Chapter 185: The Food Luck Weapon Born Unintentionally!!

Although the first calorie weapon was completed, Xia Ming was not satisfied, because it was too big, this big sword was three meters long, and it could almost be called a door panel sword.

This is not suitable for carrying, so he needs to simplify the calorie weapon.

At least to the normal size of a weapon, but the hardest part is already done, and the next reduction is not a big problem.

With an absolute fit for this cheat, it’s only a matter of time before he finishes.

It took another week or so for Xia Ming to successfully transform his calorie weapon from a three-meter-large giant door-panel sword into a dagger only a few tens of centimeters in size.

The calories inside also shrank a little, but Xia Ming estimated that the power would not be too different, and the reason was because of compression.

From the door panel sword to this dagger, Xia Ming has performed no less than ten calorie compressions, and now once this dagger is released, the power in it is simply terrifying.

After all, compressed to a certain extent, even water can easily cut steel, not to mention this violent calorie energy.

And during the completion of this weapon, the following also continued to use this compression ability to develop a trick of his own, which he called energy compression.

Energy compression is not a direct attack move, but a move that can be used in conjunction with other moves.

Through energy compression, the calories in the body are compressed several times or even dozens of times, and then the compressed calories are used to release tricks.

Xia Ming had experimented with the power of this move, which increased the power of his simplified vast point point by several times.

The same is true of other tricks, which have been significantly increased in power, and their effect has even exceeded the appetite energy.

Strictly speaking, as long as he continues to develop, then there is no limit to this trick, but there is also a problem with this trick.

That is, although he can now compress dozens of times, the effect is not as good as compressing several times.

Because the time required to compress several times is only a moment, but as the number of compressions continues to increase, he needs to concentrate, otherwise the compressed calories can easily get out of control.

Once out of control, it is very dangerous, the violent calories will burst out in an instant, and if the trick is not released, it will be directly exploded in the body, it will be miserable.

So Xia Ming would now rather use only a few compressed energy compressions than dozens of compressed energy compressions unless there is enough time for him to prepare.

But at this level, if he is really forced to use the move of energy compression, then the strength of the other party is quite terrifying, how can it not give him energy compression within inches.

But in any case, it was undoubtedly best to get another increase in skill, and his combat effectiveness was once again improved.

Xia Ming estimated that putting himself into the captive world of food was also a super monster, after all, this actual combat power exceeded its own level and did not know much.

In fact, when Xia Ming was making these weapons, he also thought about whether he could add the refined appetite energy to it.

But appetite energy is much more violent than calories, this terrifying energy cannot directly penetrate into it, maybe give him enough time to get it out, but to be honest there is not much need.

However, by mistake, Xia Ming made another weapon, the food transport weapon.

Because of his control over food luck, he inadvertently attached food cloud to a weapon.

Food luck energy is not violent, even very soft, food luck does not have a strong attack ability, even in the late stage of food captivity, food luck is only used for defense.

This gentle energy Xia Ming subconsciously tried it after the failure of the appetite energy experiment.

As a result, this first attempt was successful, and every subsequent attempt was successful.

This also left Xia Ming speechless, after all, the food transport energy did not need to be stored in the weapon for control compression, it only needed to be attached.

It’s just that the biggest drawback of food transport weapons is the need to consume food luck.

You know, food luck is a very precious thing, even if Xia Ming himself will produce food luck, but after using it up, it can only be slowly reproduced.

Food luck is not a blue bar such as calories, food luck is a number, it will be reduced after use, but Xia Ming’s current total food luck is unchanged because food luck will not be permanently consumed as long as it is not used to resist attacks, he just divides food luck on others…

If he wanted to, he could take back the food as he pleased, provided he was in the same world, of course.

Therefore, the total amount of food luck is not changed, but if the food luck is attached to the weapon to resist the attack, then the food luck will be permanently consumed.

The appearance of the food transport weapon made Xia Ming both happy and helpless.

He himself can control food luck, but others can’t, the control of food luck can only be used by the strong people in the late stage of the captive of food, and the use requirements are quite high at this stage, Xia Ming can be used because of the characteristics, and others can only use the passive ability of food luck at most.

But once Xia Ming attaches Food Luck to the weapon, others can also use Food Luck to fend off attacks.

After completing the weapon, Xia Ming also shared his results with everyone.

After all, the main reason for the production of these weapons is for other people, Xia Ming himself does not really need such things, his own combat effectiveness is strong enough.

“Completely unfamiliar runes, and so small and dense, I have never seen anyone in Olali who can portray the runes of the magic sword so much on the same weapon, worthy of you!”

Rivilia was also very amazed, she naturally knew the runes, although she was not a forger, but Liviglia was erudite.

She could even understand God’s favor, knowing that it was written in God’s words, but Rivellia could read it.

“In addition to this, there is this shield, and I need you to test these weapons and armor!”

Xia Ming herself has tested the power, and the power is indeed quite terrifying, but after all, it is for other people, and she needs to know how this power is.

If they don’t know how powerful they are, and they use it indiscriminately by mistake, they are likely to be affected.

“I’m really interested in the power of these weapons, so let’s test them together, so where is the test site?”

Riveria, as a dungeon person, is very curious about such a weapon.

“Because the power is too large, it can’t be used here, so use it in mid-air!”

After Xia Ming finished speaking, he quickly flew out of the sky vegetable field with a spoon and led everyone…

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