiya today, it’s interesting!”

Xia Ming suddenly remembered that the next day Tadasukei had met him

After taking the course of Kojiro Shinomiya, he was almost expelled from school because of the strange reasons of Kojiro Shinomiya.

Today’s Tasoe Kei is not comparable to Shinomiya Kojiro in terms of cooking, but the problem is that Shinomiya Kojiro’s assessment and cooking skills are actually related to each other.

The subject of Kojiro Shinomiya, even if all the members of this class have picked up the cooking skills of Seiichiro’s level, have been brushed off a fixed part.

After all, this guy deliberately mixed the ingredients in the ingredients to pick the problem.

If the recipe is prepared as it is, then the dish will inevitably go wrong, and modifying the recipe can reverse the situation.

However, Kojiro Shinomiya’s project does not allow others to modify their own recipes.

In other words, anyone who gets the problem ingredients will be expelled from school unless they can return the spoiled ingredients to freshness.

There is also the biggest problem, the amount of ingredients prepared by Kojiro Shinomiya is not enough for the students to allocate.

Although the current Tasohue is not the Tian Suohui in the original work, but with the Tian Suohui that Xia Ming knows, she will definitely not compete with others.

Since you don’t fight, the ingredients you get in the end will definitely be the ingredients in question.

So even if Tian Soe’s cooking skills have surpassed Shinomiya Kojiro’s now, but in Shinomiya Kojiro’s course, she must still be qualified, and Xia Ming will be dropped out of school Natsumi has already thought of this scene, but he is not worried at all, and now Tian Sohui is not so simple to dispatch.

Secondly, don’t forget Tian Sohui’s current identity, she is the chef partner with Xia Ming.

Moreover, within the far moon, he easily defeated the ten masters, and once this matter got into Dojima Gin’s ears, Xia Ming really wanted to see the wonderful expression of Kojiro Shinomiya.

Thinking of this, Xia Ming went directly to the location of Shinomiya Kojiro’s subject, and Shinomiya Kojiro’s subject is near here, far away, and there is no need to take a car to pass the law.

“Mr. Xia Ming, I didn’t expect to see you here, are you also interested in the students’ assessment?”

As soon as he arrived here, Xia Ming met with Dojima Ginji and Qianri Xiangzi, who had already completed the project.

“I’m not interested in the students, but I’m interested in Kojiro Shinomiya’s exam questions, and there’s going to be a very painful scene next without incident, so I’ll come and have a look!”

Xia Ming said with a smile, and Dojima Gin, who heard this, also giggled inwardly

The reason why he appeared here is also because of the matter of Kojiro Shinomiya, who was originally a very good cook, and the reason why there was a problem was actually inseparable from Engetsu.

The ten masters set up by Yuanyue pushed the students to a very high position, so that many people who had stayed in the position of ten masters were severely beaten after entering society

Shinomiya Kojiro is also one of its species, and the most crucial point is that the reason why Shinomiya Kojiro has problems is related to himself, after all, he went abroad after graduation.

Far Moon Sakura has absolute authority, and Far Moon graduates are also highly respected in Sakura.

But after leaving Sakura, people outside even know that the Sakura family is the Earth Emperor, but it is only on Sakura’s side.

After going out, Kojiro Shinomiya was severely beaten by society.

Moreover, Kojiro Shinomiya is also like many people, very angry, after he has been drenched in the rain, he can’t see anyone playing an umbrella in front of him.

Dojima Silver already knew about this matter, and the purpose of inviting Shinomiya Kojiro to come over was also to reverse the situation of the other party, after all, Shinomiya Kojiro had begun to stop and even start to regress, which was unacceptable to Dojima Gin, who was optimistic about Shinomiya Kojiro.

Dojima Silver did not expect to see Xia Ming here, and he suddenly remembered that the students brought by Kojiro Shinomiya today seemed to be picking up the fields of favor.

As someone who is waiting for Katsumi to be around Xiaming like Alice Tsuki, the far moon side is naturally the information of Narita.

He also has some understanding of Tasoe’s personality, and now Dojima Gin’s brain has made up his mind after hearing Natsumi’s words, and the final result is that Shinomiya Kojiro’s course is fatal to Tasoe.

“It’s really troublesome, Fourth Palace, don’t die!”

Dojima Silver could only pray in his heart, once he offended Natsumiya, then he Dojima Silver could only choose to give up Shinomiya Kojiro.

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