Chapter 160 Shocked Loki and the others again!!

“It seems that Loki has no chance, in fact, I should have thought that with your strength, you don’t need the background of a large family, and any person in the team is much stronger than a large family.”

Riveria smiled, she should have thought of it a long time ago, after all, the other party is not a person from her own world, plus the strength is incomparable, the only need for favors is the longevity in it.

So instead of joining the big dependents, it is better to directly join a small dependents who are easy to master.

In her opinion, there is basically no possibility of the Chitia clan developing.

After all, Hestia’s reputation is so bad that basically any adventurer will turn around and leave after learning about Hestia’s situation, and will not give any chance at all.

Poverty and whiteness have no background, unless Eulari has a great change, Hestia has the opportunity to develop his family.

Of course, this is Riveria’s idea, and she can’t have known that there will be an open protagonist who will directly join Hestia’s family, so her idea is indeed not too much of a problem.

The last point is the character of Hestia, who had heard of Hestia’s name and had been a rice worm in Hephaestus.

If it were not for being swept out of the house without economic resources, it is estimated that it would be impossible to come out to work if someone raised it, this is a waste wood goddess, such a goddess naturally will not interfere too much with her own family, so this is the best choice for Xia Ming no matter how you look at it.

Riberia was actually right, but one thing she didn’t know was that Shamin knew Hestia.

Once Hestia had a family, she would also be very attentive to the members of the clan and give all the help she could give.

Originally, Xia Ming was planning to leave directly, but he thought of leaving something for Riviglia, so he still went to the Loki Clan, and the next three times he would also come out of the Loki Clan.

After all, Loki knew about the secret realm, and it was most convenient to get out of her.

Loki and Finn Grace, who heard the news, also quickly came to the scene.

At this moment, the crowd was in the middle of a large warehouse.

Xia Ming also took out a large number of ingredients in front of several people.

“Such a terrifying aura, even if it is dead, but the residual aura is so strong, you can imagine how strong this fierce beast was before its death!”

Finn and Grace could clearly sense the breath coming from these corpses.

The more powerful the creature, the longer the breath remains, but at this stage, the breath of these creatures is not particularly strong, so unless the strength is stronger and the perception is stronger, others feel a little depressed at most.

The further you go, the more terrifying the breath of the creatures of the captive world of gourmet food becomes, and the most typical representative is the eight kings of the food world.

The horseshoe prints left by Ma Wang’s last year and the residual breath on it could make Ah Hu and others at that time frightened, which showed how terrifying the residual breath was.

“And this, this dress you put away, every time before entering the secret place, you have to change it!”

Xia Ming suddenly remembered the environmental clothes he had obtained, which must also be distributed to everyone.

Although they are physically strong now, even if they encounter extremely cold environments such as ice hell or the high temperature environment in the desert, they can resist for a period of time, but there will always be no problem in changing in advance.

“What is it?”

Riveria asked with some doubt.

In fact, this dress was worn by Yasuki Erina, and others when they entered the secret realm, but this dress was worn in the innermost place, plus Riveria was a newcomer at the time, and the first ecological region did not need this kind of clothing, so she didn’t know.

“This dress…”

Xia Ming told Rivellia about the effect of this dress, in addition to adapting to the environment, this dress itself also has a certain protective effect, after all, even the lighter clothes have a certain protective effect, not to mention the advanced version.

“It’s so powerful, such a small piece of clothing can adapt to so many extreme environments, does Mr. Xia Ming have any surplus to sell?”

Finn couldn’t help but ask, their family also needed this kind of thing.

After all, the dungeon is not static, and the floor environment will change when you reach a certain level.

For example, the fifty-ninth layer in the original book, according to the records of the Zeus family, from the fifth clan calendar layer is the glacial realm.

However, due to the change, the fifty-ninth floor is actually a BOSS, and the environment is not the ice field.

Now this dress is exactly what Finn needs, and with such clothes, it can only reduce the burden of the Holy Er.

“I don’t have much environmental clothes in my hands, and I must ensure that the squad members who enter the secret realm later also have the ability to protect themselves, after all, there are many extreme environments we encounter in the secret realm.”

“If you can still get your hands on it in the future, then I can sell you a part, but not now, but I can sell you some weapons!”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and said that the clothes would not be given, after all, this is a guarantee, and it must be left partially guaranteed.

However, Xia Ming also needs Eurari’s currency, because of special potions such as panaceas and other things.

These are all things that require money to buy.

The dungeon Xia Ming didn’t have much interest, for him, that kind of place was too small, even the black dragon, if it appeared in front of him, he could easily kill it.

So he couldn’t venture into the dungeon, but he needed currency, and trading with the people of the Loki family was the best choice.

“Almost forgot, a few knives are yours!”

Xia Ming took out a few more knives and handed them to Rivilia, which had been agreed upon before.

“What is it? How does it look so much like a kitchen knife? ”

Loki also came over curiously, Xia Ming can always come up with some good things in his hand, and she is also curious about what it is now.

“You guessed it, it’s a kitchen knife, but this kitchen knife is stronger than you think.”

Riveria said and pulled out a kitchen knife and waved it, and a huge crack was instantly cut out on the ground.

“This is the magic sword? No, it doesn’t seem to be, what the hell is going on here? ”

Seeing such an effect, everyone guessed for the first time that it was a magic sword, but if it was a magic sword, the power was also a little too much.

“Sharpness, which is found in a relic of the Secret Realm, can easily wield such a slash with sharpness alone!”

Livilia explained the situation of this knife, which made several people present confused, completely did not think that there would be such a sharp knife, the key is the kitchen knife door…

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