Chapter 333: Director Rab of Unrequited Love!!

“But even if he is the Four Heavenly Kings, there are too many records, and in terms of this record, it is indeed quite powerful, all the executions here have no effect on him at all, and he single-handedly killed all the fierce beasts around the prison during the beast season.”

Everyone is also somewhat speechless about this large number of records about Zebra.

“Because the warden here, Director Rab, liked Zebra back then, but these two people are destined not to get together.”

Xia Ming naturally knew that this was Director Rab’s personal goods, which was about to become Zebra’s personal show, but it was not difficult to understand Director Rab’s attitude towards Zebra.

“Why are two people destined not to go together?”

Hearing this kind of love-hate topic, the girls’ gossip hearts rise, and Reim on the side is quite speechless, this dangerous place, as well as the unfamiliar environment, completely do not understand the content of the stone tablet.

Is it really good that this group of people still pays attention to such gossip so easily? But when she thought of the previous scene where Esdes killed those fierce beasts in one move, she seemed to feel that it was no big deal.

“There are almost two reasons, one is because Zebra is a complete madman, his appetite is to the extreme, and there is basically nothing to attract him except food and fighting.”

“Secondly, the physical problems of these two people, Zebra’s height is almost two meters and five, which is equivalent to a small giant for us, and the height of Director Rab is less than one meter!”

Xia Ming was a little speechless, the height difference between these two people is too large, and the most important thing is that although Director Rab has the ability to transform, this transformation is a visual transformation using hormones to affect other people.

Rather than really changing into this, so she and Zebra were doomed to walk together, Rabu felt more like dwarfism.

“Less than a meter? Two meters five? This…… It’s really not a piece! Everyone was a little speechless when they thought of this picture. ”

“This… It doesn’t seem to be completely unacceptable! ”

However, there is one person whose opinion is different from everyone, this person is Han Cook, hearing Han Cook’s words, Xia Ming was also stunned for a while, and then, and then there was no then.

No wonder Han Cook thinks it’s not a big deal, you know, in the pirate world this kind of thing is very normal, not to mention, just say Neptune and Princess Otohime, these two are really magical.

King Neptune, twelve meters tall, and Princess Otohime, two meters tall.

The three sons are raised by four or five or six meters, and the daughter Bai Xing is eleven meters, especially the White Star, if the other few may be born small, but the White Star is completely different, quite large.

In the pirate world, common sense cannot be used to infer that there are too many strange things, so Han Cook, who grew up in the pirate world, feels that this kind of thing is nothing.

There are two meters and twelve meters, and the gap between less than one meter and two meters does not seem to be completely unacceptable.

“Cough, this topic is skipped for the time being, anyway, it has nothing to do with us.”

Xia Ming shook his head, and then checked the task situation, unfortunately, there is no task here, it is normal to think, after all, this is a prison, and there is nothing inside.

The reason why the original book appeared here is also because Zebra is imprisoned here, in order for the last Four Heavenly Kings to appear Ayu and the two will appear here, otherwise there is really no need to appear here.

“It’s a shame that there is no mission, then after capturing some ingredients, let’s leave.”

Everyone didn’t see the task either, but it was good to listen to the gossip once, in addition, there are fierce beasts here that can also capture some, which are good ingredients.

These beasts belong to the edible type, and as people who are accustomed to hoarding, they naturally will not let these beasts go so simply.

After that, a group of people scattered to capture the beast they wanted.

Rem was also stunned to see this scene, and as for Xia Ming, he didn’t follow along and handed it over to others.

He had also probed this vicinity, and there was no danger.

“How? How do you feel? ”

Xia Ming came to Reim’s side and asked.

“It’s incredible, everything is like a dream, but Rem knows it’s not a dream.”

Rem opened his mouth and said, even the fetish has not changed, Rem and Ram both like to use their own names to call themselves, which is also one of the cute points…

It’s just that the two have always been just pawns, and they are loyal to the guy Rozvall, but the affairs of their hometown have become like that because of Rozvall.

Rozvall this guy also spent an unknown amount of work in order to resurrect his own master, of course, this guy is a real pervert is right.

After all, this goods once occupied a woman’s body, and also liked others, this operation is also speechless.

Xia Ming also just wanted to say that apart from the pirate world, the only person who could compare with him was Boss Crumbs.

After all, the guy can become a man and a woman, an old man and a child.

“It’s good to know that it’s not a dream, all you have to do is become stronger as soon as possible, after all, you can’t do it if you want to get rid of it, and you can only live if you become stronger.”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and said, since he was brought into the secret realm, don’t think about leaving.

“Reem knows, by the way, this adult doesn’t know what to call it?”

Reem lowered her posture to the point that she was a maid herself, and secondly, she knew very well that no one here could be provoked by her.

“Don’t call me Lord, I’m the captain of this squad, my name is Xia Ming, you can call me by my name directly.”

Xia Ming shook his head, being called an adult or something, on other occasions it was nothing, it felt strange in his own squad.

Even if Reim is just a newcomer.

“Reem knows, so I’ll call Captain, in fact, I want to ask if there are any drugs in this world that can regenerate limbs.”

Reem’s first thought was to restore Ram’s ghost horn, which is actually quite normal, after all, this is what Ream has always wanted to do.

It’s just a pity that in her world, she can’t find a way to do this, and Ram can only rely on others to replenish his magic power or some magic stones and other things to survive.

After all, Ram’s situation is like a funnel, if the ghost horn is not restored, it will always be in a state of deficit…

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