Chapter 298: The Four Beasts of Popular Science Fight!!

“Does Xia Mingjun understand the specific content of this Four Beast War?”

Everyone else looked at Xia Ming with some curiosity, they really didn’t know about this battle, after all, it was too long, and Jin Zhi was only recorded what happened at that time.

The previous events were at most only a few words to record the information of the final war on Earth, and nothing could be analyzed at all.

So not to mention the battle of the four beasts, the battle of the four beasts was a long time before the final battle, although it was also a big thing for the human world, but to put it bluntly, it was to cultivate the four heavenly kings at that time.

Otherwise, with the power of IGO and the gourmet club, the four beasts at that time came for nothing, which was a decision of one dragon, after all, this is a good opportunity to make IGO famous.

Ichiryu is not the kind of ambitious person who is arguably the perfect savior who lives for everyone else from start to finish, even his own full-meal menu.

A person who will always only think about other people, to be honest, the word Our Lady is used on a dragon without the slightest problem, and there is absolutely no mockery or negative connotation.

It is indeed quite good for a person like Yilong to become a leader.

The affairs of the Four Heavenly Kings were arranged by him, in order to let the Four Heavenly Kings launch the banner of IGO and let some non-member countries join the IGO, so that the IGO will be much better for the rescue of the human world.

Of course, it is difficult to say whether IGO will become tainted, and when Yilong and Mansam are there, they can ensure that IGO is completely for the sake of mankind, there is no big problem, but it will not be necessary in the future.

After all, time is such a thing as that makes people very helpless, and it is almost impossible to resist the destruction of time.

There is not much to say about the battle of the four beasts, but Xia Ming is very clear.

“I do know about the Four Beasts War, let’s talk about the Four Beasts, the Four Beasts, which were created by the Blue Nitero clan specifically to capture humans.”

“The four beasts attacked the human world twice, the first time being defeated by the then IGO president, and the second time by the IGO Four Heavenly Kings.”

Xia Ming briefly explained the four beasts.

“Why did Blue Nitero capture humans?”

The crowd asked with some doubt, the blue nitro and humans are mortal enemies that everyone already knows, but it is a little difficult for the blue nitro to capture humans.

“For some special reasons, let’s talk about this later, let’s talk about the specific situation of the four beasts first.”

Xia Ming did not continue this topic, this topic was a little too heavy, and later, he told everyone about the situation of the four beasts.

“They are all fierce beasts of more than a hundred levels, and the combat effectiveness seems to be very terrifying After listening to Xia Ming’s introduction to the four beasts, everyone was shocked, after all, even if the four beasts are not completely integrated, the weakest tooth king has reached level one hundred and twenty.”

Moreover, the combat effectiveness of the four beasts is stronger than that of normal creatures of this level.

“None of us have ever fought against such a fierce beast with a level of more than a hundred, and we don’t know the situation of the four beasts at all.”

Just relying on Xia Ming’s words, everyone still doesn’t understand the four beasts.

“This is simple, let’s take a look and know, anyway, this secret realm can be constantly restarted until we brush the recognized results and then settle it, just so that you can adapt to the effect of fighting with creatures with a level of more than 100.”

Xia Ming feels that this is a good opportunity, although the core combat strength of the squad is him, but he can’t completely rely on him for everything, so it’s not bad to take everyone to see it.

Everyone else nodded in agreement, and as for the new Miraj, she had no concept at all, but listening to the conversation just now, it seemed like a very exaggerated war, after all, it affected so many human beings.

So many human beings in her world that would never have dared to imagine.

So she can only go with the group now, after all, she has no other choice.

In this way, everyone flew directly on Xia Ming’s spoon towards the position of the tooth king, one of the four beasts.

The size of the tooth king is not particularly large, at most more than 100 meters, but the combat effectiveness is not a joke.

“This is the Lijiaru Plateau, I still remember the scene when Xia Mingjun and the red Nitro fought and directly destroyed the Lijalu Plateau!”

Seeing the intact Lijiaru Plateau, the butterfly Kanae and others remembered the Lijiaru Plateau that Beshaming collapsed at that time……………

“Fight… Broken?! ”

Miraj on the side looked confused, such a large place was actually destroyed by Xia Ming, what kind of strength can this do? Are there such people in their world?

As an original S-class magician, Miraj felt that absolutely no one in his world could do this.

Of course, this is what she thinks, you know, there are many strong people in her world, especially on the Western Continent.

Irene, the mother of the Dragon Slayer, can even launch a world reconstruction magic to directly reorganize the entire continent of Ishgar.

Although it is only temporary, it also shows her horror, and Irene finally chose to commit suicide because of the only remaining motherly love, otherwise God knows what it will become.

Of course, the strongest are still the two of Akunolokia and Jelf, as well as the ethereal god.

Xia Ming was not afraid of this kind of god, after all, his current strength was here, and if those gods really existed and dared to provoke him, he wouldn’t mind taking a god-killing journey in the Demon Tail World.

“Sizzle…………… What a big creature! ”

Just when Mirage was surprised, suddenly a huge creature appeared in the eyes of everyone.

“It’s Lijiaru Mammoth, and the lion-like guy on the other side is the tooth king!”

Soon, everyone saw the Lijaru Mammoth and the Tooth King, which was much smaller than the Lijaru Mammoth.

“I don’t know how long the Ligalu mammoth will last.”

Although everyone knows that the Lijiaru mammoth is huge, they also know that size is not everything.

For example, they can easily take down the Rijalu Mammoth right now.

As soon as everyone finished speaking, they saw the Tooth King attack, and with one claw, the huge and incomparable body of Lijiaru Mammoth was directly blasted out, leaving several huge and incomparable claw marks on the ground.

With just one blow, Lijiaru Mammoth was hit hard, and it was also the Tooth King who was not interested in this guy, the purpose was to capture humans, otherwise Lijiaru Mammoth would be dead

After swatting away the Lijiaru mammoth several times larger than himself with one paw, the Tooth King once again headed towards the center of the human realm…

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