Chapter 312 Makarov like an old father!!

“Shhh… So fast, the hand man who didn’t see how to move at all flew out! ”

Loki, who came in from the outside, also had a skeptical face, and was directly hit and flew away, although he can’t exert all his strength now, but his strength is not weak to this extent, so now he is beginning to doubt life.

In fact, to put it bluntly, even in his heyday, he was not much stronger, and in the entire star spirit group, the strongest star spirit king was only at the same level as Hades, and the strength of Hades was not particularly strong, and it should belong to the level of twelve shields.

The strength of the Star Spirit King is almost at this level, and there is also a level difference among the twelve shields, just like the two of Irene and Ougast, known as the existence of double walls, the other twelve shields are simply incomparable.

The overall strength of the Star Spirit was weak, and the so-called Zodiac was only the strength of the S-level, even if the person who used the Star Spirit Magic was strong, he could not raise the strength of these Star Spirits to the level of the Holy Ten Great Demon Guides.

However, when the reversal body is slightly stronger, but it has not reached a very terrifying level, the upper limit of star spirit magic is too low, and there is no way to touch the limits of this world.

“Loki, you should pay attention to what you say in the future, this time it is the people who have left their hands, next time it will not be so lucky!”

After Loki re-entered, Makarov opened his mouth, Loki’s mouth flowers were originally quite a helpless thing, in the past other Makarov can still go to the bottom, but now these, he can’t see through each of them, which is very helpless.

After being warned by Makarov, Loki also took a deep breath and didn’t say much.

The banquet was held late at night, many people drank directly and fell down, the whole guild can be said to be chaotic, the atmosphere is quite good, originally Makarov will become like this.

But because of this incident, he didn’t drink much, and when the banquet was over, he and Xia Ming and the others came to the underground library, and now there was no one here.

Miraj also quickly told Makarov what happened to him, and he was also stunned when he heard the last Makarov, especially after sensing Miraj’s magic.

Miraj’s magic power now even surpasses him completely, and he couldn’t sense it before, and that’s because Miraj hides it well.

After learning to eat righteousness, in terms of power control, this world is not comparable to Miraj even if it is the Dark Magician Jelf.

As for Akunolokia, there is no need to say that guy, he was originally a madman, so don’t expect him to control his power more precisely.

“It’s unbelievable, there is still such a place, and Lisanna actually fell to another continent, no wonder you can get Lisanna back, Mr. Xia Ming and my children really thank you for taking care of you!”

Makarov opened his mouth to say thanks with a serious face, and this thanks were not formal, but heartfelt.

Makarov has always treated the members of the entire guild as his own children, from beginning to end, and he can sacrifice everything for the guild members.

I have to say that among the three generations of presidents, Makarov is the best one, and he is also the one who makes the fairy tail the most belonging.

“I accepted your thanks, but now that Miraj is also a member of our squad, it is also appropriate to do so.”

Xia Ming did not feel that this kind of gratitude was unnecessary because Miraj was a member of his own team, this was Makarov’s heartfelt gratitude, and it was the role of a father, so this thanks Xia Ming accepted.

“By the way, the guild leader, other people in that world can also enter, but everything needs to listen to Xia Ming.”

Miraj spoke, and told Makarov the information about food righteousness.

“What the hell is food righteousness?”

For food meaning, the explanation is somewhat abstract, so that Makarov is a little puzzled, this is the control of power? But how precise is the control of power?

He has lived for so many years, and he feels that there is nothing too wrong with his control of power.

This is actually normal, after all, each power system is different, but the food system can be compatible with other systems.

And this kind of thing is indeed quite exaggerated, and it can be accurate to an outrageous degree in terms of power control…

Even if you directly remove the flesh of a fish, the fish will not realize that its flesh is gone, and can continue to swim for several years before dying, it can be said that the food has reached a level of turning decay into magic.

So Makarov was not particularly aware of the meaning of food.

“It’s simple, if you want to understand it clearly, you will know it with a little handshake.”

Xia Ming began to suggest, and Makarov, who heard this, did not say much, but because it was late at night, once they fought, the battle of the Holy Ten Rank would generally cause the world to change, so he planned to wait until daytime.

At night, such a big energy fluctuation suddenly broke out, maybe something would happen, it was better to do it during the day, Makarov was also, not worried about being…

Now the goblin’s tail is too much, and if the Magic Council really does something to the goblin’s tail, it will be gone.

After all, there was still a Four Heavenly King standing behind the goblin’s tail, and now Miraj also had such strength, although he didn’t know how strong Xia Ming and others were, but he was definitely above Miraj.

Such a power is here, and Makarov does not like to provoke others, otherwise he can really be completely unscrupulous, and the Magic Council does not dare to let go.

In fact, the existence of the Magic Council is indeed very difficult.

After all, the Fairy Tail is not a dark guild, they can forcibly suppress the Council, but the small movements behind the Council’s back will make the Fairy Tail invincible.

Just kill it, the fairy tail will become a dark guild, so that Makarov simply arranged an undercover agent to go to the council and help keep an eye on the council and the western continent

In this way, time flickered to the next day, knowing that Miraj was going to fight with Makarov, and everyone was shocked.

“Just kidding, although I admit that she is indeed very strong and her strength has recovered, but there is no chance of winning a fight with the guild leader!”

Gray has been blinded, you must know that Makarov is an old Saint Ten, although he is not the Four Heavenly Kings, but he is also second only to the Four Heavenly Kings.

They all know such strength, but now Miraj is going to fight with Makarov for ten…

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