Chapter 331: Gourmet Prison, Beast Season!!

“Who are you? And where is it? ”

At this moment, Reem had pulled out his weapon, which was the Meteor Hammer.

“Old rules, explain it to her.”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and said that the work of explaining now is generally a few girls, and he is too lazy to say anything, anyway, it is like that over and over again.

After some explanation, everyone finally explained the matter of the secret realm clearly, but Rem on the opposite side did not let go of his guard, and it was impossible for Rem to let go of his guard.

Her personality itself is biased towards that vigilant type, and her own strength is not very strong, so naturally she can’t do the same as the Yachiyuki of the Uchiha no Hana, and basically makes a judgment after listening.

Now Reem felt that everyone was fooling her, after all, such a thing was really completely unheard of for Reem.

Although the zero world is also a relatively peculiar world, and Rem itself is not a Terran, there are many commonalities.

“Roar, roar…”

Just when Rem was still vigilant, a large number of beast roars continued to come, and then a huge pterosaur-like creature with wings spanning hundreds of meters flew up from below.

“This is a beast with a capture level of 63.”

Everyone naturally recognized this pterosaur, and with the emergence of a pterosaur, a large number of flying monster birds continued to emerge, the number increased rapidly, and the average level exceeded 60.

Everyone even saw the traces of some kilometer-level giant beasts.

“This… What is it! ”

Xia Ming and the others are very calm, but the rem behind is completely different, the fierce beasts here, each one can easily take out the beluga whale of their world.

Although she has not seen beluga whales yet, other Warcraft have seen some, and there is no doubt that the Warcraft here are strong and terrifying, which is not at all comparable to the Warcraft she has seen before.

That body, which was bigger than a mountain, had already scared her in terms of size alone.

After all, she is not a certain hanging sword saint, of course, even a certain hanging forced sword master cannot be regarded as not seeing such a fierce beast, although Leo Tian is a super strong from the zero world, but in this world, it is not enough to see.

“So many fierce beasts, is it really okay for the prison to be built in such a place?”

Looking at this almost countless beasts, everyone was also a little speechless, is this prison built in this kind of place really not worried about being attacked?

“It is precisely because of the existence of such a fierce beast that the prison will be built here, and the prison itself also has the ability to hide, and it is built using special materials, and there is no fear of destruction.”

“Moreover, the average level of the beasts here is just over 60 points, and it is not too much of a problem to deal with these beasts.”

Xia Ming shook his head, the director here in the original work is Rab, although he is a small existence, but people can enter the food world, and he is also one of the members of the zero ecological region.

The members of IGO Ecological Zone Zero, without exception, are all existence with a level of more than 100, otherwise they are not eligible to join it at all.

“That being said, that’s a lot of it!”

In addition to the strange birds in the air, there are a large number of beasts below that are constantly fighting, which is simply a sea of beasts.

“We should have encountered the beast season, the gourmet prison side, divided into four assemblies, not the normal spring, summer, autumn and winter such an assembly, but divided into melting, fog, freeze, beast four assemblies.”

“It is said that the environmental changes here in the gourmet prison are similar to those in the food world, and molten means lava, and by this season, a large amount of lava will spew out from under the whole prison, turning the place into a sea of magma.”

“The fog season is very easy to understand, thick fog, of course, the thick fog that appears here in the fog season is a highly toxic thick fog, once inhaled, the consequences do not have to be thought about.”

“The freezing season is cold, as cold as the hell of ice, and once you leave prison and have no protection, it is basically equivalent to death.”

“Finally, there is the beast season, there are a large number of beasts with an average level of about 60 running around, that is, the ocean of beasts we see now, and normal prisoners will undoubtedly die if they encounter them.”

Xia Ming told everyone about the situation here in the prison, and among the information he had in his possession was all the information in the human world, so now he was completely at ease with these things.

“It’s really a terrifying prison, and the people who are detained here are expected to be desperate, and everyone will hear a chill.”

“Despair is normal, of course, those who are detained here are some felons Xia Ming but they remember it clearly, just the criminals in the first layer, one of them is a guy who ate two trillion overlord meals, what is the concept of this amount?”

Don’t look at the captive world of food as if money is worthless, but to be honest, it is also those of high rank who can have such terrifying funds.

As for ordinary people, in fact, they are all the same.

So this goods ate two trillion overlord meals, a super professional liar, locked up on the first floor here.

There are also felons who killed dozens of people, which are simply detained on the first floor.

Anyway, it is to deprive the other party of what he likes, like to eat sweets, what he eats is completely tasteless, and if he wants to eat full, then let him see that the food cannot be eaten, and there are means such as blocking nerves.

In short, to deal with the people here, you don’t need any gentle means, just treat them cruelly.

Of course, the people imprisoned here are not particularly strong, otherwise they would be completely useless, just like the existence of Zebra.

In Zebra’s original work, even if it was directly executed with a level fifty or sixty execution beast, it was completely useless, and a big move killed all the beasts that had gathered near the prison for the entire beast season.

Therefore, if you want to deal with tough prisoners, you must use some unconventional means.

Zebra is because he is one of the Four Heavenly Kings himself, and the extinct creatures are dangerous creatures that have no benefit at all.

Dangerous creatures are generally used to make biological weapons, so Zebra’s extermination of these creatures is actually not a big deal.

It is precisely because of this that even if he is arrested, he has not made much noise.

He himself is basically free in this prison, and he doesn’t care at all.

“You… What you said before is true? ”

Rem, who saw so many terrifying beasts, no longer knew what to say, he could only say that it was too terrifying…

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