Chapter 329: The Body of a God!!

The white ghosts in Ayu’s body are so domineering, and this one in Xia Ming’s body is naturally more domineering, but Xia Ming’s gourmet cells originate from the system, so they are optimized, and now Xia Ming is also clear, no wonder his abilities are so against the sky.

These heaven-defying abilities are placed on this food god, naturally it is not too much of a problem.

The god of food is completely static in his consciousness space, and it is also for his sake, otherwise it is estimated that a random move of a finger can also kill Xia Ming, and the current Xia Ming is not comparable to Ah Yu, who has eaten several ingredients.

After eating several ingredients, Ah Yu couldn’t let the white ghost move casually, and the god of food naturally didn’t have to say anything.

But now Xia Ming has also seen the god of food more frequently, of course, because this time he got special ingredients.

Xia Ming can feel that his cell strength has increased a lot, in the captive world of food, it is not that only by eating those eight ingredients can he improve his strength, and other ingredients can also be.

But this requires a long time to accumulate, just like the three tigers, the three tigers have not eaten eight kinds of ingredients, and these ingredients are all sent by Blanche after eating.

I also ate these ingredients, but the background of the three tigers is much stronger than Ah Yu and others.

The strength is not comparable to the two at all, but these eight ingredients can quickly improve their strength.

After Xia Ming ate the divine ingredients, the cells were activated again, but they did not let Xia Ming soar hundreds of levels in one breath, and now Xia Ming’s level is almost more than two hundred and close to three hundred.

Of course, this is the cell level, the real combat power is completely different, the most important thing is that Xia Ming has obtained another ability.

This ability is called the body of the god, and as the name suggests, Xia Ming can use this ability to mimic the body of the god of food.

Once this move is used, it is an all-round super strengthening, and as for how terrifying it is, Xia Ming does not know, after all, he has not experimented.

Having obtained the new tricks, Xia Ming naturally couldn’t wait to try it.

Activating the body of the god was only a momentary effort, and at the moment of activation, Xia Ming’s body changed, directly breaking the roof above the residence, and then the huge body swelled to a height of thousands of meters.

In addition, his appearance has also changed, the whole has become a little illusory, full of white light, like a food god, this is the special feature of the body of the god, directly imitating the body of the food god.

The terrifying aura also swept through the entire secret realm at this moment, but this aura was softer, which would only make people feel a terrifying aura, unable to move, and did not directly suppress people.

Xia Ming was also extremely curious about his form at this moment, and tried to move his hand, but with this simple move, the terrifying momentum was released from the wave of his hand.

The terrifying momentum rushed towards the air, instantly tearing the clouds and mist above the entire secret realm apart.

If this were placed in some low-level world, there would be no doubt that the barriers of the entire world would be directly pierced by this one.

And this was just a move of the hand, not an attack, but Xia Ming felt that the calories in his body were rapidly depleting.

Just for a few seconds of transformation, half of the calories in his body had gone, that is to say, the calories in his body supported him to use the god-like body for up to ten seconds.

Even if you use the calories that have not been stored, it is estimated that this time will not reach a minute.

And this is not the use of a big move, so although this trick Xia Ming can use, and the power is huge, but the consumption after using it is also very large.

After perceiving this, Xia Ming directly converged on his god-like body, this move was only suitable for use when fighting with powerful creatures, and there was no need to continue experimenting now.

“Xia Mingjun, have you gained new abilities? It’s so powerful! ”

The movement caused by Xia Ming’s casual movement just now can be described as huge, and I didn’t know that I thought it was an amplification move here, but the result was just a simple move.

“Well, the ability I just got, tested it.”

Xia Ming nodded, the power of this move is really terrifying, that is, there is some speechlessness in terms of consumption.

If you want to use it normally, it is estimated that you must wait until the level reaches several thousand levels, and it is estimated that you can use it for a long time to reach tens of thousands of levels.

All in all, this is a super food consumer.

Not only Alice and the others were curious, but others were also very curious, but only Hestia and Loki were directly found.

They are gods themselves, and of course, such gods and food gods are not a hierarchy at all.

The breath released by Xia Ming’s god-like body just now made the two gods unconsciously unseal it, but even if they unsealed it, they found that they basically had no resistance in the face of this pressure.

The wrong world has always been too weak to compare with the captive world of food, so this has happened.

They also came for what happened just now, after all, Xia Ming’s anthropomorphic body just now is not a mortal state at all, but another higher-level life form, and they are like this now.

The so-called gods, in addition to having a certain authority in the world, the biggest feature lies in their life level, which is why these gods can live forever, even if they die, they can be resurrected.

The life level is completely different, and after Xia Ming used the body of the gods, the life level directly jumped several levels, above these gods.

You know, what Xia Ming was above them before was just pure strength.

This is like Sun Wukong in the Dragon Ball world, is Sun Wukong strong? Very strong, but the result? Will get sick, die of heart disease, and be drugged by Frost and directly comatose.

was directly knocked over with an anesthesia gun, in short, Sun Wukong’s strength has reached the level that can destroy the universe, but his own life level is very low.

Xia Ming’s anthropomorphic body is somewhat similar to his state of transforming into super blue and using the Freedom Extreme Consciousness Skill.

The breath and posture of the gods are mimicked.

It’s just that this mimicry is temporary, and Xia Ming is the same now, his body is too weak to carry too much of the power of the food god in his body.

Therefore, only when he uses this move, the life level will be greatly improved, but there is also a time limit.

However, Xia Ming didn’t care, improving the level of life is a process, he has this background to improve…

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