Chapter 162: Kitchen Knife Werewolf Bert!!

Not to mention what the people of the Loki Clan thought, Xia Ming’s side also returned to the World of Eaters.

“Xia Mingjun, you’re back, how’s it going?” What does the other world look like? Is it fun? Can we go? ”

Alice couldn’t help but ask the first time she saw Xia Ming, after all, the other world is indeed very attractive.

“I can go, and I must go, I will help you find a dependent, and then join that dependents to obtain the favor of the gods, but before that, I have to complete the three martial orders I received!”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and said, just taking advantage of this time to complete those weapons, and then take everyone over to accept favors and play for two days, and when he comes back, it should be the moon festival of the distant moon.

At that time, you can also invite Riveria and Kanae Hu to participate.

“That’s great!”

A smile appeared on Alice’s face, and then Xia Ming also said hello to the others and found some information and entered the secret realm.

After all, it is naturally more convenient to create weapons in the secret realm.

This time, the speed of building weapons is very fast, after all, the material used cannot be removed from the previous GT robot.

However, these materials are also enough for Finn and the others, even if there is no non-bad attribute, but the weapons he has created are impossible to corrode in the new species in the dungeon, and he now has some advanced knowledge of the Melk Stream Casting Sword Technique, which makes him more perfect in this aspect.

The information of the weapon is also found from the Internet, and then you can grope for it yourself, and you have absolute adaptability, and the forehand is actually very easy.

Finn’s weapons were two spears, Grace’s was a giant axe, and the others were long swords, giant swords and the like.

These weapons were very easy to build, and it only took Xia Ming a day or two to complete.

After completing the weapons in his hand, Xia Ming also called Rivelia and Hu Di Kanae to the secret realm, said hello to them, and then led the people who had been prepared to Ou Lali.

The place is still the former warehouse, which has been frozen.

“Welcome to the Loki family, everyone!”

Riveria said with a smile on her face, after all, the members of the squad were concentrated in their own world.

“Riveria, call the others first, I have already built the weapon, deliver the weapon to you and I will go to Chistia!”

Xia Ming said.

“So fast? I’ll call them now! ”

Riveria was also shocked when she heard this, it was incredible that it was done so quickly.

However, she would not suspect that Xia Ming was fooling her, Xia Ming would not be so bored and fast, and the high-ranking officials of the three groups of Loki dependents were summoned.

“Damn, they are all young and beautiful girls, each of them is no worse than Ace Carbon, and even has a better temperament, why don’t you join my family!”

As a lily god, Loki couldn’t help but bite his handkerchief after seeing Saeche Erina and others.

After all, this product has no resistance to the beautiful girl, and now Xia Ming has brought several people, every three of them are beautiful and less makeup.


When Rivilia saw Loki’s performance, she also directly knocked on the staff, this bastard was really humiliating.

“Hit mom too hard!”

After eating a blow, Loki also said with some dissatisfaction, but this sentence made Rivilia knock down with a magic staff, and this cargo is completely remembering to eat or not to remember.

“Cough, Loki, let’s take a look at the weapons first!”

Finn coughed, and after hearing Finn’s words, Xia Ming also took those things out directly.

Everyone who already knew that Xia Ming had spatial abilities was not surprised.

“What a great weapon!”

Grace saw his big axe for the first time and directly picked it up, which bought him and couldn’t open his eyes just when he saw him.

“What is it?”

After picking up the axe, Grace found that there was a strange thing stuck on the axe blade that completely wrapped the axe blade.

Not only his axe, but other people’s big swords, the tip of the spear also have something similar.

“In order to prevent the weapons from hurting people, some protective measures have been taken, after all, you have all seen how strong this weapon is, and these weapons are only stronger than the previous kitchen knives!”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and said that this was something he had made with simplified sheaths to prevent himself from hurting himself or hurting his own people because of improper use.

“Very thoughtful!”

Finn removed the contents of his gun, then stabbed forward with a sharp tip that pierced the air and made a bowl-sized hole directly above the wall.

“Sure enough, you can’t use it casually, don’t use them casually until you are familiar with these weapons for the next two periods!”

Finn saw this scene and hurriedly put things on again, the power of these weapons is too terrifying.

This is an easy way to kill prey in the air.

“It was amazing!”

As an Amazon, Tiona does not want to put down her new weapon at all, after all, the Amazon family itself is a strong people, even if it is a beautiful girl, but it is also a beautiful girl with a strong personality.

“Commander, this is not fair!”

Bert on the side saw that everyone was experimenting with new weapons, and then looked at the two kitchen knives pinned to his waist, he was very unhappy, unhappy to the extreme.

Why do others have new weapons and their own kitchen knives?

“Well, after all, the cost of customizing these weapons is very large, and the most important thing is that in our group, only you use daggers, except for us, the strength of other clan members cannot reach this level.”

“So you can use it first, and then change it when the family has sufficient funds, of course, if you pay for it yourself!”

Finn is also a little embarrassed, but it can’t be wasted, can it? Moreover, this wave of weapons did cost a lot, and even the expedition plan had to be advanced, otherwise the economy of the family would not last long.

“Then forget it!”

In the end, Bert also shut up, no way, who called the people here that he can’t afford it?

Finn, Grace are all LV6 level elders, and Riveria has no new equipment, and he can’t afford it, Ace, who is himself a crush on Ace, how can he provoke Ace.

The remaining two are sisters, one dozen one he is not vain, but one dozen two, or two of the same level of Amazon, he said that he is still a little self-aware, so now can only shut up, wait for the next time when the martial arts customization to see if you can replace these two kitchen knives…

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