Chapter 305 Five Years to Empty the Human Knowledge!!

With the help of food luck, it is much easier to develop these things.

Again and again to restart the secret realm, Mirage also has a certain understanding of the world, but even if she understands, her view of Xia Ming has not changed, that is, the power of terror.

Xia Ming’s initial burst of combat power really frightened her, after all, this was completely annihilation-level, and a normal earth-sized planet, Xia Ming could really explode it if he wanted to.

And even if he blasts the earth, Xia Ming will not die, after all, he can use the boundary to make various worlds run around, and secondly, his absolute adaptation can make him adapt to the vacuum environment in a very short time.

So Xia Ming was quite terrifying.

However, after learning about the food righteousness and the ultimate pre-strike process, Miraj was also shocked, and these two skills have super power in either way.

Originally, Miraj had S-level strength, but now that she has learned these two things, Miraj can even directly fight with the Holy Ten Great Demon Guides, and in the case of a big move, she can even severely damage or even kill the existence of the Four Heavenly Kings of Ishugar.

After all, the Four Heavenly Kings of Ishugar are not invincible existences, and with her current situation, she has enough time to accumulate and she can even break through the defense of the black dragon with one blow, but after one blow, it will not work.

And it takes a lot of time to accumulate this blow, just like a move that Aimaru spent months saving can directly threaten Ayu.

Such savings can only be used one trick for a period of time.

But this move can even break the defense of the black dragon, let alone the four heavenly kings of Ishugar, these guys are not the four heavenly kings of the captive world of food, and their strength is not particularly strong.

During this period, Xia Ming also taught some acupuncture skills, although it is not required to learn to a very advanced level, but it is not bad to learn some simple ones.

In this way, time passes quickly, and the secret realm is restarted once in a few hours, and it is necessary to restart several times a day.

In the end, everyone spent more than half a month researching an antidote to green rain.

But everyone did not complete the task at the first time, but continued to develop this special secret realm, because the knowledge in this special secret realm is not fake

Although everyone has obtained some inheritances before, those inheritances are picked up and carved on the golden stone stele.

So the contact information is actually not particularly much, in this era there are more important news stored in these devices, although everyone has now researched the antidote, but it has not ended the secret realm, but the entire secret technique is running around.

Collect all kinds of useful information, but unfortunately everything in it cannot be taken away, so you can only forcibly write it down with your brain.

This data is quite huge, so in the end, Xia Ming resisted most of the burden.

He can easily store this information completely into his brain using his ability to evolve from absolute adaptation, but it also takes a lot of time, after all, it needs to be seen by him.

So this is a very boring process, but it is not difficult for Xia Ming now, after all, people can spend hundreds of thousands of years cooking a dish, which is not a joke.

Although Frozer’s gourmet cells are completely more active than Xia Ming, Xia Ming itself is a very special existence.

So now he’s almost single-handedly jotting down the entire food age, and his brain is pretty incredible right now.

After a long time, even Xia Ming himself got used to it, and it became easy to remember this information.

In the end, Xia Ming spent five years to completely record the information in the entire secret realm in his brain, and used five years to empty the entire human world, which can only be said that Xia Ming is also inconceivable.

“In five years, almost all of them have lost the concept of time, and it is really terrible!”

After Xia Ming completely eased up, he could only sigh that it was really terrifying, and he had spent too much time on these things.

And what he has is the recorded information of this era, the Golden Stone Tablet records various lineages, which people of this era will not record, so the Golden Stone Tablet is still important and has not been abandoned.

“The real horror is Xia Mingjun, who actually spent five years to empty the knowledge base of the entire human world, and now Xia Mingjun’s brain is equivalent to the library of the entire human world.”

Everyone also admired Xia Ming.

“Unfortunately, I can’t pass on this information to you for the time being.”

Xia Ming shook his head, the reason why he said it for the time being was because there was indeed such a method of information transmission.

At the moment when Chef Gigi was swallowed by NEO, he completely passed the information about GOD to Ah Yu and others at that time.

This kind of information transmission can transmit a huge amount of information in an instant, but Xia Ming can’t do it yet.

The more the captive world of food reaches the later stage, the more terrifying it becomes, and the ability is also flying.

“Learn slowly, this knowledge has been recorded in Xia Mingjun’s mind, we can also learn slowly, the benefits brought to us by this secret realm are really unexpected.”

Butterfly Kanae is also very emotional about this secret realm, although it is all false, but there is enough knowledge inside, of course, if it is placed on an ordinary person, it will be of little use.

After all, it is naturally impossible for an ordinary person to rush to this information storage point and learn this knowledge within a few hours.

Therefore, the reason why this secret realm can bring so many benefits is also because of Xia Ming’s activity.

Others have also been running around the world in recent years, and it is not a problem to run around the world with their feet.

It is precisely because of this that the entire human world has almost been turned over by them, and they have also understood the situation in the human world.

Of course, just a rough understanding, a lot of hidden information they don’t know, such as the situation of the food fair, IGO Zero ecological zone and other information.

Now all that remains is to complete the task, as previously agreed, everyone will perform their duties, what they should do.

In the end, the four beasts were bombarded by Xia Ming’s cosmic explosion, and those who were poisoned also directly used the antidote spilled in the air to directly detoxify and complete pregnancy.

In this way, there will be almost no victims, so this time it can be said that it is the best, if you want to continue to improve, then it is estimated that you need to shorten the time, but this does not mean much…

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