Chapter 319: Attacking the Western Continent of Ishugar!!

Not orthodox dragon slayer magicians, they simply learned dragon magic, have a little dragon physique, do not have the ability to dragonize, after hearing this, Makarov also breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, he couldn’t find a dragon to put in Laxus’s body to help Laxus get any dragonized antibodies.

In fact, there have been three generations of dragon slayer magicians in the original work, but in fact, there are only two generations, that is, people who have been taught dragon slaying magic by dragons and people who have implanted dragon crystal to learn dragon slaying magic.

As for the third generation, it is funny, the concept of the third generation is from Rogge and Stinger.

But these two are themselves the first generation of Dragon Slayer Sorcerers, and most importantly, their memories have been manipulated by the White Dragon and the Shadow Dragon, so they feel that they killed the dragon.

However, there was no such thing at all, and the so-called third generation of Dragon Slayer Magicians was also invented by these two people themselves.

While everyone was talking, something was happening on the continent of Ishugar and the western continent at this moment.

The strongest of the three dark guilds, the Gate of Hades, is a guild made up of demons from Jelf’s book.

At the moment of Jelf’s death, all the demons created by Jelf began to disappear.

At the same time, demons like Lalabai, which had been stolen, also began to dissipate

These demons created by Jelf, once Jelf is gone, they are naturally gone.

At the same time, on this side of the Western Continent, there was also a person who disappeared from the eyes of everyone, and this person was Rakaide Doragnir, one of the twelve shields.

This guy is also one of the demons that Jelf created, and because he belongs to the most perfect demon besides Naz, Jelf gave his last name, Doragnier, to Laccad.

As a result, Lakaid felt that this was Jelf’s approval, so he called himself Jelf’s child, well, in fact, the real child was Olgast.

After that, he also competed with Natsu and even tried to let Jelf kill Natsu, and now, Jelf died, and he naturally disappeared without any suspense.

“Why did Lakaid suddenly disappear?”

The other members of the Twelve Shields were also a little confused when they found out that Lakaid had disappeared.

“It seems that something happened to His Majesty, Lakade himself is a demon created by His Majesty, and these ashes should be traces of Lakaid’s Book of Demons after burning.”

“The Book of Demons burns, then there are only two possibilities, one is that His Majesty directly killed Lakaid, and the other is that something happened to His Majesty, and Lakaid, who is connected to His Majesty’s life, will naturally die with him.”

Erin opened her mouth and said that as one of the old antiques that had lived for more than four hundred years, she also knew Jelf very well and knew the situation of these demons that Jeff created.

“Impossible, how can there be an accident with the strength of Your Majesty?”

Inbell said he couldn’t believe something would go wrong with Jelf.

“But the disappearance of Rakaid is indeed very strange, His Majesty has no reason to kill Rakaide directly, I remember that there are many demons created by His Majesty on the continent of Ishugar, let me go and see the situation over there, waiting for my news!”

After saying that, Olgast left directly, Olgast is Jelf’s own son, his own magic power is also terrifying to the extreme, and the number and variety of magic he has mastered are more than Jelf.

In the end, he also died in the after-effects of releasing ancient magic, which can only be said to be a creation and trickery.

At the speed of Olgast, it was easy to use space magic to travel to the continent of Ishugal, and after he found the headquarters of the Gate of the Underworld, he found that the demons had disappeared except for some of the ashes that had burned.

Sensing this, Olgast returned to the Western Continent and told everyone what he had discovered.

“Although I don’t want to admit it, the probability of Your Majesty’s accident is very high, and all the demons created by Your Majesty have died.”

Ougast shook his head, Jelf would not casually kill these demons, so the probability of an accident was too great now.

“No matter what, I don’t believe that something will happen to Your Majesty, after His Majesty left, he went to the Ishugar continent, then we will go over to investigate and knock down the Ishugar continent.”

Inbell, as Jelf’s aide-de-camp, naturally did not accept such a statement, and many others did the same, although Erin and Ogast felt that Jelf might have a problem, but they did not say much.

They themselves were lucky, so now, they did not refute Inbel’s decision to send troops to attack the continent of Ishugar, but chose to acquiesce.

No one refuted it, but Inbel’s order was quickly passed on, and the entire Western Continent’s army moved.

The Super Magic Empire composed of a full seven hundred and thirty guilds is not comparable to the Ishugal Continent.

The guilds of the entire continent of the Ishugar Continent are only more than five hundred points, and the most important thing is that this is the result of the addition of the dark guild and the light guild of the entire continent.

This is not comparable at all, and the four heavenly kings of Ishugar are even more funny, and the one who ranks first can completely abuse others, and there is no comparison at all.

And that one is just one of the twelve shields.

The two sides are not proportional to both high-end combat power and low-level combat.

The Magic Council is still constantly plastering gold on its face, saying that others dare not come because they are afraid of the magic guide spirit power, just that kind of thing, in front of people, it really can’t be turned over.

The entire Western Continent is now moving, and countless magic warships are constantly approaching this side of the Isugal Continent.

On the side of the Ishugar Continent, the people of the Magic Council naturally reacted, after all, they had been staring.

Meister, who was lurking in the Auditorium, also directly triggered his magic and restored his memory because of this premise.

In order to ensure that he can lurk safely in the Magic Council, this guy uses his magic to erase his memories, and only Makarov has specific information about the Western Continent to restore his memory.

It is also for this reason that the fairy tail was also run back as an undercover agent in this original book, and it can only be said that this memory magic is indeed not so fun, and I don’t know when it will be played off.

This reverse undercover is okay.

However, now because of the news of the Western Continent, his memory was restored, and he immediately contacted Makarov with the news from this side through the crystal ball.

Originally, his purpose on the side of the Council was to monitor the West Continent’s every move through the Council, after all, the heart of the goblin was what the West Continent wanted most.

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