Chapter 235: The Influence of Gravity!!

The instantaneous steps used by Hualie are released through spiritual pressure, but it is not possible for the body to remain completely still.

Just like shaving, shaving is stepping on the ground in an instant and using this explosive force to move itself.

Although instantaneous steps do not require continuous stepping on the ground, but the body also needs to follow a piece of movement, instantaneous steps are not teleportation, can not pass through the wall and the like, there are obstacles that need to be avoided.

In the original Shinigami book, Yoruichi Shikaedin seemed to enter a state of high-speed action when she used teleportation, and she also needed to run over it herself, rather than just standing still and passing.

Spiritual pressure only played a role in boosting it.

Therefore, even the instantaneous step of the flower of the flower has been affected to a certain extent.

“Such a fast speed, such a speed has reached the level of the Achucas-level Great Void, and it is definitely relatively fast in the Achucas-level.”

Hana Lie was also a little frightened, and the void of the Shinigami World was divided into Killian, Achucas, and Vastodd after the Great Void.

The Great Void of the Killian level moves slowly, and some powerful Xi officers can be killed.

As for Achucas, it was a leap from the vice-captain level to the captain level.

Of course, such a comparison is just a regular comparison, just like the eleven teams, the corner of the eye will be solved, and his strength can deal with some of the middle and top of the Yachukas.

The Barbarmos capture level here is level 44, which is very exaggerated in itself, and with this advantage in this gravity area, the strength has completely reached the Yachukas level, and it is still the top one.

Of course, it is still a little worse than the broken surface, and once the virtual surface is broken, the strength can basically be upgraded to another level.

Moreover, compared with Achukas, Barbarmos will not flash, and his intelligence is also worse, after all, the IQ of the virtual is not low, after all, it is the change of human soul.

Except for Killian, Killian is notoriously brainless, and with the exception of a few Killians, the others are like machines without intelligence.

Although Barbarmos does not have a flash, does not have enough intelligence, and does not have some fighting methods, but there are many of them.

After one head appeared, a large number of Barbarimos continuously emerged from the cliffs.

This is equivalent to hordes of Achucas with no special abilities.

“Pay attention to the muscle changes of these guys, you can judge the opponent’s attack through this, and you must grasp the amount of advance when you do it.”

At this moment, the butterfly Kanae also turned on her own way of detection, and can clearly sense the muscle changes of these Barbamos.

This is not to say that others can’t, others can’t, to this level, the observation strength has long been raised to a strong level, so muscle changes can be easily mastered.

It’s just that they don’t see as intuitive as the butterfly Kanae.

After raising the guard, everyone’s movements obviously became much better, and with the kitchen knives and other weapons in their hands, a face of Babamos could not die anymore.

“Aromatic feet!”

In comparison, Hancock works harder than others because of his physical fitness.

Her physical fitness is much worse than that of Butterfly Kanae and others, even compared to Cho no Hana Lie.

After all, spiritual pressure has the effect of increasing the flesh, which is why Kurosaki Ichigo was completely unable to cut the more wooden Kenhachi in the original book.

And Hua Lie has lived for thousands of years, and his physical strength is not weak at all.

So Hancock cannot compare with it.

Gravity affects her a little more than anyone else.

However, her attacks are also a little cheaper than others.

Barbamos has always been intellectually low and does not know how to use calories, so Hancock went over with this kick and kicked one by one.

As long as he was kicked, Barbamos’ body would be partially petrified.

After kicking a part of the opponent’s body, Hancock often directly cancels the ability, so that the petrified part will recover, and some fatal injuries can still survive if they are kept petrified, but now without petrification, it will be directly over.

At this moment, Xia Ming’s attention is on everyone, but the focus is on Han Cook and Hualie Zhili.

After all, these two have no gourmet cells, although such a beast should not threaten the two, but it is inevitable that there may be accidents.

“Thirty-one Red Cannons of the Broken Path!”

Instead of drawing her sword, she used the Broken Path to attack, but she didn’t dare to release too high-level Broken Path, after all, the environment here was not suitable for releasing such a trick.

As for the red artillery, although it will cause certain damage to the opponent, it is not fatal at all.

However, since this was in mid-air, there were only some stone pillars connected below, and most of the places were gaps, so after being hit, Barbarism also fell directly down.

Barbarmus lived in this area, and the only adaptation was the nearby gravity, which suddenly fell directly below, and could not resist that gravity at all.

“Whew……………… Finally solved, these Barbarimos are really difficult to deal with, and unconsciously fell down again, feeling that gravity has increased again. ”

Everyone finally finished dealing with the Barbamos, but because of the battle, they found that they had unknowingly dropped some distance again.

After 10,000 meters, the gravity increase speed will be very fast, so they have been affected a lot at the moment.

“How do you feel a little dizzy?”

Hancock, who had the worst physical fitness among the people, was the first to experience dizziness.

“It should be that the blood circulation speed has slowed down, let’s stay here and get used to it.”

In fact, not only Hancook, but others have also had such problems, but their situation is much lighter than Hancook’s, and it is not easy to attract attention.

This is the consequence of the influence of gravity, because the blood is constantly gathering down due to the influence of gravity.

It’s like a handstand, where too much handstand can cause the head to become engorged.

Now several times the gravity has completely converged on the blood, resulting in a shortage of blood supply.

This requires gradual adaptation.

“I didn’t expect that just a few times the gravity would bring such a problem, and the physical quality of the people can be said to be physical monsters, pressing on them.”

The upper hill is completely stress-free.

But this gravity is aimed at the inside, so it is still affected

The gourmet cell system is like this, after the hundred levels, it will be improved in all directions, but before the hundred levels, the improvement is not very comprehensive…

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