Chapter 117 The Return of Xue Chen!!

According to the plan, Sakai Ierina himself made a dish made with various high-grade ingredients, which are not for sale, and it is as simple as using this dish to attract Sakura back to Makoto.

Anyway, if she really wants maybe more ingredients, she must come back, otherwise these ingredients will not have her share.

Xue Qi’s pursuit of delicious food can be said to have reached a point of madness, which is all because of the side effects of the Tongue of God, so this bait, Xue Qizhen will inevitably take the bait.

Xia Ming plans to solve the matter of Sakai Erina before entering the secret realm.

When everything was ready, the dishes were delivered to the WGO headquarters.

This time the cooking used a lot of ingredients, and even sent an extra rainbow fruit past, rainbow fruit plus these ingredients, is not at all the other party can resist.

Sure enough, when the food was delivered to IWGO headquarters, the box containing the food was basically drool.

The aroma of rainbow fruit is too tempting, and this delicacy is simply not something these people can resist.

But because this thing was given to Xue Zhenqi, no one dared to do anything, so they could only watch the box move away from them.

Until the box was delivered to Shinkai.

“What kind of ingredient is this, and why does it emit such an attractive sweet smell?”

Xue couldn’t believe that there were even more advanced ingredients in this world than the ingredients he had tasted before.

When she opened the box, she saw the dreamlike ingredients inside and the dish made with a lot of high-quality ingredients.

“I have never seen special ingredients at all, I have heard that some special ingredients are not sold to the public, it should be these, but why are they sent now?”

Xue Qi’s face was puzzled, but no matter how confused she was, it couldn’t stop her from eating the dish in front of her now.

She has been completely unable to suppress her appetite, since the emergence of special ingredients, she has been relying on special ingredients to survive, this more advanced special ingredients, how can she bear it.

Under the watchful eye of Secretary Ann on the side, she quickly ate all the food in front of her.

During the period, Ann next to her was also a variety of saliva, no way, in the face of such ingredients, she could not do it even if she wanted to be reserved.

“It’s so satisfying, such a psychedelic delicacy, I really don’t know where these special ingredients come from, but I can’t find half of the source, as if it appeared out of thin air!”

After eating, she was also very impressed by the taste of these ingredients, and she also used the power of WGO to track down the source of special ingredients.

But apart from knowing that the ingredients originated from Xia Ming, nothing else could be found, and there was no clue at all.

Not only her, but also the people of the major international forces have not found out any news, which also makes everyone wonder and feel incredible.

The entire food industry is looking for special ingredients, but they are stunned that they can’t find any news, and they really can’t imagine how secret it is to block the news so tightly.

“It should be said that it appeared out of thin air, not to mention the source, and even the transportation route of special ingredients cannot be found at all!”

Ann shook her head, she was directly responsible for this matter, but she was depressed, after all, she couldn’t find the slightest news, which was really shocking

The same goes for shipping information, there is nothing, these ingredients appear

Xue Che’s house, and then someone moved away.

If they hadn’t received a good scientific education since childhood, they would have wondered if this was some kind of supernatural event.

“Speaking of which, you need to call back and ask how you got such ingredients, as far as I know, these ingredients are not for sale.”

“And Alice’s little girl’s personality won’t help me get more ingredients!”

Originally, it was not that she did not want to start with Alice, after all, those ingredients that are not sold to the outside world can only be tasted by Alice.

However, after being matched by Xue Qixian’s left guard door, she found that the other party was not good for her senses, so she directly refused.

However, now that these special ingredients are not for sale, Xue Qizhen is also curious about what is going on.

“Father, I won’t bend over backwards, how did you get these special ingredients?”

Xue Qi’s true name is also directly open to the mountain after contacting Xue Qi’s Xian Zuowei Gate.

“Sure enough, I called, but these special ingredients were not obtained by the old man, and the old man did not have this kind of energy.”

The voice of Xue Qixian’s left guard came from the phone.

“Didn’t your father get it?” Who’s that? Alice’s personality shouldn’t help me! ”

At this moment, Xue Qizhen is still very puzzled.

“It’s Erina, she also joined that small group, although the old man doesn’t know what is going on, but she has become a member of that small group, and she got these ingredients.”

“But she also said that if you want to continue to get these ingredients, then come back and meet her, otherwise she will not continue to provide them to you!”

After Xue Qiexian Zuo Weimen finished speaking, Xue Qixian was also stunned.

She also did not expect her daughter to join Alice’s small group.

She had been trying to figure out what was going on, but she didn’t expect her daughter to go in.

Once you add it, you can have special ingredients, and it is not sold to the public.

At that time, Akiri was really a little envious of Alice and Megumi Tanoshi.

Especially Tian Suohui, after all, after Tian Suohui’s information was placed in front of him, Xue Che Zhen Rin at that time was also very puzzled, just such a crane tail, how did he join this kind of group that others can’t enter by breaking their heads.

Anyway, she really didn’t want to understand, but her daughter joined in, so it was indeed good news for her.

It’s just that now Sake’s request also makes her a little uncomfortable.

As Xia Ming said, she did not go back, not only because of pride, but also because of guilt.

It is precisely because of guilt that she dare not face it, but now, after eating these special ingredients, she has no choice.

The taste of these special ingredients is so good that Makoto is completely addicted to it.

If she can’t eat it in the future, Na Xue Zhen Zhen Wei doesn’t know if she will go crazy again, so this time, she can only choose to compromise…

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